who's the victom


Registered Member
my close friend had a problem w/ another friend we all spent allot of years together. the confrontation started by me and d voided this friend for reasons of his morals and out look on life. he was / is violent to an extreme, cunning. it started when he started dating d's sister. she has a kid. the sister was not taking care of son so d's mom had baby. sister and boy friend needed money so they wanted the child soport for the baby they are not taking care of. mom says no so sister and boy friend come over in rage to get money. mom and d call cops. they didn't do much d's older brother pasted a couple of years ago, this old friend of ours tells mom and d that she is going to have another son in the ground. calling all night and they take the phone off . well in the morning they putt the phone on and the old friend was still calling . all night this guy is in a rage. they answered and threats of all kinds were made. so d goes over to old friend and sisters place to try to talk to this guy ' he brought his gun. he kept the gun in the car and went up to the apartment. d has a bad heart we all know this and jesse beat the shit out of him. d is 18 and about 5'5'' jesse is 27 6'2'' and uses steriods close to 180lbs. this cat jumped from the second level to the ground when d arived and started beating d . when being beat d's heart stop and was trying to get in the car to get his gun when j realized what he was going for he to was trying to get the gun. d managed to get the gun and defend himself . d let off only one round and hit ediot in the hand/ butt. he was turned in the struggle that is why ediots body was not turned around but shifted to the side. the judge found d guilty and is serving one year in jail 5 in probation. tell me, what loop holes can we jump though to get the other ediot in jail too. this old friend has a history of these violent crimes and theft but d has none and never in the 8 years i known him to ever act out in this type of matter. d honestly thought he was legal in this ordeal and so do i. what is the world coming to we can't even defend ourselves?
Originally posted by muggz42
so d goes over to old friend and sisters place to try to talk to this guy ' he brought his gun.
Unfortunately, "d" initiated the confrontation by walking into a hot-zone. If was going there to talk, no gun would have been required. If he wanted it for self-defense, he should not have gone there. "d" was not defending himself, he was looking for trouble and found it.

:m: Peace.
respose to reply

in your mind yes. did you lose your brother and here a friend of 8 years tell you and your mom he's gona beat him in the ground with his brother. no. in his mind he was keeping his house safe by driving there. the gun was a precaution left in the car. if you know jesse like me and any one who has been around to see him violent. we have pulled this crazy off of people many times. if one can't get up and still beeing kicked or his fav knees on shoulder while he pounds your face in you are helpless . this all started by jesse spanking little guy hard enough to put a welt on him for two weeks and the kid would come over and would be so quiet. scared to do anything. and when mom took baby his mom did not resist one bit. until jesse needed money to re up. so meaning that mom knew that her should not bee around jesse. that is a sick person not d he was trying to defend what we call sacred. i'm sure he was in the wrong in some fashion . my argument is that this peice of crap beats kids and does not know how to act in public. he steals, cheats, and is a threat to the public and he is still free. d is not and will not be for about 5years.
one more thing

do people who own guns carry them just about any were. in arizona we do so the statment made can be illrelevent to the matter . the person even disarmed himself before leaving the car. if that makes things clearer:m:
Originally posted by muggz42
what is the world coming to we can't even defend ourselves?

If the prosecutor sees evidence that contradicts a claim of self-defense then they will charge the defender. Unfortunately if someone comes at you with a knife and spins around just before you shoot them to take a bullet in the back, then you are likely going to jail. In entering hot-zones it’s wise to bring a witness who can corroborate your testimony. It’s likely your friend got less time in jail because the prosecutor gave him some benefit of doubt.
i agree with goofy

there are ways to deal with things

and taking the law into your own hands isnt one of them

if he was that worried you call the police, you dont go delibratly to confront them
cops called?

d called the cops the night before with the first incedent. their reply was to issue a warant. no other alternatives. the crazy was calling early in morning "sunday" mom called the morning and was told to come in monday morning and file. unless this crazy harmed one of them. we as people and 18 are not so clear minded in these predictements. the lesson i learned here is you going to get zapped to the ground if you come at me. my guns will be for home or shooting range until i can afford to have a retainer for the attorney. my biggest issue is that the state did not look at the history of the so called victom. truly the facts brought out would support d, not jesse. so in my eyes they blinded this information. not fair. if you don't bruise easily you would realy have to get hit hard , hard enough to apear yellowish brow. the state did not look at that. past medical documents stating d's heart problem, that was not looked at. allot of little but kein things were over looked. i geuss the key would be to find out how it can be looked at. so far his mother reduced the time by 90 days with one letter. there is a break. but he will still be a convicted crimanal. like saying a kitten is dangerous. :bugeye:
Best to keep your guns at home or the shooting range forever. Or get rid of them altogether. Avoid situations where self-defense is likely needed. If there are a lot of those situations in your life, then move or do something else to change your life and help others to do likewise. In the long run you will lose in using a gun for self-defense. Let that be the lesson your friend d has taught.

The prosecutor won’t be forced to examine all the evidence or see the whole picture unless the defendant has a lot of money to pay a defense lawyer. The public defender’s office in most states is under-funded by the taxpayers and can’t help people like your friend as much as they’d like. Many things in life seem unfair like that. You’d be better off to channel your anger or resentment against j or the law into helping your friend d stay as optimistic as possible while in jail.

As to j, forget about revenge. Whoever needs to can get a restraining order against him which will get him into legal trouble if he comes within some distance or calls. Violent people are best ignored when possible and never confronted. They typically do themselves in. Give the cops any information about his crimes if any, anonymously if possible.
missed target

last night i was minding my buisness in the parking lot and two dirt heads come running up to me asking for a ride. i said no they said the cops are looking for them. later found out they stole a mustang and ran it into a ditch. they could of taken my car, or my life. if this happened in memphis, white boys or not they would have shot me for the car. this just tells you that freak things can happen anywere. i wish they would of took the car . that would have been neat to see my car on tv. friends all over would be pointing at the tv yelling thats muggz car! what the?:confused: