Who's more valuable to God?


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
Is a devout Christian more valuable to a god than an atheist?

Do atheists work for a God? Are they necessary to test the faith of Christians everywhere? Are Christians judged by how they respond to atheists? If so then atheists are doing God's work. Does that mean atheists are in a better position to be moved into heaven when they die?

Through no fault of their own, atheists have been chosen by your God to test the faith of the flock. What purpose then for the flock? Why are some of us chosen to be atheists by the fictitious Almighty. I do believe the Bible mentions that there will be atheists on the Earth in this current time. Well, here's one of them. I feel extremely honored to be doing this on behalf of your God but I can't help feeling that your God doesn't seem to trust the flock, hence my appearance. I may have been programmed from birth by God to perform this necessary work so I believe that in the end if God exists then He will take good care of all the atheists. The flock may end up in a jar by the door, who knows?
It looks like an interesting idea, but I don't quite see the reasoning behind it. So we're gonna be rewarded above the devout for doing what we were "programmed from birth by God" to do?
Just adding to the list of 'anything's possible'.

But if atheists do perform a special function then I see no reason why they should be judged or punished. Perhaps God is pleased with an atheist's ability to logic and reason. We're special so-to-speak.
PsychoticEpisode said:
Just adding to the list of 'anything's possible'.

But if atheists do perform a special function then I see no reason why they should be judged or punished. Perhaps God is pleased with an atheist's ability to logic and reason. We're special so-to-speak.
I suppose it's good to add to the list. But if there were a god, it would seem odd that we should be rewarded for our ability for logic and reason, since that logic and reason would then lead to the conclusion that said god exists, rather than the opposite. It's also odd that we'd be rewarded for doing this work given your guess that it's probably programmed into us.

Sorry to be the devil's advocate-dude. :D
No problem but if you look closely at my original thread I did say I 'may' have been programmed and 'if' god exists. I'm not advocating god's existence just trying to crawl under some Christian skin.

It would be interesting to find out if Christians think all atheists are going to hell or if they can be converted?
I'd be curious to know what service were supposed to be providing God with in the first place.

Worshipping him?

Everyone'd think I was nuts or full of myself if I created a collection of small robots programmed to worship me.
I just can't see the logic in an intelligence vast enough to create a universe then be upset if life forms don't believe in him... Much less create a religion that accurately describes his motives. If the Pacman I programmed fails to do something I want it to, the blame rests entirely on me.
Or after declaring that everything was good, have it suddenly be no good.

If there is a god you'd think He would congratulate every atheist on Earth for not being dumb enough to believe the illogic and unreasonability of his contradictory tome.
KennyJC said:
I just can't see the logic in an intelligence vast enough to create a universe then be upset if life forms don't believe in him... Much less create a religion that accurately describes his motives.
PsychoticEpisode said:
Or after declaring that everything was good, have it suddenly be no good.
Both very good points.
PsychoticEpisode said:
Is a devout Christian more valuable to a god than an atheist?

Do atheists work for a God? Are they necessary to test the faith of Christians everywhere? Are Christians judged by how they respond to atheists? If so then atheists are doing God's work. Does that mean atheists are in a better position to be moved into heaven when they die?

Through no fault of their own, atheists have been chosen by your God to test the faith of the flock. What purpose then for the flock? Why are some of us chosen to be atheists by the fictitious Almighty. I do believe the Bible mentions that there will be atheists on the Earth in this current time. Well, here's one of them. I feel extremely honored to be doing this on behalf of your God but I can't help feeling that your God doesn't seem to trust the flock, hence my appearance. I may have been programmed from birth by God to perform this necessary work so I believe that in the end if God exists then He will take good care of all the atheists. The flock may end up in a jar by the door, who knows?

Or you may have been put here by the Devil in which case when you die you'll go visit him at home! :)
Athelwulf said:
I suppose it's good to add to the list. But if there were a god, it would seem odd that we should be rewarded for our ability for logic and reason, since that logic and reason would then lead to the conclusion that said god exists, rather than the opposite. It's also odd that we'd be rewarded for doing this work given your guess that it's probably programmed into us.

Sorry to be the devil's advocate-dude. :D

Maybe God just gets a kick out of smacking atheists in the face when they realize they've been wrong all their lives.
PsychoticEpisode said:
If there is a god you'd think He would congratulate every atheist on Earth for not being dumb enough to believe the illogic and unreasonability of his contradictory tome.
read this you may find it interesting
an Atheist on Judgement day if you take a long look at the religious and put them side by side with the non-religious you will find that the religious are morally inept in comparison.