Who was Pope Leo X, and why did he deny Christ?


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: Pope Leo X made a comment that curiously sounds like blasphemy. He is quoted to have said:

"What profit has not that fable of Christ brought us!"

Why would a pope state this?
What did the pope say this?
Anyone out there know the history of Pope Leo X?
Anyone want to discuss this?
Any other comments?

Leo X - the guy with the pet elephant.
What a gem.
He apparently figured that since the Vatican was God's earthly court, that it should outshine that of all earthly monarchs, and went to great lengths to maintain it as such.
His antics were supposedly the "last straw" for Martin Luther, who posted his theses during Leo's reign.

Interestingly, when I did a bit of meandering looking for info on that quote, I found this:
Leo X
"What profit has not that fable of Christ brought us!"
TD. You can see the full account here. Summation: This was a quote from a fictional work by John Bale, an apostate from Catholicism who wrote a satire about Leo. Also, it is now and then paired from a citation to the Britannica encyclopedia, which is also false: (Encyc. Brit., 14th Ed. xix, pg. 217). The citation is for the article on "Respiration". The article on Leo does not reference the quote either.
Origins? I suspect that Robert Taylor or some other early Skeptic misrecalled Bale's work as though it were non-fiction; Taylor's is the earliest sure attribution to a named source.

from: http://www.tektonics.org/af/bogusq.html

Where it says " You can see the full account here " - it refers to this, another page from the same site:
Included there are excerpts from John Bale's The Pageant of Popes, which is cited as the origin of the quote.
Hey Medicine_Woman, I dont think we should be questioning wether Jesus (as we know Him) existed or not, but you should be questioning if those teachings are useful to you or not. If not, then read another thing, and find what fits you the most.

I personally find the New Testament very intriguing, I like apocrypha better though. It seems many teachings are apocrypha for the masses.

Buddha is another good source of knowledge, should you be questioning if he existed or not? Or you rather actually read his teachings and take for you what you find useful for personal realization?

Many teachings have being diverted from the original, but the teachings are there for us to learn and take for ourselves what we believe in our hearts to be true.
Hey Medicine_Woman, I dont think we should be questioning wether Jesus (as we know Him) existed or not, but you should be questioning if those teachings are useful to you or not.

M*W: Jesus was a fictional character. Whoever wrote the myth of Jesus should be credited with the sayings of Jesus and not Jesus himself. I know Jesus as a fictional character, so that is how I perceive 'his' teachings.

If not, then read another thing, and find what fits you the most.

M*W: The study of christianity fits my interest the most, so I will continue studying and researching christianity via astro-theology.

I personally find the New Testament very intriguing, I like apocrypha better though. It seems many teachings are apocrypha for the masses.

M*W: I find the NT to be written as a political document from the Roman times, and not written by anyone who knew or knew of a Jesus. It's all fiction written as a parody on the life and times of the "king of the Jews," of which there was no "king of the jews."

Buddha is another good source of knowledge, should you be questioning if he existed or not? Or you rather actually read his teachings and take for you what you find useful for personal realization?

M*W: I'm not interested in Buddha or his teachings.

Many teachings have being diverted from the original, but the teachings are there for us to learn and take for ourselves what we believe in our hearts to be true.

M*W: I agree with your sentiment. I continue to learn more about christianity as each day goes by. I have a library full of research references that I continue to collect. I don't have the time to research other dying demigod saviors. I chose to study christianity both as a christian and as an atheist. I've learned so much more as an atheist, however.

Researching christianity for me has not proven any of it to obe true. My intense research and subsequent understanding of christianity has proven what is not true.
M*W: I agree with your sentiment. I continue to learn more about christianity as each day goes by. I have a library full of research references that I continue to collect. I don't have the time to research other dying demigod saviors. I chose to study christianity both as a christian and as an atheist. I've learned so much more as an atheist, however.

Researching christianity for me has not proven any of it to obe true. My intense research and subsequent understanding of christianity has proven what is not true.

Hi friend, I dont think you have proven anything, you cannot prove the existance or the non-existance of Jesus, unless you go to His grave and do a forensic analysys on it.

The New Testament have been so mistranslated from the original, you may as well be studying the Roman Gods or Greek Mythology, or pagan rites, or Mythraism beliefs, but not what Jesus REALLY tought.

If you research on Gnosis, Buddhism, or any other True Master, you will find the paralelism on Jesus teachings, and find the real truth behind it all.

For example, Jesus went to the dessert for 40 days to fast and meditate, Zarathustra meditated a cave for 10 years, Buddha meditated for 5 days to get enlightened... But the Bible doesnt teach you much about meditation does it? Buddhism is ALL about meditation.

If you read the apocrypha, you will find many things that add up to who Jesus really wa

Buddhas teachings havent been changed since the beggining, because there has been no revolution that burns all teachings and re-write them as they dessire, like the Bible.
Hi friend, I dont think you have proven anything, you cannot prove the existance or the non-existance of Jesus, unless you go to His grave and do a forensic analysys on it.

M*W: It's not my place to prove anything. I'll leave that up to the biblical scholars and archeologists. Until such time as there is proof of Jesus's existence beyond a shadow of a doubt, I don't believe he ever existed.

The New Testament have been so mistranslated from the original, you may as well be studying the Roman Gods or Greek Mythology, or pagan rites, or Mythraism beliefs, but not what Jesus REALLY tought.

M*W: I study the astro-theology of christianity.

If you research on Gnosis, Buddhism, or any other True Master, you will find the paralelism on Jesus teachings, and find the real truth behind it all.

M*W: I understand that there is only one god archeatype with many different names.

For example, Jesus went to the dessert for 40 days to fast and meditate, Zarathustra meditated a cave for 10 years, Buddha meditated for 5 days to get enlightened...

M*W: The "wilderness" to me is the vastness of the universe.

But the Bible doesnt teach you much about meditation does it? Buddhism is ALL about meditation.

M*W: I meditate, but I didn't learn it in the bible.

If you read the apocrypha, you will find many things that add up to who Jesus really wa
M*W: I used to be a bible-thumping christian. I know who Jesus was supposed to be, but he wasn't.

Buddhas teachings havent been changed since the beggining, because there has been no revolution that burns all teachings and re-write them as they dessire, like the Bible.

M*W: So, in your opinion, the bible doesn't hold truths??? Is that what you're saying? There may be some truths to be found within the bible, but they came from the wisdom of the authors who aren't the ones the bible says they are. It's all a lie. Truth can even be found in some lies.
M*W: It's not my place to prove anything. I'll leave that up to the biblical scholars and archeologists. Until such time as there is proof of Jesus's existence beyond a shadow of a doubt, I don't believe he ever existed.

Ok, whatever suits you.

M*W: I study the astro-theology of christianity.

That is cool, 2000 years ago the astrology was one (if not the most) respected career, and many wise prophets used astrology in the beginning to understand ancient myths and movements.

M*W: I understand that there is only one god archeatype with many different names.

I agree.

M*W: The "wilderness" to me is the vastness of the universe.

I currently believe that by studying the stars you will get nowere, because you are only seeing the tip of the HUGE Iceberg that is the Universe.
The real answers are within ourselves, because we have all the physics and laws implicit in the very nature of the Universe, deep within our souls.

One can understand the stars, the whole World, but one haven´t learn anything if he/she does not understand himself first.

M*W: I meditate, but I didn't learn it in the bible.

I don´t get you, Buddhism teaches meditation techniques (Tantra, Yoga) that have being perfectioned for thousands of years, and have been almost intact for 2500 years. But you don´t care about Buddhism do ya?

M*W: I used to be a bible-thumping christian. I know who Jesus was supposed to be, but he wasn't.

You can never state that as a fact, the same as I can never state as a fact that Jesus existed. But the teachings of Jesus are what really matters (it doesn´t really matter if it was other prophet who tought those things).

M*W: So, in your opinion, the bible doesn't hold truths??? Is that what you're saying? There may be some truths to be found within the bible, but they came from the wisdom of the authors who aren't the ones the bible says they are. It's all a lie. Truth can even be found in some lies.

I read the bible, because I think that deep within, it does hold truths told by wise men. But I don´t believe everything the Bible says because it has been violated, sort of speaking.