Why are muslims afraid of the teapot cult???


Sir Vincent, knighted by HM
Registered Senior Member

Malaysia 'teapot cult' attacked

"The large teapot dominates Ayah Pin's Sky Kingdom

Arsonists have attacked the base of a small inter-faith sect in Malaysia called the Sky Kingdom.

The sect is noted for building a giant teapot to symbolise its belief in the healing purity of water, and is accused of luring Muslims away from Islam.

A lawyer for the sect, Haris Mohamad Ibrahim, said that about 30 armed men dressed in Arab robes had attacked the commune with Molotov cocktails.

No-one was injured in the attack, which caused a small fire.

"The roof of the teapot structure is... slightly charred, but since it is made of concrete, the damage is not extensive," firefighter Ahmad Fakarudin told Reuters news agency.

Earlier this month, the group was raided by police, and 21 followers were arrested for possessing documents contrary to Islam. They were all freed on bail pending a court appearance in September.

Members have been jailed in the past for attempting to renounce Islam, and the group's bizarre constructions have been deemed to be against local regulations. "

Well i thought i heard it all as far as islam is concerned but this story takes the biscuit are not muslims free people can they not change there religon if they want, or are muslim leaders now openly saying it is a offence to renounce islam and change religons

Is there religon so weak that they fear a Giant Teapot
to the extent 30 armed men attack it!!!!!!

For the life of me i can not forsee the day any other religous faith will feel threatened by a giant teapot!!!!!!

How so very sad and what makes it worse its true!!!!!
Some days I have a harder time mocking your posts than others.
This is one of them.
From the report:

...and is accused of luring Muslims away from Islam.

That's exactly it. How dare anyone or anything allow people to exercise free will regarding their beliefs.

It's almost unbelievably absurd. The "teapot cult"??? Christ on a stick...
The Prosecutor (3,433 posts)

Today, 09:08 PM
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Some days I have a harder time mocking your posts than others.
This is one of them.

Well most religons would have a good laugh at the giant teapot
and maybe a cup of tea aswell to toast it, and no doubt it would become a tourist attraction.

But Muslims see it as a dangerous threat to there religon
What next The giant watermelon cult
or the killer tomatoe cult

it is high time muslims learned that all men and women are born free

Free to choose there religon

Religon should never dominate your life
fellow humanbeings and family come before religon!!!!!
Well, some are. Just as are some christians, jews, hindu, and probably a handful of the remaining zoroastrians. It goes along with the species, I suppose.

Those brainwashed morons who happen to follow Islam, as opposed to any of the other religions, are just one hell of a lot more active right now than their non-Islamist counterparts. These things come in waves.
The Prosecutor (3,436 posts)

Mr Prosecutor or your honour if i may

Can you ever see a day when another religous faith other than islam will attack or fear a giant teapot

This teapot case is taking islam into absolute farce, muslims by there actions here seem to have no sense of humour, and once again they show a intolerance to other practising religons in there country.

Religous Freedom is islams biggest threat and fear

If a man wants to worship water gods or for that matter a water beatle god,
that is his choice, and muslim governments or muslim individuals should not interfere in that choice.

muslims are living there entire lives being obsessed by religon praying 5 or 6 times aday

Religon is not your family, your entire life, i place insects, animals, and humanbeings well before religon

Yes i believe in god but only in my heart, i do not feel the need to see a possible paedophile priest to confess my sins.

Religon is only a belief not a obsession, when it becomes a obsession it becomes dangerous

"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it with religious
conviction." --- by Blaise Pascal.
vincent28uk said:
Mr Prosecutor or your honour if i may

Can you ever see a day when another religous faith other than islam will attack or fear a giant teapot
Oh, yes. Christianity, in its more militant phases, would do something like that in a second. Or worse.

Members went on crusade no less than nine times, and thats just off the top of my head. Synagogues are occasionally torched to this day. The inquisition or witch hunts couldn't exactly be termed pleasant. Until recently the Catholics and Protestants had been beating each other senseless up in Ireland. Spanish conquistadors destroyed temples and every codex they could lay their hands on and forcefully converted untold millions at swordpoint under a papal blessing.

I could give similar examples for many religions.
The Prosecutor (3,440 posts)
Members went on crusade no less than nine times, and thats just off the top of my head. Synagogues are occasionally torched to this day. The inquisition or witch hunts couldn't exactly be termed pleasant.

yes your honour but, do you have any cases in modern times religons and humanity has progressed
i am aware of over 150,000 witches were burned alive mostly in germany there were only 350 cases in the uk

but they were cases of a civilization that new no better, ignorant men.

but in this day and age of education tv internet etc we know better

My case is in malaysia 30 grown men conspired together to burn a concrete teapot
because it threatened islam

i understand that 2 or even 3 numbskulls can can get together to do such a riduculous
thing but 30 men that represents a cult itself

and also 30 future suicide bombers i think because if there stupid enough to attack a teapot in the name of islam are they not stupid enough to blow themselves up in a western country in the name of islam.

as for the ireland case they were roughly 100 years behind the uk in religous harmony

but even there now the bombs have stopped but the religous bigotry will go on there for another 20 or 30 years before they will see past religon and see only a fellow humanbeing instead of a enemy of opposing faith.

When are muslims going to see past religon, and see ther fellow humanbeings

What insane ideas makes a muslim walk up to 27 children in iraq who are getting sweets from american soldiers, and then blows himself up killing all the kids

Is this man so brainwashed he can not even see these are muslim children

everyday these brainwashed drones come off the suicide conveyor belt to blow themselves up either in afganistan, iraq, uk, america, india,pakistan, the list goes on and on.

When does this suicide conveyor belt stop, only when muslims stop taking religon seriously.

like it or not chanting ryhtmic moving as one sleep deprivation, and fasting as in ramadan are all classic brainwashing techniques any psychologist**will tell you this,
and if you get a bad muslim cleric who wants spin a line of hate and death to infidels
these brainwashed subjects will follow his ideas

Every country is on there guard for these suicide brainwashed drones
all our lives are being affected by there actions our economies etc.

When is the islamic religon going to stamp out this madness, could not the hundreds
of billions of dollars being spent around the world on trying to protect us from islamic militants be spent on more worthwhile causes instead of these militants.
Islam can not have another cult, Tea Pot or not, competing for the peoples will. And the simple answer is Islam is not so popular. Most people, when given a choice, will not choose to become a Muslim (some likeminded people do - don’t get me wrong, some people also choose to be spanked in a diper :D BUTT not most ;)

As is the case with most religions, most Muslims are born into Islam – not converted. [actually, I believe the stats show that most go in for Buddhism first, Falun gong second and even Baha’i appears to be on the increase]

So imagine - you have the whole world thinking your religion is backwards (and relatively it is) and the mainstay sermon mutters on-and-on-and-on about Infidels and Jews and other such nonsense - - offering little in terms of peace of mind, solitude, or modern day insight. When that's the case, people begin to convert to something that does give them the answers they seek. And when people start converting, other people start wondering WHY.

Why did Mo, who used to be a Muslim, convert to the Tea Pot cult? Then you go and investigate (Mo was a nice lad after all). And you find that this Tea Pot cult is offering something a little more insightful and tailored to your life and circumstances and from thereafter the old “Your life sucks because of Infidels and Jews and bla bla bla bla” just doesn’t cut it. Soon enough you’re pouring Tea. . . . from a POT no less!!
So you can see how this can be threatening to those Muslims who tried to burn the concrete Tea Pot (which is kind of funny)

By having a new local tailor-made religion in the area competing with their old-hat Islamic religion, the Tea Pot will naturally appeal to the locals. And each convert lends the Tea Pot credibility while simultaneously taking creadibility away from Islam.

It's like directly slapping them in the face – so they HAVE a religious duty to try and burn that Tea Pot to the ground!!

Which is great because of the irony - which is there is little to nothing that Muslims can do. Trying to stop it is akin to pouring gas to put out a fire. More Muslims will want to know what this Tea Pot thing is about and more will convert. More outsiders will see the intolerance of Islam and think it’s backwards. And finally, more Muslims themselves will leave the religion.

This Tea Pot thing is just a sign of the times.
Yes mr michael
But for islam to feel threatened by a giant teapot and attacking it
Really for me sums up the pathetic state islam is in today

This teapot attack does not make me laugh it just saddens me further
in knowing there really is no hope for this religon
There's a Teapot Cult? :bugeye:

My case is in malaysia 30 grown men conspired together to burn a concrete teapot because it threatened islam
I guess the fact that it's deemed a "cult" might have something to do with it. Most religious plebs (of any religion) feel threatened by a cult moving into their midst. Would you have been just as offended or upset at Islam if the 30 men had gathered outside the teapot and sung "I'm a little teapot" as an insult to the Teapot Cult?

Well i thought i heard it all as far as islam is concerned but this story takes the biscuit are not muslims free people can they not change there religon if they want, or are muslim leaders now openly saying it is a offence to renounce islam and change religons
I thought I had heard it all where religions and cults were concerned but I must admit I have never heard of a teapot cult. And of course you're not poking fun at this so called 'report' about a teapot cult by stating that this 'story takes the biscuit'... :rolleyes:

There are many countries and communities that are not Islamic where new or different religions and cults are frowned upon and attacked by not only the public, but the Government itself. This phenomenon does not exist solely within the realm of Islam.

From the report linked by Vinny:

A lawyer for the sect, Haris Mohamad Ibrahim, said that about 30 armed men dressed in Arab robes had attacked the commune with Molotov cocktails.
So the attackers were dressed as Arabs? Interesting seeing that Malaysia is not Arabic. But of course... they just must be Muslim because they were dressed as Arabs (insert sarcasm here). Arabic dress does not mean that they are in fact Muslim. For all you or anyone else knows, they could have just been a group of people against tea or teapots or been offended by the architectual horror that they felt when they saw the giant teapot filling their view of the countryside.


Now who's with me?

"I'm a little teapot, short and stout... here is my handle here is my spout... "
Hells Bells
Registered User (2,020 posts)

Today, 01:23 PM
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There are many countries and communities that are not Islamic where new or different religions and cults are frowned upon and attacked by not only the public, but the Government itself. This phenomenon does not exist solely within the realm of Islam.

Hell bells you do talk teabags

This teapot cult has been attacked by malaysian police and local muslims

what is there crimes other than seducing muslims into there giant teapot

If this happened in the uk or america the police would be a laughing stock
and they would be facing a gigantic teapot lawsuit

Only in a muslim country can the police and the general public can get away with this horrendous attack on a unharmed teapot!!!

What has this teapot did to anyone
What are this teapots crimes

Are the muslim police in malaysia going to slap a giant pair of handcuffs on this teapot

Or will the teapot be allowed to spout its religous message.
Is there nobody in this forum willing to admit that this mass attack on a unharmed teapot

Sums up the sorry state islam is in
meh... Just try and separate "Islam" from "Fanatics," for the sake of not being a moron.
Shh... (115 posts)

Today, 02:23 PM
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meh... Just try and separate "Islam" from "Fanatics," for the sake of not being a moron.

It is time islam itself to seperate itself from fanatics instead of letting militants
speak for them

The entire world is under attack by islamic militants while muslims roll another spliff
and drink some more bedouin tea saying its got nothing to do with them
what can we do about it

It is not up to the west to sort this mess out it is up to islam itself and every muslim
in it