Why, all of a sudden, the Religion Forum is dwindling?


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: All of a sudden, the Religion Forum has dwindled to almost oblivion. What happened? Did all the children go back to school? I think so!
First off, thanks for the new word in my vocabulary (dwindled), althought I think it will take a while to stick!

I think the reason is because people are feeling less compelled to write about something you cannot explain in words in the first place.
M*W: All of a sudden, the Religion Forum has dwindled to almost oblivion. What happened? Did all the children go back to school? I think so!

I hope this doesn't come across as snide because I don't intend it that way, but could it be because they've heard it all before? There's really nothing new that can be discussed. The only exception to having heard it all before is the younger set and they simply have no interest in it.
Oh I suspect it'll bounce back. I've seen these waves over the years here.
Well I got a question that is bugging me. You do you pronounce YHWY. It's actually bugging the shit outta me.
First off, thanks for the new word in my vocabulary (dwindled), althought I think it will take a while to stick!

I think the reason is because people are feeling less compelled to write about something you cannot explain in words in the first place.

And they did feel compelled to do that before?
Actually I worded my question wrong (and probably forcing Oli to come up with new material). I want to know the origiinal name of the Hebrew God. The one only the High Priest Hebrews knew and kept secret so no one could REALLY take the name in vain. YHWY means something else I think - not god's name.
All of a sudden, the Religion Forum has dwindled to almost oblivion. What happened? Did all the children go back to school?
We've been cleaning the place up and dumping people who troll the science subforums with antiscientific screeds. Perhaps those were the same people who came here when they got tired of us and hung out with folks like themselves.
You do you pronounce YHWY?
I assume you mean YHWH. That is a transliteration of the Hebrew name of their god. I can't post the Hebrew alphabet with this browser, but the letters are yod he waw he, and of course they run from right to left. (In Yiddish and modern Hebrew it's pronounced vav, not waw, and customarily transliterated as V except in this one word.)

Hebrew is normally written without vowels, which are diacritical marks under the letters, since vowels are not phonemic in the Semitic languages. So it's natural for this name not to be written with its vowels. It could be argued that no one really knows the correct pronunciation! This is the name that we transcribe into Latin as Jehovah, with J and V in classical Latin equating to Y and W sounds. So you would not be too far wrong to pronounce it as Jehovah, either the customary English pronunciation or scrupulous Latin phonetics, ye-ho-wa.

The Hebrews had a superstition about not pronouncing their god's name, at least not correctly. So it's not clear how it's supposed to be pronounced! The most common way I've seen it written out by people who aren't religious Jews is Yahweh. I don't know if that's some modern convention or if there's actual evidence of it once being pronounced that way by the ancient Israelites. In any case you'll be in good company if you say it that way too.

Or you can just insert your own vowels. That way you'll be following the religious custom of making something up in order to not pronounce the god's name correctly. You could say Yuhaweh or Yihwoh. Of course since nobody knows what's correct, you could accidentally stumble onto the right one. I don't know what would happen to you. Pillar of salt? Plague of locusts? Bolt of lighting? Exile in Egypt? Eternity in the Bog of Eternal Stench?
Funny isn't it, god made the bible so confusing that even those that wrote it cannot pronounce words that are in it.
Well I got a question that is bugging me. You do you pronounce YHWY. It's actually bugging the shit outta me.

I have heard it two ways

YAR,WEH The E and H are blended into almost one sound. The E is weak


YAR, VEH the V E and H are blended into one sound.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Fraggle Rocker said:

I assume you mean YHWH.

Only a couple things to add to your notes:

• In Jesuit school, they taught that the word "Yahweh" means "I am". This is also reflected somewhere in the Bible (footnotes, I think). Thus, God sounds like Popeye: Who are you? "I am that I am."

• In High Magick, the tetragrammaton is explained as representing the four elements, which is strange to me because, while I know very little about Hebrew writing, I'm almost certain that water is associated with mem. It's been a decade since I actually studied those notes, though, so I could be off just a bit. Nonetheless, in this manner, the name YHWH encompasses all that exists.​
For some interesting reading on the pronunciation of the name of God, look up the Semiotic concept of The Transcendental Signifier.