Who made God? One Big Circle.


Hell hath no fury like squid
Registered Senior Member
From ChristanCourier.net

Both Scripture and logic, then, in marvelous concert, testify to the fact that God is eternal. He had no origin. He is the everlasting I AM. No one “made” him. He simply IS.

Full article here

Being an Atheist, I've researched this topic over and over again, and can never get a solid answer of where God (any god, if he/she/they) came from. They all say he/she/they just is/are. This seems like a cheap way out.

That article says God has always existed, but where did the material for this god come from?

They argue themselves into one big circle.
if god always existed and is infinite why would it need to be created?, eternal cannot be created,

just like energy is infinite and has always existed, and will always exist, it cannot be created or destroyed. so therefore was never created and has always been.

God is like the universe; where did it come from; where did all the materials come from to make it? Many of us assume, it just is, was and will be.
God is like the universe; where did it come from; where did all the materials come from to make it? Many of us assume, it just is, was and will be.

according to the laws of physics energy cannot be created or destroyed, so it has always existed and always will.

hence the universe is eternal.

From The Blind Watchmaker by Richard Dawkins:
A deity capable of engineering all the organised complexity in the world, either instantaneously or by guiding evolution, . . . must already have been vastly complex in the first place . . ." He calls this "postulating organised complexity without offering an explanation.

God, if indeed he exists, couldnt have always been. In my opinion thats just an impossibility.
yeah but i mean your opinion should be that its improbable :). i am censoring your thoughts and personal opinions.


LOL ok i guess i need some censoring :p

Very well:
God, if indeed he exists, couldnt have always been. In my opinion thats just an improbability. :p
They are right you know, God has no beginning or end. But this is because he never existed to begin with.

I love how the article above says "He simply IS."...baited hooks.
kind of like asking where did time come from
Not really.
Time is nothing but a relative property of existence.
Once you know where everything else comes from (or didn't) - you know where time comes from.

The same can not be said for a God.

Why are theists apparently happy to assume that their "God" has always existed - and do so without explanation (except via sophistry) - and yet can not accept the possibility that the Universe might also have always existed - and that, for many theists - their "God" might just be a personification of the "Universe" (i.e. of everything, of reality)?
Not really.
Time is nothing but a relative property of existence.
Once you know where everything else comes from (or didn't) - you know where time comes from.

The same can not be said for a God.

Why are theists apparently happy to assume that their "God" has always existed - and do so without explanation (except via sophistry) - and yet can not accept the possibility that the Universe might also have always existed - and that, for many theists - their "God" might just be a personification of the "Universe" (i.e. of everything, of reality)?

That argument is easily reversible. They'll ask why we can't accept that God has always existed. See the pattern?
I can accept it.
I accept it as one possibility among many.
As do the majority of atheists on this site.
We just don't have the belief in it - due to the lack of evidence - the same lack of evidence for every other possibility.

"God" introduces an unnecessary level of complexity - another "unknown" - and as such fails Occam's Razor (from a rational view-point).

Until you can reject everything else and actually require the additional complexity, it remains an irrational inclusion.