Who was running the show...?


Valued Senior Member
... when God took human form as Jesus and came to Earth? I suppose all of the praying that went on in the Bible during the time of Jesus was relatively pointless since God was in human form on earth. And is Jesus was God and God = Jesus then who was Jesus praying to? Himself?
It's a Trinity of One God in three forms- Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

(As it goes), Jesus came at the right time and place in history for history to change for the better. That moment was chosen of all moments in human history.

The written word was already established and methods of record preservation were in effect, there were scholarly people of the age who could expound knowledge then mass produce it- like Christianity.

What set (as the books go) Jesus apart, apart from his knowledge and deep understanding of the Torah was His baptism and right to cleanse others of their sins. The miracles like Lazarus I can't deny but I am sure most of his miracles were mundane and were, in effect, medical advise.

His suffering and death were part of the deal of living; part of the deal for usurping the order of ways with yourself... the price to pay for starting a new religion. We always kill our heroes- always.

But his claims of self-ressurection set Him apart from all other prophets- that's why we worship Jesus.

Who was Jesus praying to? Hopefully a higher being than Himself.
Jesus constantly referred to himself as "the son of man", and sometimes as "the son of god"; he called all other people and living creatures "his brothers".

So... I don't see where you get that "Jesus = god"?

If you are refering to the christian trinity, then yes it does say that "god is the son"; but it doesn't say anywhere that Jesus was his only son, it does say that all humans are the sons of god.

Some christians do debate that Jesus was the only son of god, but I don't know where they get it; it is their own interpretation of the bible. I personally think is just an excuse not to grow as human beings.

I'm guessing you are an atheist, or agnostic? If you are, why do you write "god" with a capital "G"?
... when God took human form as Jesus and came to Earth? I suppose all of the praying that went on in the Bible during the time of Jesus was relatively pointless since God was in human form on earth. And is Jesus was God and God = Jesus then who was Jesus praying to? Himself?

Satan his father
No body seem to get it ? Jesus was god to King David . Jesus was King Davids Father . Yet he was an offspring to King David . This is the branch of David . He was living best he could to be a good son of David. David was by Faith expecting Jesus to be some day . It is his offspring people , why would he not pray for his personal god to be . Your all just a bunch of Idol worshipers so you can't grasp the concept . Sometimes I thing some of you don't even like your kids . Like they are a burden instead of a blessing
No body seem to get it ? Jesus was god to King David . Jesus was King Davids Father . Yet he was an offspring to King David . This is the branch of David . He was living best he could to be a good son of David. David was by Faith expecting Jesus to be some day . It is his offspring people , why would he not pray for his personal god to be .
I still don't get it.
It is said in the New Testament that Jesus was the heir of the Throne of Israel (King David's offspring). But also, in the NT it is stated that Jesus was the high priest in the order of Melchizedek, for this he had to be a descendant of the tribe of Levi on his mother's side (Aaron's offspring). Islam supports that Mary was a "Sister of Aaron".
So Jesus would be both a High Priest, and a legitimate King for the Jews. That would mainly be the reason why Herod sent to kill all children when heard about Jesus, because that title is a serious thread to the political stablishment.

I have a theory on which Jesus did not pray in solitude, but he did meditate. As an aquired spriritual practice from his visit to the East; but this practice was not known by the Jews.

Jesus was an enlightened master, one of the highest caliber. And so was Buddha, Zarathustra, Lao-Tzu and Muhammad (ammong others). And so his whole teachings could never be put into scriptures, it is more of a heart-to-heart communion.

Your all just a bunch of Idol worshipers so you can't grasp the concept.
Pls define what it is to be an "Idol worshiper" for you.

Sometimes I thing some of you don't even like your kids . Like they are a burden instead of a blessing
Sadly, you are probably right about that one.
It's a common misconception that Jesus is god. Jesus was Gods first creation. Before God made earth, the universe, or even heaven, he made Jesus. Thats why he is God's son, he is also gods "only begotten son".
We can see this in the first chapter of John:
"1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind."
When it says "the word was God, that is because "The word" (Jesus) was made from the same "stuff" as god was.
Look at it this was, In the beginning there was only God, and the first time that god spoke, that was gods first creation. Thats why it was called "The word". It was through "The word" or, through speech, that God made all things. In Jesus' time, God knew he needed to send a savior for mankind. By this time, he had made many angels in heaven, and he could have sent any of them. And he knew he could trust any of them, but it would have had so much more meaning for him to send his first creation, The Word. So he sent "The Word" because he knew that there was no doubt that things would go wrong. So Jesus is seen as Gods voice or Gods mouth on earth.
Why didn't God just go himself you may ask? Well, because that would have caused a sort of problem like you bring up. First, God can't exactly just leave heaven, and, his presence on earth would destroy it.
So you see, Jesus was in heaven prior to his earthly existence.
A lot of Christians don't even understand this, and I would point to more passages, but I don't have the patience to look up passages anymore. You could easily find stuff with a little research.
This may bring us to the next question, what is the holy spirit?
Well, like I said above, God cannot come to earth without destroying it. But his will is often done here. When someone converts to Christianity, or when someone does something nice for another person etc. that is Gods will happening on earth. The Holy Spirit is "Gods active force on earth" and it is embodied by good things that happen. When Jesus healed people, he was doing so through the holy spirit.
A Christian once explained it to me this way. Imagine an electric appliance, take a light bulb for simplicity sake. When it's not plugged in, its just an empty shell so to speak. But when you plug it in, it becomes alive.
Thats what humans are like. We are like a light bulb that is not plugged in, but we become alive through the presence of the holy spirit in all of us. SO the holy spirit is like the electricity that brings light to life. And it is at it's most active when we do good deeds.
Jesus was filled with the holy spirit.

This was a long post, and I hope it answers your questions.

As a note, I am not a believer. But I like mythology, and I find the bible to be one of the most complex mythological stories, so I have studied it in depth with people of many different denominations. I'm also one of those people who likes to show christians up. That I know more about the bible than they do. I find that they best way to show them that their beliefs are wrong, is to show them that they are wrong, cause as a christian, they don't even know what they are talking about.
@skaught: I like your post :), tis well informed.

It's a common misconception that Jesus is god. Jesus was Gods first creation. Before God made earth, the universe, or even heaven, he made Jesus. Thats why he is God's son, he is also gods "only begotten son".

I think all the statements in your post are accurate, but they can be spiced just a bit. And I quote just this part because I wanted to explain the difference between referring to Jesus or to Christ. Your statement is about Christ, not Jesus.

Jesus was a man, like us men, and he was the first hippie. During his "lost years" of the canon, many rumors and scriptures circulate; one thing is for sure, and it is that mainstream Christianity has intentionally removed all the references they could at the time.
Whatever happened in those years (12-30) is not known, but somewhere around age 30 Jesus became The Christ. It is like you explain the Holy Spirit, with electricity. The HS is there, without us knowing, nurturing all of us without exception. But to acquire Christ consciousness is like intentionally channeling this electricity, and becoming It.

Jn 3:1-3 "Now there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a member of the Jewish ruling council. He came to Jesus at night and said, "Rabbi, we know you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the miraculous signs you are doing if God were not with him." In reply Jesus declared, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again."

Being “born again” is to acquire the same Christ consciousness (the only begotten son of god).
Dwija is a Hindu word which means “born again”. In Buddhism, the one who has bodhicitta (Christ consciousness) as the primary drive for all his actions is called a bodhisattva, a Buddha.
“Buddha” means "The Awakened One" and “Christ” literally means “The Anointed One”. In Zen you often hear Buddhahood. In Arabic, the meaning of the word “Muslim” is “one who submits to God”.
I'm guessing you are an atheist, or agnostic? If you are, why do you write "god" with a capital "G"?

"God" is a name, just like Superman or Batman. Since it is proper to capitalize the names of fictional characters, it is proper to capitalize the name of the supposed creator of the universe, even if you believe that he is only fictional.
"God" is a name, just like Superman or Batman. Since it is proper to capitalize the names of fictional characters, it is proper to capitalize the name of the supposed creator of the universe, even if you believe that he is only fictional.

"God" is not a name, "Yahveh" is a name, "Allāh" is a name. 'Cause you can state that there are many gods, or only one true god.

We capitalize "Superman" and "Spiderman", but not "superhero"; you can state that there are many superheroes, or only one true superhero.