Who was King Saul really?


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: Coming from the cosmological perspective, King Saul of ancient Israel was another name/title for King Sol, the Sun God. Even the name Israel has other meanings:

Is (Isis-mother goddess)
Ra (Sun of God)
El (Eli, Sun-father)

Was King David's son, Solomon, another term for the Son-of-Man? Sol-Sun/O-of/Mon-Man. Another way to interpret this is:


or the God of Man.

Is the constellation Serapens the progenitor of the Serpent in the Garden?

"In the beginning was the 'logos'," does that mean either 'cosmo-logos' or 'astro-logos'?

"...and the logos was with God, and the 'logos' was God..."

Does that mean the cosmos was with God or the cosmos was God, and the interpretation of the 'logos' was by 'astro-logos'?

Was the "thirty pieces of silver" that Judas received relate to the 30 degrees in each sign of the zodiac? In Judas' case, that would have been in the Sign of Scorpio -- the backbiter.

When "the lion will lay down with the lamb," does that mean a conjunction of the Constellations Leo and Aries?

Any comments?
Medicine Woman said:
"In the beginning was the 'logos'," does that mean either 'cosmo-logos' or 'astro-logos'?

Logos: the creative principle governing the cosmos. Mentioned by Socrates and the Quran, among others.

Was the "thirty pieces of silver" that Judas received relate to the 30 degrees in each sign of the zodiac? In Judas' case, that would have been in the Sign of Scorpio -- the backbiter.

When the scorpion kills itself (the personal self) with its 'tail', it forms into a heavenly "Eagle" which flies above the earth (earthly desires). Judas died when Christ died. When you become free of your personality, your personality dies.

The scorpion also represents the "sexual energy" (life). Kiss of Judas. Do you betray me with a kiss? Do you betray your Self by becoming your body and its desires?

The sexual energy is an earthly manifestation of God, and is equally powerful. This energy has helped man out of his spiritual state into the body, so it can also help him to return in full awareness to his divine primal state of wholeness.

When "the lion will lay down with the lamb," does that mean a conjunction of the Constellations Leo and Aries?

Yes. But it could still mean something else too. Leo and Aries are part of the "fiery" trinity of logos. The number 3 in 1 used to represent "God". In the material world two things can't be on the same space and time, so 3 and 1 becomes 4. An equilateral triangle is a representation of God (the self), where the knower, known and knowledge are one and the same: 3 in 1 and 1 in 3. Unity is fully possible in the consciousness, since consciousness can be in more than 2 places at the same time.


Simplified version. When the self-resting aspect of God (trinity) steps out from the unity (the immaterial, the timeless, the spaceless, the boundless) to 3-dimensionality, it becomes God's creative aspect which expresses the number 4. A circle.


Notice that the "sun" is in the middle. Just like the animals are earthly, material, representations of the "heavenly" (old word for consciousness) signs of the Zodiak, so is the sun an earthly representation of the source and life (God, the self). In some cultures, this concept was too much abstract for common people, so to them, the sun was "identical" to God. The sun is not the energy itself, it is the expression of that energy ("fire")

There are also models where earth is in the middle. When the earth is in the middle, the signs of the Zodiak must be reversed. When you are a body, a consciousness, you are in a dualistic state (since, you - heaven - and what you see - the "earth" - are two different things) the signs rotate around you, but when you are what you are, in a monistic divine state of oneness, you radiate the 4 aspects of God (yourself infact, since you have become what you are), like the Pyramids correctly show. Ezekiel was right when he said that the faces of God can never turn around.

There are also planets which have the same energy as these animals. The sun has the same energy as the lion. If this energy would be "converted" into a human emotion, it would be love.
M*W: Thank you for your informative post, Yorda. I guess no one else understood where I was coming from.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Thank you for your informative post, Yorda. I guess no one else understood where I was coming from.
M*W: Yes that's true even I don't know where you were coming from and I am certain too that I don't know where you shall be going to. :eek:
Solomon's 700 wives and 300 concubines, by the bye, are merely the personations of man's attributes, feelings, passions and his various occult powers: the Kabalistic numbers 7 and 3 showing it plainly. Solomon himself, moreover, being, simply, the emblem of SOL-the "Solar Initiate" or the Christ-Sun, is a variant of the Indian "Vikarttana" (the Sun) shorn of his beams by Viswakarma, his Hierophant-Initiator, who thus shears the Chrestos-candidate for initiation of his golden radiance and crowns him with a dark, blackened aureole-the "crown of thorns." (See The Secret Doctrine for full explanation.) Solomon was never a living man. As described in Kings, his life and works are an allegory on the trials and glory of Initiation.

The building of the Temple of Solomon is the symbolical representation of the gradual acquirement of the secret wisdom, or magic; the erection and development of the spiritual from the earthly; the manifestation of the power and splendour of the spirit in the physical world, through the wisdom and genius of the builder. The latter, when he has become an adept, is a mightier king than Solomon himself, the emblem of the sun or Light himself-the light of the real subjective world, shining in the darkness of the objective universe…

The temple of Solomon's wisdom is a building in which "there was neither hammer, nor axe, nor any tool of iron heard in the house while it was building" (I Kings, vi); for this "temple" is made by no human hand, nor built in any locality on earth-but, verily, is raised only in the inner sanctuary of man's heart wherein reigns alone the awakened soul…

If the measurements of this allegorical temple, the symbol of the cycle of Initiation, coincide with those of the Great Pyramid, it is due to the fact that the former were derived from the latter through the Tabernacle of Moses.
Yorda_7 said:
Solomon's 700 wives and 300 concubines, by the bye, are merely the personations of man's attributes, feelings, passions and his various occult powers: the Kabalistic numbers 7 and 3 showing it plainly. Solomon himself, moreover, being, simply, the emblem of SOL-the "Solar Initiate" or the Christ-Sun, is a variant of the Indian "Vikarttana" (the Sun) shorn of his beams by Viswakarma, his Hierophant-Initiator, who thus shears the Chrestos-candidate for initiation of his golden radiance and crowns him with a dark, blackened aureole-the "crown of thorns." (See The Secret Doctrine for full explanation.) Solomon was never a living man. As described in Kings, his life and works are an allegory on the trials and glory of Initiation.

The building of the Temple of Solomon is the symbolical representation of the gradual acquirement of the secret wisdom, or magic; the erection and development of the spiritual from the earthly; the manifestation of the power and splendour of the spirit in the physical world, through the wisdom and genius of the builder. The latter, when he has become an adept, is a mightier king than Solomon himself, the emblem of the sun or Light himself-the light of the real subjective world, shining in the darkness of the objective universe…

The temple of Solomon's wisdom is a building which "there was neither hammer, nor axe, nor any tool of iron heard in the house while it was building" (I Kings, vi); for this "temple" is made by no human hand, nor built in any locality on earth-but, verily, is raised only in the inner sanctuary of man's heart wherein reigns alone the awakened soul…

If the measurements of this allegorical temple, the symbol of the cycle of Initiation, coincide with those of the Great Pyramid, it is due to the fact that the former were derived from the latter through the Tabernacle of Moses.

Yorda, I'm sorry but you rambled the messageof the entire 66 books of the Holy Bible. Bye.