Why are "born-agains" stranger than other theists?


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: I've known many Christians in my day including on this forum. Please tell my why those who claim they have been "born-again" seem more strange? I even have some close relatives in my family who claim to be "born-again" Christians, and they are so weird that none of the rest of us want to be around them! I am the only atheist in my family. Some of the others may be agnostic. The Christians in my family hold more conservative views. But those "born-agains" are fruitcakes. They talk obsessively about the rapture and Armageddon. Interestingly, they don't say all that much about Jesus! It's all tribulation talk. Can anyone clarify this for me?

~ Medicine*Woman
Based on a true story

A young teacher explains to her class that she is a born-again Christian. She asks which of the children are also born-again Christians. Not really knowing what it means to be born-again, but wanting to be like their teacher, their hands explode into the air like fleshy fireworks.
There is, however, one exception. A girl named Sarah has not gone along with the crowd. The teacher asks her why she is not like the others. "Because I'm not a Christian." "Then," asks the teacher, "what are you?" "I'm an atheist."
The teacher is a little perturbed now, her face slightly red. She asks Sarah why she is an atheist. "It's just that my family isn't religious. My Mom is atheist, and my Dad is atheist, so I am atheist."
The teacher is now angry. "That's no reason to be an atheist," she says loudly. "What if your Mom was a moron, and your Dad was a moron. What would you be then?"
"Then," says Sarah, "I'd probably be a born-again Christian."
Indeed, they are strange. Its the modernist and american overemphasis on freedom. they dont want anyone telling them what to think. Also, you know as a catholic that they dont have confession, so if they sin, which they surely will, they cant return to the state of grace. they are relegated to having to be born again yet again! Also, when its just Heaven or Hell, no purgatory, they tend to end up veiwing God's Mercy in a distorted way, like, "if i tell a white lie I will go to Hell!"

Also, they think that their going to be raptured and escape the Tribulation, they will not. this idea is not in keeping with genuine belief or scripture. God lets his martyrs die, eaten by lions like in the Roman Colosseum, or cooked alive like St Lawrence, or some other horrible death, so they can display their faith to others. They dont get to ESCAPE IT!!!! :D
Joeman said:
The teacher is now angry. "That's no reason to be an atheist," she says loudly. "What if your Mom was a moron, and your Dad was a moron. What would you be then?"
"Then," says Sarah, "I'd probably be a born-again Christian."
Most excellent Joeman. LMFAO, but it is so true.
Well born again christians believe all they have to do is say they believe in Jesus in front of lots of people, and then they're saved. They don't have to do anything else. If anyone doesn't do this they're going to hell. So, if grow up in the middle of no where and never hear about Jesus, then you're going to hell. They have revivals and speak in toungues, and have convulsions and stuff. Its all a little strange.

So I guess, strange beliefs make people more strange.
strange religious believes, makes people dangerous.
fundis are the most dangerous creature, known to man at this time.
and they come for all of the most common religions.
geeser said:
strange religious believes, makes people dangerous.
fundis are the most dangerous creature, known to man at this time.
and they come for all of the most common religions.

All too true.

Overall, I think the 'born-agains' are so strange because, unlike the faithful (misguided though they be...) the 'born-agains' are constantly trying to convince themselves to believe. This of course, is a contradiction.
I think this post goes contrary to the rules, it could be considered insulting.
Since repentance, baptism and forgiveness are supposed to refer to being reborn as a new creation ("dead to sin and alive to Christ") every Christian should be "born again". But my experience is that Christians who like to call themselves born-again are usually from the American fundamentalist Evangelical/Pentecostal traditions. Those who also like talking about Baptism of the Spirit and Speaking in Tongues. But the seeming fondness of Americans for sensation and conspiracy theories are the most obvious and the most appealing to activists (who are usually unpopular - and there's the notion that being unpopular/subversive means you're more likely to be right). And M*W, this isn't only true among Christians.
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Lawdog: Atheists also preach, but you dont notice that do you.
M*W: Atheists don't preach -- we teach!
Medicine Woman said:
Lawdog: Atheists also preach, but you dont notice that do you.
M*W: Atheists don't preach -- we teach!

No you did not just say that again. Girl, you are so funny.

I feel obligated to respond to this thread because I'm always talking about being born again. And I do indeed consider myself to be strange. For over a year now I've felt like I'm the second most strange person on the planet. Second only to the man that I hope to marry one day. And that's just fine with me...wouldn't have it any other way. I don't think I can help it really...being weird. Giving my life to God, and living in faith, according to this relationship that I develop with Him, obviously isn't considered "normal"...not by secular or religious standards. And what He's done with my life...well...let's just say that the way of the Spirit is not the way of this world. People want an explanation, but they don't like what it is. So usually, they just make up their own explanation, based upon nothing more than what they want to believe about God, and regardless of what I attest to. It's frustrating for me sometimes.

But, they don't have to ask, and you'll never find me trying to shove Jesus down anyone's throat either. I don't like making people feel uncomfortable...well, people that I like anyway. Even people I don't...not by talking about God anyway. I love God too much to act like that in His name. He taught me better than that.

Since this is a discussion forum, I have no problem coming out here and telling you guys all about the prophecy that God has revealed to me, through this miracle, and even before that. It's straight out of Revelation...about the mark of the beast, and about alien abduction, and a platinum selling rock and roll band. You guys have heard all of this before, and yea, it's about as strange as it gets. And it's all about the last book of the Bible. Maybe it means that our time here is short. I have no idea. But I don't go around preaching apocolyptic doom and gloom, or anything else for that matter, in my personal life.

The way that God taught me to witness to people is to give my life up to Him, and my will up to His, and then to be honest if anyone asks what's going on...in a nutshell anyway.

As for your family, I can't speak for anyone else. I know people throw that term around a lot...born again, that is. If they really are, then it should be the same Jesus teaching them that's teaching me right?? People are drawn to Jesus, and actively seek Him, and follow Him of their own free will. And people are drawn to the Holy Spirit. I have seen this affect in my own life and experience. Most people are instinctively drawn to true love I suppose. It's a completely spiritual influence, and it's a real trip to witness when it's really intense...like it was for me for a period of time last year. Especially children and old people...I could barely keep them off of me. I'm a waitress, and kids and people I barely know would come up and hug on me, and touch me, and talk to me at work. I have kids in my neighborhood that treat me the same way...knock on my door just to say hi and give me a hug...I swear to you. It's amazing...it makes me all misty. Anyway, I digress...

You know MW, I think that you're pretty weird yourself. ;)


Medicine Woman said:
Atheists don't preach -- we teach!
Damn, how I wish the signature setting was active! For some reason I can't use it . . .
Lawdog said:
Indeed, they are strange. Its the modernist and american overemphasis on freedom. they dont want anyone telling them what to think. Also, you know as a catholic that they dont have confession, so if they sin, which they surely will, they cant return to the state of grace. they are relegated to having to be born again yet again! Also, when its just Heaven or Hell, no purgatory, they tend to end up veiwing God's Mercy in a distorted way, like, "if i tell a white lie I will go to Hell!"

Also, they think that their going to be raptured and escape the Tribulation, they will not. this idea is not in keeping with genuine belief or scripture. God lets his martyrs die, eaten by lions like in the Roman Colosseum, or cooked alive like St Lawrence, or some other horrible death, so they can display their faith to others. They dont get to ESCAPE IT!!!! :D

You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. You're not even close...

You let an organization tell you what to think, and you confess your sins to a man whose job it is to listen to them.

The Holy Spirit is my Counselor, as according to scripture of course, and I confess my sins to God Himself. It is the Holy Spirit which convicts me, and I ask for and receive forgiveness in the name of Jesus Christ. It is Christ who saves me, not some organization of men. Being born again is a spiritual transformation and it's described in the Bible. A transformation that is made by the Holy Spirit, not by the flesh, and not by anything else of this world, including the catholic church.
Lori_7 said:
You are an idiot!!!!!

nah, don't be so angry. i think lawdog is a cute dog .) he just has a little hard time now..

well i dunno cuz i'm just a kid!!
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