Why are 'deadbeat moms' never mentioned?


Custodial Fathers: Myths, Realities, and Child Support Policy
Daniel R. Meyer; Steven Garasky
Journal of Marriage and the Family, Vol. 55, No. 1. (Feb., 1993), pp. 73-89.
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In Wisconsin, fewer than 20% of the mothers
paid child support, compared to more than 60%
of the fathers, and the amounts paid by mothers
were substantially lower. These amounts paid by
mothers in Wisconsin, however, are much higher
than the amounts paid by mothers in the national
sample, in which less than 5% of noncustodial
mothers are paying child support.
In summary, very few custodial fathers receive
child support. The Wisconsin data suggest, however,
that this is primarily because of a lack of
awards, as about 70% of these fathers do not have
awards. Even when there is an award, about half
of noncustodial mothers pay nothing, although
about one fourth pay the full amount due.
Because women have no fear of using the court system. Men, for some odd reason, see it as being a weenie.
We had a neighbor lady that didn't pay child support. Her ex ended up moving himself and their 2 kids in with his parents because he was having financial difficulties. He never took her to court. He felt embarrassed that he wasn't able to provide for his kids without her help. Kinda like, if she was a housewife, he would be supporting the family, so he thought he should be able to do so without her.
And because women are more likely to be with the kids so less women are in the position to be the dead beat one.

But hearing about deadbeat moms is a good thing. And those men (and children) suffering from deadbeat moms should make themselves heard.
Society is still quite sexist when it comes to raising children. People still seem to think the mother is best qualified (unless she has addiction problems). Saying that men can't be good parents like mothers can. Its an image that needs some shifting.
Wow, I must admit I'm surprised that the people replying to this thread haven't belittled me. Usually these sort of topics elicit replies along the lines of "OMG you whining woman hater, what are you doing to correct the problem?'

And because women are more likely to be with the kids so less women are in the position to be the dead beat one.

Yes, deadbeat mums are less numerous because overwhelmingly it is often the woman who wins custody of the children. I suspect that the main reason for this is that society (and hence the courts) still think of the mother-child as one unit, whereas the father is simply an accessory that can be disposed of if necessary. That's certainly the attitude prevalent amongst the feminist activitists.

However, while deadbeat mums are less numerous, a greater proportion of women without custody don't pay child support when compared with men without custody.

So I think it's rather sexist to vilify men as an irresponsible gender who doesn't want to take care of their offspring, when it's clear that when women are placed in the same situation, they have a tendency to do the same thing (avoid their obligations, although one must consider that perhaps they just can't afford it).

But hearing about deadbeat moms is a good thing. And those men (and children) suffering from deadbeat moms should make themselves heard.

Yes, I think that they do need to speak up. I find it odd that they don't. Perhaps it's sort of taboo to openly criticise your mother?

Because women have no fear of using the court system. Men, for some odd reason, see it as being a weenie.

In some cases, I'd say that that is true. But there is also the common (and IMHO justified) view amongst the male gender that court dealing regarding child custody, child support and alimony are biased in favour of females. It's often more difficult for men to obtain justice, hence the whole process is longer, more draining and expensive. If you knew the deck was stacked against you, you'd be discouraged from wasting the money and time to begin with.
"Deadbeat moms" are mentioned all the time. If you've ever watched Today Tonight or ACA (Australian pretend-current-affairs TV, for the uninitiated) you'll see a story about once a week or so about a particular "deadbeat mum".

Middle-class Australia loves to look down on and put down single mums, in particular.
Because women have no fear of using the court system. Men, for some odd reason, see it as being a weenie.
We had a neighbor lady that didn't pay child support. Her ex ended up moving himself and their 2 kids in with his parents because he was having financial difficulties. He never took her to court. He felt embarrassed that he wasn't able to provide for his kids without her help. Kinda like, if she was a housewife, he would be supporting the family, so he thought he should be able to do so without her.

Orleander, all-knowing and politically correct as always. :bravo:

As someone else who I don't care about posted earlier, it's because society is sexist, and nobody cares if a woman doesn't pay child support, similar to how nobody is going to believe a hot girl raped some "nerd," even if it happened.
James R:
"Deadbeat moms" are mentioned all the time. If you've ever watched Today Tonight or ACA (Australian pretend-current-affairs TV, for the uninitiated) you'll see a story about once a week or so about a particular "deadbeat mum".

Hang on, James.

You've mentioned in the past that you consider Today Tonight and Current Affairs to be prime examples of shoddy journalism. But now you're acting as you're a regular viewer.

And no, you're wrong. Today Tonight has never addressed the issue of deadbeat mums (as far as I am aware), although it certainly loves to discuss deadbeat dads. You're welcome to Google and prove me wrong, though.

Middle-class Australia loves to look down on and put down single mums, in particular.

Nonsense. I think you've spent to long at your radical left wing university. They've given you a skewed outlook on life.
You've mentioned in the past that you consider Today Tonight and Current Affairs to be prime examples of shoddy journalism. But now you're acting as you're a regular viewer.

I watch the ABC for my TV news. It comes on at 7 pm. Channels 9 and 10 are worthless as news sources. Channel 7 is bearable, but still parochial. SBS news is good for international news, so I sometimes watch that, too.

ACA and Today Tonight are on at 6.30, and there isn't much on at that time. Often, I am cooking dinner then, and they are on in the background. Besides, it pays to connect with your nation's culture now and then, or else you risk getting out of touch.

Yes, ACA and TT are both terrible. They claim to be current affairs, but in reality largely pander to lower-middle-class prejudices. They revel in the misfortunes of others, so that their viewers can watch, breathe a sigh of relief and say "At least that's not me". They also allow middle-class people to look down on the "lower" classes, reinforcing their prejudices (and that's where the "deadbeat mums" comes in). These programmes' staples are dodgy tradesmen, con men, kids out of control, deadbeat mums and dads, evil corporations sticking it to the little guy, fad diets and plastic surgery, and thinly-disguished advertisements or cross-promotions of the networks' programmes. (Did I miss anything?)

And no, you're wrong. Today Tonight has never addressed the issue of deadbeat mums (as far as I am aware), although it certainly loves to discuss deadbeat dads. You're welcome to Google and prove me wrong, though.

I'd estimate it does so about once a week, as I said before, in one form or another. Irresponsible mums are put on so people can go "tut tut, how terrible", then go back to doing the washing up. Like a lot of the other staple stories.

Middle-class Australia loves to look down on and put down single mums, in particular.

Nonsense. I think you've spent to long at your radical left wing university. They've given you a skewed outlook on life.

I suggest you watch ACA and TT religiously for the next two weeks and keep a tally of the segments I mentioned above. You may then be able to see beyond what you're being fed.
i agree james, i watch the ABC news and then the 7:30 report. they are the only decent news programs on TV, otherwise i just lission to ABC radio (combination of the 3)

as for TT and ACA i cant stand them. ever since the way they screwed those unemployed kids i have apsolutly no respect for them.
Just took a quick look at the Today Tonight website.

The five latest stories?

1. The tragedy of bullying (How terrible! At least that didn't happen to my kid!)
2. Space age weight loss (basically an ad for the latest wonder drug)
3. Super not so super anymore (Global economy fear mongering, as it relates to superannuation).
4. Abe Saffron: gentle Satan (more stories of the criminal underworld - flavour of the month)
5. Real estate bargains in country towns (Falling real estate values in country towns mean that if you have money you can be rich rich rich by cashing in on the misfortune of others).
And just for balance, heading up the top stories on A Current Affair we have:

1. The amazing story of Rose Pilgrim, who lost 70kg - half her former body weight - after lap band surgery. We tell you what you need to know about this radical procedure.
2. Aussie families are struggling to cover the costs of decent quality meat. While good old Kangaroo is a consideration, there are also places to get quality beef on the cheap.
3. After our driving tests showed just how unaware Aussie drivers are of the latest road rules, do you still feel confident you could pass the muster? Brush up on all the latest rules here.
4. Our exclusive two-way interview with the author of a controversial new book on Princess Mary, which says our only Aussie princess better shape up, or ship out of the monarchy.

In other words, weight-loss, ordinary people doing it tough, idiots who can't drive (look down on them and judge), and celebrity gossip.

Cutting-edge current affairs, indeed.