why are cats good bakers?


Who turned out the lights?!?!
Registered Senior Member
The cat I have, will come up to me if I'm laying down or something and start kneeding my belly as if it were a lump of dough. She purrs and seems very content while she does it but it allways makes me wonder why? Does anyone know?
She thinks you are a place for her to rest her weary body in comforrt, she trusts you.
They do this before bedding down on something, they instinctively fluff up their "bed".
They do this before bedding down on something, they instinctively fluff up their "bed".

yeah, but some times she does this and then walks away. Does she really plan on sleeping on me. This doesn't make sense because other places she usually sleeps, she doesn't do that to.
Cats knead for one simple reason:

Kneading is a reversion back to kittenhood. A kitten (and other young animals) kneads when it is nursing, as a way to help the flow of the milk. Your cat is reliving its "contented kitten" days, when it felt comfortable and safe with its mother. So you, as its adopted mother, happily get to put up with two sets of sharp little claws alternatively pressing into your skin.

:m: Peace.
Yes, cats do that both to human bellies as well as to pillows. My cat is 20 years old, but before he goes to sleep, he still likes to knead the blanket. He doesn't always go to sleep though. Sometimes, when he is in a cuddly mood and I take him into my arms, he'll knead my throat and purr, or even knead my face and cuddle with me.
Oh, I love my cat.

Oh cat I'd say, or pray: be-oo-tiful cat! Delicious cat! Exquisite cat! Satiny cat! Cat like a soft owl, cat with paws like moths, jewelled cat, miraculous cat! Cat, cat, cat, cat!
Doris Lessing