Who ruled heaven on this day. God or Satan?

Greatest I am

Valued Senior Member
Who ruled heaven on this day. God or Satan?

This quote speaks of God choosing Jesus as a human sacrifice to take our just punishment for our sins. Dogma says that we cannot redeem ourselves from God condemnation. 1Peter 1:20 0 He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake.

The above quote shows this as Gods first actual judgement as judge and shows the setting and accepting of a bribe or human sacrifice to corrupt his justice. That justice usually stated that only the punishment of the guilty was acceptable to justice and that it would be unjust to punish the innocent. The corruption of God’s usual justice is what the bribe or sacrifice of Jesus bought. Injustice.

Recognizing that by whatever word you would use, sacrifice, ransom, bribe or payment, would you say such an immoral request and legal injustice would most likely be demanded by a God or by a Satan?

If punishing the innocent is not a just and moral thing to do, I would say that Satan would be the one to ask or demand such a sacrifice.

That would have Satan ruling heaven and not God as a good God would not do such an immoral thing.

Do you agree that Satan is more likely to ask for us to accept an immoral human sacrifice to bail us out than God would?

If you agree, does that indicate that Satan was ruling in heaven and not God on that day?

If punishing the innocent is not a just and moral thing to do, I would say that Satan would be the one to ask or demand such a sacrifice.
god does not demand a blood sacrifice, god wants us to sacrifice what we hold dear for others of our own free will, it need not be in blood. god didn't punish jesus, god volunteered to suffer in the hands of the people to show the world the error of their ways
Whatever God does is right--and you will eventually bow your knee to Him acknowledging that truth.

GOD is best not reduced to the level of a third person pronoun.
That level of linguistic laziness should be reserved for yourself and your friends(assuming that you have any).
as/re sacrifice
Many religions have sacrificed animals, including humans.
Think Zeus's portion.
Think Isaac. Kierkegaard revered Abraham as "a man of faith", while I just think of him as a nutjob.
Sacrificing a human is, for GOD, not much more than sacrificing a goat, a ram, or a dog or a chicken for us mere mortals.
If you have ever read the bible, Satan is not thrown from heaven until the last book of the New Testament; Revelations. Revelations are prophesies of the latter days and was physically written by John, many decades after Jesus died, when John, the youngest of the disciples (younger than Jesus) was an old man in prison/exile. The timing of the writing, decades after the death of Jesus, means was Satan was in heaven during the time of Jesus.

Before Jesus begins ministry, he goes into the desert and is tempted by Satan. Satan offers him immortality, extreme wealth and extreme power over all the nations. Satan could offer all these secular things, because Satan was in charge of the realm of man. This position begins with the tree of knowledge; law.

To get these pinnacle secular things, wished for by men and women, and expected of the kick butt Messiah that the Jews expected, Jesus had to bow and serve Satan. If Jesus had made that choice, this would have meant the son of God would be under Satan, in the heavenly hierarchy. Hypothetically, if this had occurred, the future war in heaven may have turned out differently; Satan and Jesus, against God.

Jesus, does not accept the offer, but decides to remain mortal, poor and weak; blessed are the poor, blessed are the meek and mild. With Satan in heaven and still in charge of the realm of man, he caters to the greed and lust for power within men, so they will do his dirty work. Judas accepts silver coins in greed, while Pharisees see Jesus as an enemy because he is threatening their power in the Synagog.

God is watching this drama unfold, with his son choosing wisely. When Jesus reaches heaven, he sits at the right hand of God. Satan was and is still the left hand man of God. This is how the angles become divided into thirds, with God having the alliance of the most powerful archangels.

Before Satan is thrown own of heaven, he continued to politic God like the days of old, while Jesus, who also has an ear of God, is asking God not to lead these humans into temptation, but deliver them from evil. The drama unfolds as Rome and the Early Christians polarize human nature; image of Satan and Jesus.
That's a lie, the books of the Bible were named after disciples, not written by any of them.
Him!...That level of linguistic laziness should be reserved for yourself and your friends(assuming that you have any).
"I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you."