Who would Jesus bomb?


Registered Senior Member
A challenging question for Believers is determining if it is ever appropriate for governments to declare war. If Jesus is the Pattern for us all, when do we do as He suggested and turn the other cheek? Is violence ever an appropriate response for any person or country? In my opinion, following a peaceful approach does not mean we should ignore obvious dangers that threaten us. Each person needs to be protected in such a way that it is not in conflict with loving each other as He loves us. But how do we get from where we are today to everyone being our brothers' keeper?

When any government or person feels threatened, they typically react in fear and anger. Historically speaking, after the fighting stops, the USA does its best to rebuild what was destroyed. We pay the bills during the war, and later we help to rebuild schools, hospitals, and infrastructure. I’m in agreement to handle the process this way as things stand now, but this can also be improved. Imagine how difficult it would be for other countries to see the USA as the "bad guy" if instead of investing the same billions spent on the war in Iraq we put those funds toward humanitarian efforts in the Middle East and elsewhere? But how do we know such efforts would not be supporting a regime or people who would gladly take our money and still consider the USA as their enemy?

I think this question is answered much in the same way as the intention we should hold when tithing. If we truly offer what we will in a spirit of love and cooperation, we will not be harmed or disappointed by the results. Our intention will be felt and understood by the people, by the government and by the world as a whole if we give to others unconditionally. Getting everyone on the same page with that intention is a challenge, but that is a poor reason to not move in that direction.

Voluntarily raising money to aid other countries when we have so much humanitarian need at home is not as easy as raising money for war. Fear seems to be a much greater motivator than does love as is evident with over 20 times more of the USA's annual budget being spent towards defense over economic aid. How can we all agree to reach out to others in love rather than in doubt and fear? It takes a vastly different view of life than is common today. Clearly, we must all agree that we are our brother's keeper, but that we are “wise as serpents yet harmless as doves” as we offer our helping hand.

Remember back to 9/11 when our citizens raised great sums of money voluntarily for the victims in New York? The people did this because they saw the victims as "family," as people they felt responsible for aiding in their recovery. We can help the world to help itself by manifesting a generous, loving perspective and approach that affirms we are all God’s beloved children.

When we're eventually all living together as a patient, loving and cooperative family, there will be no one left to bomb. And that is my answer to the question posed in the title of this post. What's yours?
When we're eventually all living together as a patient, loving and cooperative family, there will be no one left to bomb. And that is my answer to the question posed in the title of this post. What's yours?

It's not possible though when God is threatening to send the saints to hell just because they didn't believe in God.

Jesus would bomb everyone who did not believe in him. According to scriptures, he'll do that in the future just like God did in the past. Peace is not possible like that.
when do we do as He suggested and turn the other cheek?

"Turning the other cheek" has nothing to do with violence. The phrase means the same thing today as it did 2,000 years ago.

If someone "slaps you in the face," that is to say, if someone insults you, then you turn the other cheek so they can slap that one as well, with another insult.

Is violence ever an appropriate response for any person or country?

It was an appropriate response according to Jesus.

When any government or person feels threatened, they typically react in fear and anger.

Jesus reacted violently out of fear and anger when he over-turned the tables of the money-changers in the Temple.

However, I don't see how changing money in the Temple could have possibly threatened Jesus, unless he wasn't getting a fair cut, and even then only if he was threatened with bankruptcy by not getting a fair cut. Still, that isn't justification for his actions.

Imagine how difficult it would be for other countries to see the USA as the "bad guy" if instead of investing the same billions spent on the war in Iraq we put those funds toward humanitarian efforts in the Middle East and elsewhere?

You are putting those funds toward humanitarian efforts. You are funding, arming and training the secret police/internal security agencies of dictators who unjustly and wrongfully imprison, torture and murder. You put those fund toward overthrowing governments, like the recent illegal overthrow of the Honduran government. You train terrorists at the School of the Americas. You support dictators. Well, I should qualify that. You support dictators of countries that have oil. Dictators in countries that don't have oil, like North Korea, don't get supported. You also support dictators in non-oil countries if US corporations are doing business (and none are doing business in North Korea). I should qualify that as well. You support dictators in non-oil countries where US corporations do business only if the dictator does not tax US corporations. If the dictator attempts to tax US corporations, you murder him in cold blood. You've done that 6 times, not that Jesus is counting or anything.

But how do we know such efforts would not be supporting a regime or people who would gladly take our money and still consider the USA as their enemy?

And who would be an enemy? A country that refuses to allow the US to rape and pillage its natural resources and wealth?

If we truly offer what we will in a spirit of love and cooperation, we will not be harmed or disappointed by the results.

Yes you will be disappointed. Your standard of living and wages will decline. Drastically. You are 4.5% of the world's population, but you piggishly consume 29% of the world's non-oil resources like locusts. You are not a good neighbor, you are not a team player, you do not share things in the spirit of Jesus, and you violate the Commandments by constantly coveting what your neighbors have.

Only when you realize that your life will not be totally ruined because you don't have Orange-scented Chlorox brand Disposable Kitchen Wipes will you ever be able to move forward.

Fear seems to be a much greater motivator than does love as is evident with over 20 times more of the USA's annual budget being spent towards defense over economic aid.

1/6th of Jordan's GDP is US foreign aid, mostly to arm, fund and train his secret police, which King Abdullah II needs since he disbanded parliament shortly after he ascended to the throne after his father's death. There's lots of dissenters, and they have to be imprisoned, tortured and murdered, because, well, you know, it's wrong to complain about parliament being dissolved.

How can we all agree to reach out to others in love rather than in doubt and fear?

You can practice what you preach and lead by example, and neither requires giving economic aid to other countries. A benevolent country would never interfere with an immature society (or immature societies as the case may be) in another country.

jayleew said:
Jesus would bomb everyone who did not believe in him. According to scriptures, he'll do that in the future just like God did in the past. Peace is not possible like that.

Yes, and after that there's the spanking, and then everyone gets a Hula-Hoop, and then comes the Dictatorship of Jesus Christ who will rule with an iron rod (assuming there's any iron still left on Earth at that time).
In a different world where we all loved each other, the question of violence would never arise. You have forgotten that in this world, we are evolving creatures. If nature is our guide then even in an all loving community, competition would still go on but perhaps not to the death.

In evolving, we only have two choices. Cooperate or compete.

In a fully cooperating world, all thinks would likely be controlled.
In a non fully cooperating world then it is our duty to react with whatever force is necessary or available to maintain our survival.

Many point to our use of the A bomb to disagree with the above but when asked how they would like living under Nazi or Japanese rule, they usually disappear on me.

Religions often have many rule suggestions where if all complied things would work but as you know, this is not the case in this real world.
Take the one man one woman rule that Christians use to discriminate without cause against Gays and all the hate that that has created over time.
It shows an ideal for heterosexuals but does not allow for gays to somehow find and live their true nature, supposedly given to them by God.

Christians are left with hatred in their hearts while wondering WTF God is doing creating all these Gay people for us to hate. Strange.

We are stuck, I am sorry to say, in a situation where competition will be with us for some years yet and in human terms. Competition leads to violence.

The only way out of this time loop for us, from what I can see, is when the world becomes one common instead of all the various groups and commons now competing for supremacy.

Your question calls for some deep thoughts and I do not see you finding too many deep thinking here unless it is from non believers. I am not a non believer but my God is not Bible God so I am rather strange from the get go.

A challenging question for Believers is determining if it is ever appropriate for governments to declare war. If Jesus is the Pattern for us all, when do we do as He suggested and turn the other cheek? Is violence ever an appropriate response for any person or country? In my opinion, following a peaceful approach does not mean we should ignore obvious dangers that threaten us. Each person needs to be protected in such a way that it is not in conflict with loving each other as He loves us. But how do we get from where we are today to everyone being our brothers' keeper?

When any government or person feels threatened, they typically react in fear and anger. Historically speaking, after the fighting stops, the USA does its best to rebuild what was destroyed. We pay the bills during the war, and later we help to rebuild schools, hospitals, and infrastructure. I’m in agreement to handle the process this way as things stand now, but this can also be improved. Imagine how difficult it would be for other countries to see the USA as the "bad guy" if instead of investing the same billions spent on the war in Iraq we put those funds toward humanitarian efforts in the Middle East and elsewhere? But how do we know such efforts would not be supporting a regime or people who would gladly take our money and still consider the USA as their enemy?

I think this question is answered much in the same way as the intention we should hold when tithing. If we truly offer what we will in a spirit of love and cooperation, we will not be harmed or disappointed by the results. Our intention will be felt and understood by the people, by the government and by the world as a whole if we give to others unconditionally. Getting everyone on the same page with that intention is a challenge, but that is a poor reason to not move in that direction.

Voluntarily raising money to aid other countries when we have so much humanitarian need at home is not as easy as raising money for war. Fear seems to be a much greater motivator than does love as is evident with over 20 times more of the USA's annual budget being spent towards defense over economic aid. How can we all agree to reach out to others in love rather than in doubt and fear? It takes a vastly different view of life than is common today. Clearly, we must all agree that we are our brother's keeper, but that we are “wise as serpents yet harmless as doves” as we offer our helping hand.

Remember back to 9/11 when our citizens raised great sums of money voluntarily for the victims in New York? The people did this because they saw the victims as "family," as people they felt responsible for aiding in their recovery. We can help the world to help itself by manifesting a generous, loving perspective and approach that affirms we are all God’s beloved children.

When we're eventually all living together as a patient, loving and cooperative family, there will be no one left to bomb. And that is my answer to the question posed in the title of this post. What's yours?

Be like water. Water molds around things . It becomes like what ever is submerged in it . It becomes what ever you put it in. It also is one of the most corrosive compounds there is . It cuts threw rocks , dirt and creates channels , drainage and a like. So as we pierce the brain of the sleeping unsuspecting populace by the word use your word wisely like water. The sword of the mouth
Who would Jesus bomb?
Apparently everyone who doesn't vote for him after the second coming. Which sounds vaguely sexual especially since it is to be followed by the day of rapture.
you are asking if we were to come together in peace,show more patience and tolerance for those around us, would there still be hate?

it is in mans nature to hate that which does not line up with ones own beliefs,so even if we did have a perfect society there would still be hate, only the form/excuses would change..
if evil did not exist, man would create evil from what was left.

another example would be with tithing, the rule of thumb is 10%,
if everyone tithed, then it would turn into a competition and anyone who did not tithe generously would be considered bad..

IOW if what we considered 'bad' were to be deleted from humanity, humanity would find other things to call bad..