Whoa! Weird.........


Leave your World Behind
Valued Senior Member
A few days ago coming home from school on the bus something really weird happened. I can't explain it. I remember being slightly sleepy. I looked up out the window when we were like 30 secs from my house. Then all i remember is I was in a deep thought. I felt asleep but was thinking about something very deeply. It felt like a long time but it was over in an instant with my friend waking me up and telling me to get off the bus. if i was really falling asleep I would know. The whole experience just gives me a weird feeling. I thought maybe i put myself in a trance or something. I think sometime I will try to do it again. I am very courious as to what happened.
Hey Tristan,

I think this has happened to me too, from time to time, but I don't know what it is either. It happened last while watching a baseball game on TV. It seemed deeper thatn normal sleep and it only lasted a minute, maybe not even that long, but it was VERY deep.

Maybe it's like REM sleep. But I didn't think you could achieve Rapid Eye Movement sleep patterns immediately like that. I thought it took hours of sleep time to achieve that.

Any experts on REM sleep, please advise.
Truck drives fall into R.E.M sleep several times while they drive from place to place. It leaves only a half conscious to keep them alive, something that does not work well with suprises. I believe that's sort of what occured to you, but you fell in a slightly deeper "trance" because you weren't driving or anything.
This must be what happened to me.
When I was going to college it was 50 miles from home. Twice a week I had night courses. I would have to borrow the family car to get there and back. (not enought money for the dorm)So on returning I remember turning on to the highway, headed for home. Some where along the way I just lost it. Got sleepy. The next thing I know I am driving into my home town. I have no idea how I got there. No memory of coming through the town inbetween. No memory of 4 turns, two stops, a big bridge. Thankfully it was a highway without much traffic. Scared the bejesus out of me.
Memory failure

Short term memory failure, my friend. Happens to just about everbody, to some extent.

More severe cases......there are some people who have suffered disease and have damaged areas (in their brains) of short term memory. These people function very well (generally speaking), but completely forget everything that happened after 15-30 minutes or so. There was a program on the Discovery Channel out a couple of years back that covered this very thing. These people had a long term memory that was intact, but all new memories would be lost after a short time and would not be committed into long term memory. I remember that they had to constantly write notes about every aspect of their life, including new aquaintances and things about them......

If this starts happening with greater frequency, you might consider getting a checkup and discussing this with a specialist. Brain tumors, ect....... might cause severe lapses.

At the time I was 17. Never had that happen again. I saw the posts above and it brought back that memory. Strange.
I have ADHD. One of the classic symptoms is the experience you have just described. I also have tested ***+IQ. It is not a disability. Sure my learning curb is retarded by vulnerability to distraction, however, I find a lot of answers as I delve into a daydream. I sometimes find details incomprehensible. However it is very easy for me too zoom out and see the big picture. Sound familiar?
I do not believe that I have taken the time to welcome you to Sciforms, machaon. So I do so now.

What is ADHD? I am sorry but it is not familiar. As I had said it was a one time thing. I have no learning disability and learn quite rapidily. Sometimes learning other things so quickly that I lose what was there just a moment before, but that is extremely rare. I take it as a sign that I have not pondered enough on it to absorb it into long term memory. Or it would be there as is everything else. It is how I try to stay informed so that I am not lost when new subjects come up in Sciforums. It usually just takes a couple of minutes to absorb and then I am on to other things. To me that does not sound as if I have a learning disability. But I could be wrong. I am open to that idea and try to show this is not denial but true curisoty.
Wet 1, the same thing you explained has happened to me a lot, i'll be driving along a famliar route home and after a while I kind of snap out of this trance i've been in and think " how the hell did I get this far without paying attention"
I think it could be related too driver fatigue, my consentration wonders from the driving to my sub concious and when I snap out of it (by no will of mine) I can't remember making all those turns and what not along the way.
I think because you've done the same trip a lot of times your brain tends not to focus as much and is easily distracted.
I "black" out as well on occasion but I think it's no different than not remembering a dream. It's not that it didn't happen. It's that your brain decided it didn't care.

On a couple occasions I'd be working and it was practically impossible to get my attention. I was doing my job (debatable) I just wasn't aware of anything else besides that.

Many times I got home without knowing how I had come home. I think you go on the automatical pilote and just go home.
Your inner self does know the way that good, it always brings you back home.
And later you can't remember how you got there.
Nothing mysterious to it. It happens to every one. That's called instinct. Not intuition, that's something completely different.

But I guess you found that out yourselves.
You really want me to answer this???

Are you nuts, or just a teaser???

You didn't read my reply's very well then on the Cannabis. I smoke in the evening, at home.
Not on my bycicle or whatever.

Peace on you.
I drove a delivery truck for eight years.(furniture) I averaged about 250 miles a day 6 days a week, not including the 60 miles to work. After you get familiar with an area it is very easy to zone out and just drive.
I think the brain just gets so use to where your going and just figures nothing new here and drifts away.
It's kind of scary especially when you blow through a speed trap and it takes you fifteen minutes to realize that a cop is chasing you. Quite the fiasco, the cop was not very amused when I finally stopped. Hell of a ticket I got.:rolleyes:
I think you are right.
We all have some kind of compass inside which leads us home.
Because it knows where home is, so you can go on the automatic pilote.
Something like that I guess.

Hey chill out, there is such a thing as tongue in cheek humour, don't take everything so seriously.:confused:
I am sorry, sometimes I don't know if it is meant as a joke or not.
I didn't pay enough attention.

Maybe I was in a hurry, no, I didn't pay enough attention, then I had known you were joking. Take my deepest apology please.....