Why all the threads? *PLEASE READ!!!*

Do you search for an existing thread?

  • Yes, I look for a thread that matches my topic and read it thuroughly

    Votes: 8 40.0%
  • Yes, I do look for threads matching the topic only

    Votes: 5 25.0%
  • I just look around quickly, and afterward give up on it

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • I'm so friggin' lazy that I just make a new one *almost* right away

    Votes: 3 15.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Registered Senior Member
Hi, I come by from time to time, mostly because of a reply on one of my subscribed threads...

Every time I notice there are new Astral Projection, Telekinesis, Telepathy, does it or doesn't it exist things and all...

So, why the h*ck is all that?
Don't you people look trough ALL thread titles and if it relates to the topic you look, to read through all of it?

[EDIT] P.S.- If you can't find relevant information you want to know, you could ask for it...

I had a very different approach when I started then all you guys...

So this is why I add a Poll, to see how many people actually look for threads by titles, read trough threads related to their topic or just be lazy or give up fast and just start their own clone of a thread...

I will ask Banshee if she would make this one sticky...

because of a few reasons added:
it costs bandwidth of the server...
it costs space of the server...
it spoils good threads...
it's always coming back to the same thing eventually...
Some of the threads on subjects I'm interrested in have not had a posting in some time. I think people start new posts because they think some of old posts have "run thier course".
Good idea Psy-learner. :)

Thread will be sticky.

For new members: At the bottom of the threads page, there are listed how many other pages there are in this forum. If you would be so kind to have a look whether there might be a thread excisting already on the subject of your choice, it would be much appreciated.

Personally, I do not think "threads have run their course". The subject of older threads always come back in some way. So why not post in these older threads. Most of the times there is info already there too. Pick it up where it is left. Add your opinion, say what you have to say... :)
At last!

I always had the same complaint, exactely the point! good say
psy-learner!;) I totally agree

that's also one of the reasons I began to 're-vive' threads, so I start browsing at the end of the pages and work my way trough the newer ones!

But not only on this one, but in free toughts as well, and that should be the rule everywhere,....I find it verry hard to re-peat the same things wich I've said in other threads already,...
We should welcome newcomers with a standard declaration to read the old posts before they post. The FAQs may already be there.

Some newcomers show up from google or other search engines and probably end up in the middle of a thread. In any case, when they sign up, may be an email should be sent automatically showing them the landscape?
Kmguru, you have a point. Dumb, dumb me had not thought of the newcomers who come in via google or other search engines. It is indeed somewhat silly to state that newcomers should first plough through the old threads to see if the subject they are interested in, is already there.

This thread will be unsticked, as it is not right to ask such from new members. :)
You're probably right :rolleyes:

I came if trough Alta Vista about a year and a quarter ago...
I just was to thurough to be compared to an average new comer...
Thank you!

You just made me remember where I found the way to sciforums,...I think it was something about Mabus I was after,

But I came into an old thread and asked Porfiry to re-vive it! So,...

I guess that's also a way to come trough google onto sciforums, without starting a new thread. I was just 'lucky' that there already was a thread about Mabus,....otherwhilst I wouldn't have gone trough the registration proces,...I felt I could add something, I felt the urge to,...

I'm sorry,...I'm way of topic here.:(
i don't think i have even posted a new 'topic' because of all of the topics already existing. i have found that if i want to find another's point of view on somethin that i am wondering about, all i have to do is look and there are usually a heavy handfull of topics out there....

The only topics I have written (on this forum) was replies

but I find that most topics people just mumble about going off topic.
Some topics are not taken serious.
But also, most topics have too long replies.
I mean like 10 to 20 lines, some even more...
Quite annoying, and I can't blame people not reading them...
Well, that's better then Mr. G and (Q)'s constant skeptic reply's only to bug you

And back at Pseudoscience/psychokinesis whit Mr. G's 7 long posts I was to tired to read after 7 whole pages of 20 posts each...

I readed them all, untill Mr. G started out whit Quantum Physics...
If he does read this, those theories doesn't prove psychic abilities doesn't exist...
It's just theory, a lot of them has some flaws if you go really accurate whit it.
Well; It doesn't borther me to read 10-20 lines of good solid thread.
Afterall: that's what a forum is for.

If people want to just talk to eachother in a few lines they should join a chatboard,....wich I think wouldn't be a bad atribute to these fora,...better then PM-ing all the time,....but PM-ing has it's advantages too,...so,....

Maby you could open a sciforums channel on IRC? I don't know if it doesn't exist already,...it should,...

I never go on IRC,...people often ramble in ongoing tense, on and one about dating and lots of insults and stupid cliché's and no really intresting topics come under attention and before you can type an answer, the subject is already a dozen reply's away and OLD&COLD

Well,....I have an ICQ number,....and some have an MSN handle ect,...just look it up in their personal profile and chat away,...
I for one have contacts on the board, and sometimes I chat with them if I have anything intresting to convey to them personally.

But this board is intended for serious people, who seriously want to relay a certain msg to others,.....

And some are not so serious offcourse,.... :p
Well, it depends more on the message lay-out...
I know I rambled on for lines, but I sometimes try to make it neat.

In te beginning I forced it a bit to come up neat as I postted it, only never spell checking it, and now my subconsious seems to halde it on it's own now...

I just have to think and the lay-out is created by itself...:)
Lets say Banshee's Earth is Changing message's, those where loooooong, but not bad :)

Mr.G's posts on psychikinesis, lik eI said, where a dozen posts about 1 subject, whit a mind killer of lines, not even made neat and tidy...

My brain can handle some things extremely good and some things very bad...
One thing is those kind of posts.
And I know he could do better, so shame on him :mad: ;)
For those whit a bad habbit, I wont bother them, they are like that and have to make it better for themselves...

*I'm rambling on again*
Well, IRC isn't that bad, if you make a channel, stay an OP, and use advanced bots to kick those slimey persons out, there's no problem...
But to fit sciforums in 1 channel is asking for trouble, it could probably handle the people, but the discussions are very mixed up...
So you have to at least make a channel for each section, but it's somewhat of a good idea...

I wonder if Decoy Will read this ;)