Whom would a God hate more?

Whom would a god hate more?

  • Atheists, agnostics.

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • Religious people who believe in other gods...

    Votes: 7 63.6%

  • Total voters


As a mother, I am telling you
Valued Senior Member
Let's suppose there is a god(s). Whom would he/she hate MORE, atheists or believers of other faiths?
Surely he would be better of hating his own followers? He has nothing to prove with them but he needs to suck up to the others.
I guess for the purposes of this poll we must first assume that:

a) A sentient creator of our universe exists/existed
b) Gives a flying fuck what humans believe in.
I've heard of loaded questions....

It is assumed that the God hates everyone - just that he hates some people more than others??? :D

Nice God! Sign me up for one of his seminars!
baumgarten said:
If he's a god, then he's perfect and he probably hates either everyone or no one.
Meh - Zeus was a God - and he wasn't perfect.
Actually back in the Days of Universal Polytheism, while the various Gods enjoyed local rivalries, there was no real hatred involved.

The first Hateful Intolerance came from the Jews who insisted that while their Tribal War God existed, nobody else's God was recognized. Many Historians insist that this was the First Monotheism, however, it seems more like the First Atheism. After all, saying that one's Neighbor's God does not exist is simply a first step for saying that All Gods do not exist. Indeed, this has been a large reason why the Jews, as a People, have seen little welcome from other People's throughout their history, as they had not only Invented Religious Intolerance, but are the most enthusiastic proponents of Intolerance. While all other Polytheistic Peoples could accomodate cross cultural marriages and multi-God Households, the Jews insisted upon thousands of years of inner-breeding -- while all other peoples have a natural sexual attraction for other Peoples, seeing them as romantic and exotic, the Jews have always been able to outweigh that influence with an almost Pure Hatred.

It makes it ironic that the Jews now accuse everybody else of Bigotry and Prejudice. They started it. have always practiced it. They just resent it when it is returned in kind.

However, one wonders of the General Stupidity of the Rest of Humanity that we allow them to get away with it. Just because they control Hollywood, TV, and all the Magazines... well, doesn't anybody besides Marlon Brando, Mel Gibson, and Myself see what is going on?
Well, looking at the question from a logical god's point of view, I would hate more other faiths' believers. An atheist just doesn't believe in me, that is OK. But a worshipper of other faith gives me an extra insult by believing in some other (nonexisting) gods. So I would give them extra punishment.
Using an analogy, if I am a restaurant owner, I can take if some people don't like my restaurant, but I really hate those who go to the next door restaurant and eat there...
Leo Volont said:
Actually back in the Days of Universal Polytheism, while the various Gods enjoyed local rivalries, there was no real hatred involved.

The first Hateful Intolerance came from the Jews who insisted that while their Tribal War God existed, nobody else's God was recognized. Many Historians insist that this was the First Monotheism, however, it seems more like the First Atheism. After all, saying that one's Neighbor's God does not exist is simply a first step for saying that All Gods do not exist. Indeed, this has been a large reason why the Jews, as a People, have seen little welcome from other People's throughout their history, as they had not only Invented Religious Intolerance, but are the most enthusiastic proponents of Intolerance. While all other Polytheistic Peoples could accomodate cross cultural marriages and multi-God Households, the Jews insisted upon thousands of years of inner-breeding -- while all other peoples have a natural sexual attraction for other Peoples, seeing them as romantic and exotic, the Jews have always been able to outweigh that influence with an almost Pure Hatred.

It makes it ironic that the Jews now accuse everybody else of Bigotry and Prejudice. They started it. have always practiced it. They just resent it when it is returned in kind.

However, one wonders of the General Stupidity of the Rest of Humanity that we allow them to get away with it. Just because they control Hollywood, TV, and all the Magazines... well, doesn't anybody besides Marlon Brando, Mel Gibson, and Myself see what is going on?

Hi Leo,

Well I suppose many would see your post as a anti-semitic rant but historically what you say here is true and I agree with it.
I have met many good jewish people but as a whole they have always had a tendency to isolate themselves in a way that makes it appear like they are always looking down upon everyone else.
We are still today experiencing the consequences of the invention of Yahweh.
Syzygys said:
Well, looking at the question from a logical god's point of view, I would hate more other faiths' believers. An atheist just doesn't believe in me, that is OK. But a worshipper of other faith gives me an extra insult by believing in some other (nonexisting) gods. So I would give them extra punishment.
Using an analogy, if I am a restaurant owner, I can take if some people don't like my restaurant, but I really hate those who go to the next door restaurant and eat there...

You are comparing Jealousy against every Survival Instinct.

What, a Jealous God would want to punch you in the nose. Ouch. That hurts.

But an Atheist is out to Kill God -- to wipe out God's Existence. And you think God is okay with that? No, when it is Kill or be Killed, God will Kill.
Leo Volont said:
Actually back in the Days of Universal Polytheism, while the various Gods enjoyed local rivalries, there was no real hatred involved.

The first Hateful Intolerance came from the Jews who insisted that while their Tribal War God existed, nobody else's God was recognized. Many Historians insist that this was the First Monotheism, however, it seems more like the First Atheism. After all, saying that one's Neighbor's God does not exist is simply a first step for saying that All Gods do not exist. Indeed, this has been a large reason why the Jews, as a People, have seen little welcome from other People's throughout their history, as they had not only Invented Religious Intolerance, but are the most enthusiastic proponents of Intolerance. While all other Polytheistic Peoples could accomodate cross cultural marriages and multi-God Households, the Jews insisted upon thousands of years of inner-breeding -- while all other peoples have a natural sexual attraction for other Peoples, seeing them as romantic and exotic, the Jews have always been able to outweigh that influence with an almost Pure Hatred.

It makes it ironic that the Jews now accuse everybody else of Bigotry and Prejudice. They started it. have always practiced it. They just resent it when it is returned in kind.

However, one wonders of the General Stupidity of the Rest of Humanity that we allow them to get away with it. Just because they control Hollywood, TV, and all the Magazines... well, doesn't anybody besides Marlon Brando, Mel Gibson, and Myself see what is going on?
The Jewish God is the God of the bible, and yes, he is a jealous God. Their religion begat Christianity and Islam, and now they are all just as intolerant. Unless, of course, they choose a measure of selective attention to certain parts of the Bible over others. It is especially ironic that someone who's religion begat the crusades would criticise it's mother religion as intolerant. It doesn't mean they are bad people, does it, if they are only following the Bible's instructions. Thou shall not kill is now interpreted to mean all people, but originally, it meant; Thou shall not kill another Jew.
But an Atheist is out to Kill God -- to wipe out God's Existence. And you think God is okay with that? No, when it is Kill or be Killed, God will Kill.

You can't kill something that doesn't exist. Nor can something that doesn't exist kill you.

Sorry to state the blindingly obvious...
Leo Volont said:
But an Atheist is out to Kill God -- to wipe out God's Existence. And you think God is okay with that? No, when it is Kill or be Killed, God will Kill.

You are making 2 logical fallacies:

1. Overgeneralization of atheists. Some want to wipe out god's existence, some don't.

2. It isn't just atheist trying to whipe out God's existence, but Religion A wants to whipe out Religion B. So if I take your argument as a valid one about atheists, you also have to agree that it is a big battle between religions for the believers. So God A would hate God B's followers (because they want to whipe out God A's followers) MORE than an atheist who simply just denies his existence ...

See, a bad argument is a double edged sword... :)

Another analogy:

A girl might dislike you because you don't want to date her and she fancies you, but she really HATES the girl whom you date... :)
PsychoticEpisode said:
What god? Do you see a god?

What Moron? Do you see a Moron?

Sure do!

The thread question presupposes a God.

If God did not exist, then the requirements of this Thread would have to Create One.

But you didn't know this, and you don't have the brains to figure it out.

Oh, you're going to add a lot to the discussion, aren't you.
Syzygys said:
You are making 2 logical fallacies:

1. Overgeneralization of atheists. Some want to wipe out god's existence, some don't.

2. It isn't just atheist trying to whipe out God's existence, but Religion A wants to whipe out Religion B. So if I take your argument as a valid one about atheists, you also have to agree that it is a big battle between religions for the believers. So God A would hate God B's followers (because they want to whipe out God A's followers) MORE than an atheist who simply just denies his existence ...

See, a bad argument is a double edged sword... :)

Another analogy:

A girl might dislike you because you don't want to date her and she fancies you, but she really HATES the girl whom you date... :)

I am not overgeneralizing Atheists. Some Atheists have balls and so I count them as full fledged atheists. Other people want to call themselves Atheists, but if they don't have the balls for it, then I dispute their claim. To me, and to Atheists with balls, I am sure they count only as little balless weenies.

And then you overgeneralize about Religions. Religion A's are not always out to destroy Religion B's. For instance, Golden Age Classical Islam partnered with Judaism and tolerated Christianity. What we refer to as "Hinduism" is actually dozens or even Hundreds of DIFFERENT Religions in the Indus Valley who are conveniently clumpt together ONLY because they are not hostile to each other. Therefore, Religions must only be hostile to each other if that is how you wish to define them, but if one defines Religion in regards only to Theological and Metaphysical Vision, then it becomes difficult to demonstrate the point consistently for any of the World's Religions. Indeed, Nowadays, the Catholic Religious Orders and the Tibetan and Mahayana Buddhist Religious Orders have Picnics together and throw joint Weekend Seminars. Sufis, who say they are Muslim, they get along with everybody and everybody gets along with them. And then the Catholic Bishops are welcoming the Protestant Industrialists with open arms, for which I hope they all justly burn in hell, but it does prove the point that Religions are not necessarily mutually exclusive.
Syzygys said:
Let's suppose there is a god(s). Whom would he/she hate MORE, atheists or believers of other faiths?

God hates the proud. And those who take delight in evil.

But of the groups you talk of the greatest wrath comes upon those who bear false witness to the will of God.

So those who falsely claim to be following the will of the God of Abraham always face the judgement of God first.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Syzygys said:
Let's suppose there is a god(s). Whom would he/she hate MORE, atheists or believers of other faiths?

The supposition is flawed up the wazoo. For starters how could we even know that 'hate' or even emotion is something that would apply to 'God'?
where is there any literature, where atheist preach of killing, harming, anyone, but there are numerous holy books that do.
therefore if a god was good, as we assume it would be, he would choose those who do no harm, regardless of their religious affiliations or lack there of.
God hates humans, and planet earth, that is why God has authorized us humans to destroy it for him. Bow to the power of God, and lets go out strong.