Who would you meet?


"Pfft, Rebel scum!"
Valued Senior Member
If you could transport someone from history right into the room you are in, who would it be and why?

Mine would have to be Nostradamus. I wolud like to tell him that his vision of Hisler (Hitler) was true and I would show him the wonders of the world today. Apparantly, he imagined he was in a warzone like no other. The soldiers spoke German and wore Grey with Red Armbands (He atcually drew a Zwastiker on a wall). They carried weapons which he had never seen before. Silver 'Muskets' (MP40's) which were deafening. He even described a German half-trak. Wow. I'd show him Wolfenstein.
I would like to "import" Imanhotep- a great Egyptian scientist and doctor.
I think nostradamus would stare at you with a very puzzled look 'huhhhhhh Thats not what I meant FOOL!"


I would meet..this is hard.

I know, I'd go back and talk to good ol Jesus and ask him what the heck is up. Solve the puzzle (at least for me) once and for all. Or maybe any big religious leader, it doesn't really matter which one. just give me a heads up so I can study up on him/her a little so that I don't make a fool of myself.

me: "ya buddha, in the 21st century people think you are like neat and stuff, its really great *thumbs up*:D"
I would think shakespeare, and then Einstein for his brain... they are very typical....

But then I would like to experience medieval europe, and also experience the first discovery of electricty....

i think i would like to be there more than just meet ppl
Everiste Galuois(Ican't remember how to spell his last name), the greatest mathmatician to ever live. Put hawking in the same room and we'd have warp or hyperdrive or however FLT works in a few minutes.
Bob Marley.

His fierce loyalty to his beliefs have always intrigued me. His views on life, love & compassion are second to none.

Oh yea, he also had the best Ganja!!!
I would the guy who invented the Rubik's cube!
online Rubik's cube simulation!

no, in second thoughts, i would like to meet Ernesto 'Che' Guevara.

every chance to be silly, i take it. :D
but, yeh, che guevara because he is a legend and has done so much for the world.

captain caveman!

I am a Christian, therefore, I believe it is only natural for me to want nothing more than to meet my lord and savior: JEEVIS.

I wonder what I would do if I met myself as a little child. I'd give him lots of money so he would be happy. me.

can we go 2 the future now?
Hitler. To say that you've known the man that killed over six million people isn't normal, is it? I'd like to see what made him tick, really see for myself, instead of what various historians and writers make of him. Don't think for a second that I idolize him, I'm just a history freak, and a world war 2 freak, and so to speak to and get to know the man that would change the world forever would be on the top of my list of things to-do. Sorry for making this so...controversial. If I had my chance, while in his time period, don't think for a second that I would hesitate to kill him, no matter the consequences to the timeline of history.
Giordano Bruno. But I'd want to change into something nicer and clean this place up first.

*Surveys room sadly*

Of course, the list of people I'd like to meet is very long.


I'm offended. :p
Originally posted by Pollux V
Hitler. To say that you've known the man that killed over six million people isn't normal, is it? I'd like to see what made him tick, really see for myself, instead of what various historians and writers make of him. Don't think for a second that I idolize him, I'm just a history freak, and a world war 2 freak, and so to speak to and get to know the man that would change the world forever would be on the top of my list of things to-do. Sorry for making this so...controversial. If I had my chance, while in his time period, don't think for a second that I would hesitate to kill him, no matter the consequences to the timeline of history.

So let me get this straight... you want to meet a person, so that you'll have the opportunity to killl them.


aussie.... damn straight. I'd be the audience, coz I cant play guiter no matter how i try ;)