Who to turn for Morality

Are you just trying to run up your posts count? Why else are you starting soooooo many posts?
Agent51 ...

'To turn', at least for me, means to have someone change their

Example: Turning a spy (becomes a double-agent).

The heck with 'what's your point?'

What the hell are you trying to say or ask?

Take care :confused:
Uhhh... me!
Your morals are something that was instilled upon you at an early age. What has been taught to you when you were young are the same values that will stick with you until you die.
I can tell you what your morals should be. Just send $99.99 to me, plus postage and handling, and I'll send you my very own Guide To Moral Behaviour!

No thats not true
Your ethics change as your situation changes.
otherwise how are so many people corupted by power?
<blockquote>Your ethics change as your situation changes.
otherwise how are so many people corupted by power?</blockquote>

Is that necessarily a change in morality or just a lack of adherence to it?
Personally, I think that the basis for morality is instilled in us early on, then shaped by further conditioning, experiences, thought, education and intellectual development. That we learn the fundamental notion of what is good then refine it and tinker with it according to our learning and experiences, gradually developing a more accurate picture of morality.
Kohlberg's theory of moral development kind of confirms this.

Castro WTF?
I agree, although i have see peoples ethical code change totaly when large things have happened to them

Your right that the coruption wasn't a good example

I also want to know whats with the first post
Iagree, although i have see peoples ethical code change totaly when large things have happened to them

I dont think thats so. I mean, if something horrible happened to me, yes my outlook would change, but my morals would still be the same. I have seen people sell their souls for drugs, but deep down they feel guilty about it. Hence, your morals dont change, just your outlook. And if a person turns into a murdered when he gets older, chances are he didnt have very high morals growing up.

Ok lets make up a hyperthetical

you are total against killing

One day you little girl is raped, torched and murdered in a most horriable fashion

The man is caught and the police know it was him

The courts let him off because he got a top laywer

one day you see him and you just snap

You kill him

This is against you moral code and you probably WOULD feell guilty but wouldn't the change be exscusable?
Well that would be an exception. Doesnt mean my moral codes have changed. And yes, I would cut his balls off and hang him from them:D