Whose view of the O T is authoritative? Jewry or Christianity?

Greatest I am

Valued Senior Member
Whose view of the O T is authoritative? Jewry or Christianity?

In reading and discussing the O T, I have noted that the Jewish view is in some cases completely opposite of what the Christian view is.
I E. The Jews see Eden as man’s elevation to a moral sense, while Christians see Eden as man’s fall. Jews do not recognize original sin while Christians do.

Jews also do not read the O T as literal and historic while Christians do.

Whose interpretation should hold precedence? The Jewish view or the Christian one?

When Christianity usurped the Jewish God, should they have also usurped their interpretations as well, instead of reversing them?

The Jewish view is authoritative for Jews; the Christian view is authoritative for Christians. What else would you expect?

Having said that, your view might very much depend on which denomination of Judaism or Christianity you happen to subscribe to.
I'm not convinced that there is a single Christian view or a single Jewish view. Theologically liberal Christians read the Bible very differently than fundamentalists do. Reform Judaism will probably differ pretty dramatically in some of its readings from what's being taught in conservative Orthodox yeshivas.

As to which is authoritative, I guess that I agree with James R. How religious people should properly interpret their scriptures is probably going to be a function of which strand of religious tradition the individual identifies with and of how that tradition has historically understood those writings.
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Whose view of the O T is authoritative? Jewry or Christianity?

In reading and discussing the O T, I have noted that the Jewish view is in some cases completely opposite of what the Christian view is.
I E. The Jews see Eden as man’s elevation to a moral sense, while Christians see Eden as man’s fall. Jews do not recognize original sin while Christians do.

Jews also do not read the O T as literal and historic while Christians do.

Whose interpretation should hold precedence? The Jewish view or the Christian one?

When Christianity usurped the Jewish God, should they have also usurped their interpretations as well, instead of reversing them?


Because I tend to regard these issues from the factual side as opposed to beliefs, I squirm a little when you say "authoritative". For me, the authority is history, which teaches that the document, and its culture, were one of many dozens that are quite well known. It just happened to survive the fall of the Rome, to emerge in the Holy Roman Empire as the Writ of Writs. If not for that, and for the success of its early European custodians, principally the Roman Catholic Church, we would probably only call it the Talmud, and the Jewish religion would be entirely foreign to us (speaking as a Christianized westerner).

Your question, and the comments from James R and Yazata, also illustrates the effect that tradition has on defining authority. For example, the folks that rely on the name Jehovah have a traditional view that is at variance with the Roman transliteration of the Hebrew name YHWH. The Romans arbitrarily inserted vowels and the J was a mangled (Fraggle would be able to explain this properly) variation. This is true also for manglings that took place when Greek culture collided with the Jewish for 300 years of commingling of ideas after the conquests of Alexander. Those were more serious, because they mixed the content very dramatically, giving you an early Christian perspective that is really a hybrid of Greek and Hebrew philosophies. Under this analysis you get a diversity of early authorities, who have been rolled up into a sense of a single identity. Furthermore, starting as early as Genesis, you see Elohist authority migrating into Yahwist authority. And the Elohist were polygamists:"In the beginning the Gods created the heaven and the earth." Your English translators have kept that little secret buried from you. How do you define authority in the presence of redactionists and revisionists?

So James R had it right, to each his own. I would add atheists to his list as those who rely on evidence to explain what the document says and what it means.
My view is simple gentleman.

The owners of a myth will understand it better than those who later claim it as their own. Myths are culturally based and the owners/culture that created it would know why it was written and what it represents more than others.

My view is simple gentleman.

The owners of a myth will understand it better than those who later claim it as their own. Myths are culturally based and the owners/culture that created it would know why it was written and what it represents more than others.


Or I could just tell you what it all means, and you can call me a idiot afterwards...
When Christianity usurped the Jewish God, should they have also usurped their interpretations as well, instead of reversing them?


I don't think God is Christian or Jewish, God is God
The bible is interpreted for the individual to select the best way as to control the self which to be in harmony for good in the society .
By fraud, are you referring to the way they are disingenuously presented as independent eyewitness accounts?

By fraud I mean they observed the life of Jesus and knowingly altered the events of his life, but not his words. His birth. The figure known as Jesus was born of a old prophecy about a king of kings preached by John the Baptist, and Jude Thaddeus. Jesus was born biologically to Jude, and Mary Thaddeus. Jesus tells me all the names of the people around him given in the bible are correct. Jesus Thaddeus is your savior. Back to the story. Jesus Thaddeus was born July, 4 b.c. Jude was a nomad originally with a military following. On the day Jesus was born he spent 24 hours with his family then he appointed Joseph to look of his wife and child so he could go to Egypt and prepare for the flight which was necessary to escape the authorities. The flight occurred in the year 2 b.c. when Jesus was two. Joseph a old man headed the flight keep both mother Mary, and baby Jesus concealed. With him Mary, Jesus, his wife and 30-40 of Jude's faithful. With the Romans hot on their trail Jude met with Joseph at a secret location, Jesus, and Mary where given to Jude and two body guards to give their lives for the "holy family." Joseph then lead the Romans away from Egypt, north towards Israel. The Romans caught and executed everyone of Judes men going north.

13 Apostles at the last supper. Jude, and Judas are the same man. The gospel of Judas (or Jude) is a true Gospel account of the "betrayal" of Jesus.
I don't think God is Christian or Jewish, God is God
The bible is interpreted for the individual to select the best way as to control the self which to be in harmony for good in the society .

And what is the best way to see us leaving Eden?
Crawling out as losers the way Christians seei it; a fall?
Or the Jewish way; walking tall and elevated?

Note how we give $$$$$$$$$ to Christianity get get over our so called fall.


Only if you give literal and historic worth to the myth.

Care to see where it all started ?



Well some key points I would really like you to think about. These are things I learned through meditation and speaking to God.
-The Exodus occurred in about 2500 b.c. The Israelites fled all the way south to where the Red Sea's shores are the most narrow and crossed the Sea into present day Yemen. When God parted the Sea he did so north to south, not east to west. It was major storm on both shores of the Red Sea.
-Jesus was born to Judas, and Marry Thaddeus in July, 4 b.c. He was not registered to the public.
-The pagan cult was probably only labeled such as it was probably the order to protect the coming King of king's, or Christ. Judas Thaddeus, John the Baptist, Mother Mary, Joseph, and Peter where all knowledgeable of these secret societies. Labeled pagan by the Jews who are not, and the Catholics who are the descendants of the Jews who are not to smoke out the protectors of the baby Christ to keep control of the people.
-The Jews who are not are descendants of the god Pharaoh and his disciples. They worked under the veil for gods, government, and ancient egyptian cults.
-Michael Angelo, and Da Vinci was like me, he spoke to God. Johnny Cash also spoke to God while on stage.
-Adam Wiestaup was a jew who was not.
-Jesus will come again in my lifetime, I will meet him 20 years from now, as said by God about 2 months ago.
-I am a direct descendant of Da Vinci.
-There are 13 apostles at the last super. Judas is one in the same. Jesus had his father betray him before the Jews who are not could capture and torture him. Jesus Thaddeus, the greatest kept secret of the Catholic church.. oh and that the holy bloodline is well intact.
-Jesus was like his daddy, Jude, he was a rebel leader.
-Jesus was hung at age 25 in 21 A.D. HUNG
Neither. Mark, Matthew, Luke, John, acts are all fraudulent.
M*W: That appears to be the scholarly thought. Just read something about the letters, how none of them can be attributed to Paul as christians believe. No two are written alike in the style of one author. Of course, much was lost in the translations, so none of it should be believed.

I believe there is no god, so to believe that either testament is the "word of god," is a faulty premise. I'm not convinced that anyone named "Paul" was a real person either.

You're right. They're all fraudulent as are all religions which are man-made for whatever their reasons were. I say they were written for entertainment purposes only.
M*W: That appears to be the scholarly thought. Just read something about the letters, how none of them can be attributed to Paul as christians believe. No two are written alike in the style of one author. Of course, much was lost in the translations, so none of it should be believed.

I believe there is no god, so to believe that either testament is the "word of god," is a faulty premise. I'm not convinced that anyone named "Paul" was a real person either.

You're right. They're all fraudulent as are all religions which are man-made for whatever their reasons were. I say they were written for entertainment purposes only.

They are all words of God... He spoke them first.
BTW, I thought I'd add that you might want to be careful about "Jewry". It's often times an offensive term.
They are all words of God... He spoke them first.
M*W: What were the words that god actually spoke from his/her own lips? How do you know this? In order for god to "speak" the words, he would have to be a human using a language of some sort and, therefore, not really god. What language did god speak?

Are you aware that there are many discrepancies from translation to translation of all the books of the bible? Then which translation is the most correct one? How do you know this to be true?

You claim that god was the first to "speak" the words. If that is the case, why aren't god's words in a text all by themselves? Why have "god's words" mixed in with various and sundry prose, drama, poetry, songs and other writings of the age?

Here is one of many websites to reference:
