Why are geeks often atheists?


As a mother, I am telling you
Valued Senior Member

"Although this trend is obvious to most people who have visited Digg or several other similar sites, perhaps we should take a moment to have a look at some of the statistics. On a Digg religion poll, out of a base of over four thousand votes taken, 45.56 percent are reported to be atheists. This makes them the single largest religious group on Digg, followed closely by Christianity, at 29.08 percent. Likewise, on Shuzak, a statistical examination of the 271 users who actually declared their religion showed the percentage of Atheists to be close to 70%. "
'Geeks' aren't sheep. Sheep follow fashion, and religious leaders too easily.

Although I don't think the generalisation holds. I geeks are likely to be athiests, but atheists not generally geeks, it's not a bijection.

Myself and all of my friends are atheists, and certainly not geeks, for instance. We prefer red wine over caffeine, and dangerous sports over Unix. I do have Garth-esque long hair, however.
w1z4rd got it right, it's funny how the ignorant and unitelligent tend to give derogatory names to the people they are envious of.
all power to the geek, at least he thinks for himself.
On a Digg religion poll, out of a base of over four thousand votes taken, 45.56 percent are reported to be atheists. This makes them the single largest religious group on Digg,

Man I wish you would have worded that a tiny bit different. Atheism is not a religion, thus a group of atheists does not make a "religious group" It makes a group of individuals, who only have an agreement in one subject, religion. They all know is a bunch of crap, that's about it, in all else they just may disagree on.
I didn't word it. It was a copy and paste hack job!!
geniuses are smart because they're not smart enough, so people can still undestand that they're smart. but mad people are way too smart for ordinary people, and even geniuses. they're so smart that they're stupid (pure, ordered, perfect)
geeks are atheists because they're good at thinking, but not with feelings.
I believe it is due to linear thinking, expanding beyond what is clearly visible. If you can only go from point A to point B and point C is not in sight then it must not exist. If i dont know about it then it is not real, cannot see it then it is not there.
What does geek mean these days? Digg, and sites of equal geeky level to Digg, are mainstream.
Search me. :shrug:



What does geek mean these days? Digg, and sites of equal geeky level to Digg, are mainstream.

Digg originally started out as a technological news site but over time it got watered down. Still, there is an abundance of tech geeks there...
On a Digg religion poll, out of a base of over four thousand votes taken, 45.56 percent are reported to be atheists. This makes them the single largest religious group on Digg, followed closely by Christianity, at 29.08 percent.

Meanwhile, Christianity is growing rapidly in Korea, going form 1% to 40% in a hundred years. Experts believe the same thing will happen in China. If there are a half a billion Chinese Christians 50 years from now, that will change the course of human history.

Seeing as how Korea and China lead the technological world, I would think that many of them are geeks too. ;)
Geeks? Fuck you all you lot of bigoted, stereotyping assholes.

I guess that makes those of you who aren't "geeks" pretty much "idiots" huh?