Humans have extraordinarily pliable minds (not to mention physical brains).
If you teach a child that a man will come down his chimney and bring him presents, along with every other well-behaved child in the world, one night of the year, he will believe it.
If you tell a child that she is less than a man because she is a girl, she will believe it.
If you tell a child that the twinkling stars are eyes of angels and they are twinking with tears of joy, the child will beleive it.
Children get every need met by their parents. Food, shelter, love, language...
If a child has even reasonably apt parents, the child will see thos parents as infallible providers and protectors and all-knowing sages.
At some point, a child will discover that those parents are just people.
Exactly when and how that happens will have a profound effect on the person.
Often times that happens at about the same time the child is becoming self-aware and gathering insecurities.
Insecurites, fears, self-awareness and recognition of mortality is a powerful mix and will drive many people to look for that one perfect thing - the rock to depend on in a shaky world.
With proof that mom and dad are just human like you, gods fill that void quite nicely.
Gods, for most people, can't disappoint you.
If you scrutinize them, they may.
If you are introduced to othe rpoints of view they may.
If you depend on them to readily they may.
When they do, who you have become up to that point in life will largely dictate what your response will be.
If believing in gods makes you feel good, safe, protected, assured about the afterlife... If believing in gods assuages your insecurities, then you will likely continue to believe in them.
People, even "normal" people, can convince themselves of just about anything.
In an uncertain world, every one of us convinces him/herself of many things all the time.
You are a Democrat. It is safe to go outside. It is not safe to go outside. People are good and trustworthy - or they are not. You are attractive. Your husband makes you happy. You are a good parent. You are intelligent. You are right. Life is worth living.
Humans have extraordinarily pliable minds.