Why are essential fatty acids effecting my brain?


Registered Member

I have been searching the interenet for possible reasons why essential fatty acid supplements effect my brain. Im talking about borage oils, flax seed oils, fish oils, ect ect.
I have tried combined or one at a time and have tried cold pressed and pill forms.

A little background. I have a very sensitive pituitary gland. About 4 years ago I had a pituitary tumour removed. I am familiar with many different types of headaches(sinus, pressure, meninjitus, eye pain, ect.). My pituitary is a little more sensitive now I believe(ie. I cant drink as much anymore without getting headaches.. as in I believe I am more likely to get headaches from drinking now, than I was pre op.

The acute pain I feel whenever I take an omega-6 or omega-3 fatty acid supplement I know as the same pain from a pituitary comprimise. The only thing I can think of is it is causing edema in the pituitary gland region which is pressing on the optic nerve and thus causing the acute pain. The only other pain I could think of that would related to a pituitary gland would be the C.S.F being comprimised due to leakages of a pituitary adenoma or the pituitary gland itself. But the pain I feel is not indicitive of this. Ie there is no stiff neck or discomfort. Rather it feels like something is pressing on my optic nerve.

So not 100% sure its the pituitary gland but it definitly is in that region with the optic nerve.

I have read some studies online where apparently omega-3 and omega 6 fatty acids made rat/mice pituitary glands more sensitive. But from the brief description of the tests I dont understand what they mean by more sensitive. Personal I thought omega-3 and 6s were supposed to reduce inflammatory responses in people(ie arthitis and allergies).

Any discussion on or possible insight on how omega-3s and omega 6s effect the brain, or what might be going on here would be appreciated
The only thing I can think of is it is causing edema in the pituitary gland region which is pressing on the optic nerve and thus causing the acute pain. The only other pain I could think of that would related to a pituitary gland would be the C.S.F being comprimised due to leakages of a pituitary adenoma or the pituitary gland itself. But the pain I feel is not indicitive of this. Ie there is no stiff neck or discomfort. Rather it feels like something is pressing on my optic nerve.

Hmmm well, that’s a whole load of speculation there that only a doctor should help you with. Have you seen a doctor about this? Needless to say, don’t trust medical advice (or even dietary advice, in my opinion) that you get from the internet.

Personal I thought omega-3 and 6s were supposed to reduce inflammatory responses in people(ie arthitis and allergies).

No, not necessarily. The metabolism of OFAs is amazingly complex. I recall that some of the products of OFA metabolism (depending on the specific type of fatty acid and specific cell type in question) are pro-inflammatory. This is likely due to the stimulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines. I have no references for this off hand; it’s just what I remember from past reading.
I too don't think you will get the answer to your question here.
And your doctor probably won't know the answer either.
Intriguing question though.

Have you tried fresh Salmon?
I find that far superior to fatty acids in pill form.
Or even tinned salmon.
Supplements are a topic of considerable debate and most of them contain several other ingredients.

Are you taking any medications? Some of them have the potential to be intensified by Omega-3s.

Note: If you are planning to take EPA/DHA supplement, make sure you are not also taking any medication or supplement that may have their effects intensified by omega-3 fats (such as blood thinner and diabetic drugs). Consult a trained health care practitioner if in doubt.

Omega-6s and Omega-3s need to be carefully balanced and many persons are getting far more Omega-6s than they may realize in their diet.

It turned out that omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids both utilize the same enzymes and transport systems to produce biochemicals in our body. When there are more omega-6 fats, greater amounts of inflammatory compounds will be created, and lesser enzymes will be available for omega-3 fats to create chemicals that are anti-inflammatory. What’s even more shocking is that high levels of omega-6 fatty acids can actually replace and reduce omega-3 fats.

In other words, omega-3 and omega-6 fats compete with one another in our body, and the presence of one greatly affects the behavior of the other. Although omega-6 fatty acids are essential for good health, when they cross a certain level, researchers believe that’s when they start to edge out omega-3 fats and diminish their benefits.

A lengthy but interesting article here: http://theconsciouslife.com/anti-inflammatory-diet-how-to-balance-omega-3-omega-6-fats.htm

Disclaimer: I am an interested student of nutrition but I have no scientific background and I serve only to point out items of interest to those who are doing their own research.
Hey thanks for the dialogue guys. I read a book called "inflammation nation" about the proper balance between omega-3s and omega-6s and the reduction of Arachidonic Acids. I have tried combination supplements that balance the omega-3s and omega-6s. I have tried single form supplements. aka salmon oil only or borage oil only. ect ect.

I have done diets that try to remove as much Arachidonic Acid as possible. IE. removing poultry, eggs, and other foods high in Arachidonic Acids.

Its funny I dont get acute headaches by just eating fish, although I should maybe try eating fish every day for a whole week to see if that causes a headache.

but I get acute headaches like clockwork after 2-3days of taking essential fatty acid supplements. headaches that generally last for another 2-3days after I stop the supplement.

I dont take medacines that might conflict with the fatty acid supplements.

What I think is that post opp. now my pituitary, or the scar tissue is closer to the optic nerve, or maybe slightly pressing on the optic nerve, or I have more "stuff" up in my head which means I have more things squeezing together.

So the slightest swelling will give me headaches now. IE. if I drink too much dairy products and get congestion, or maybe if I drink too much alchohal, ect. I seem to be much more sensitive to headaches caused by swelling. Not with the acuteness and clockwork that I get when I take fatty acid supplements mind you.

I will try to remove all vegetable oils if any I am taking(my girlfriend makes all my meals so Im not sure what Im eating on a daily basis to tell the truth) and see if I can take a supplement that ONLY has omega 3s in it with no omega 6s in it.. if they sell those and see if that causes an acute headache(that I believe is caused by inflammation).