Who knows what the cow mutilations are?

Why cows?

  • They don't run?

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • They're close enough in basic biology?

    Votes: 4 80.0%
  • They sleep like rocks?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Aliens REALLY believe they're the most intelligent beings on earth?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • They ARE the most intelligent beings on earth?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Registered Senior Member
Why do farmers keep finding mutilated cows everywhere? Is it a satanist thing like everyone says or is it aliens trying to compare the anatomy of bovines to the ours? If this is the case...Wouldn't you think they'd be a LITTLE smarter (seeing as how they can navigate the far reaches of outter space in tight space craft) than to try and figure us out that way?...
Or am I underestimating their intelligence? Perhaps the aliens, if that's what it is, are just gathering some preliminary information. If they came from a different planet then it is perfectly plausible that their biochemical makeup is very different than our own. We're carbon based. They could very well be...sodium based for all we know. If so, then cutting up poor little innocent cows could give them mountains of information on ALL the creatures of this planet. What we're all basically made of, how our organs work, they basic make up of our bodies, and so on. Right now, from cows, they probably know where our brains and other delicate vital organs are, how we ingest our food, the basic chemical makeup of our systems, what we eat and don't eat, how our bodies feed themselves (respiratory, gastronomical, and cardiovascular systems)...Hmmm...Come to think of it...We're not that much different than other species on the planet when compared to the differences of other possible galaxies. So why cows? Maybe because they're too dumb to run away when given the opportunity...That and they sleep like rocks as anyone whose ever gone cowtipping knows! :O)

Originally posted by willakitty
Why do farmers keep finding mutilated cows everywhere? Is it a satanist thing like everyone says or is it aliens trying to compare the anatomy of bovines to the ours? If this is the case...Wouldn't you think they'd be a LITTLE smarter (seeing as how they can navigate the far reaches of outter space in tight space craft) than to try and figure us out that way?...
Or am I underestimating their intelligence? Perhaps the aliens, if that's what it is, are just gathering some preliminary information. If they came from a different planet then it is perfectly plausible that their biochemical makeup is very different than our own. We're carbon based. They could very well be...sodium based for all we know. If so, then cutting up poor little innocent cows could give them mountains of information on ALL the creatures of this planet. What we're all basically made of, how our organs work, they basic make up of our bodies, and so on. Right now, from cows, they probably know where our brains and other delicate vital organs are, how we ingest our food, the basic chemical makeup of our systems, what we eat and don't eat, how our bodies feed themselves (respiratory, gastronomical, and cardiovascular systems)...Hmmm...Come to think of it...We're not that much different than other species on the planet when compared to the differences of other possible galaxies. So why cows? Maybe because they're too dumb to run away when given the opportunity...That and they sleep like rocks as anyone whose ever gone cowtipping knows! :O)

okokkokkko.....O.K. Damnitall!!!!


Watched and heard the media Party line about such things over the past 10 to 150 years!!!!

Considerations of Satanism through Govnr't Painted Black Helicopter sightings and laser surgery performed by on site Bio-Gov-investigators, searching for long term effects of nuclear fallout from the Project Smokey & such experiments of the 50's & early 60's!!!!!!!!!

From this point of view, grazing cattle would truly give a nuke investigative group a good realization since the cattle are constantly exposed to the outside environment & they would of course be consuming directly off the irradiated land (fallout of the 50's & 60's tests).

As far as aliens & the above mentioned probabilities:

- If "Aliens" were cutting up cattle, the reasoning would appear to be that cattle mutilations would be less of a shock to human beings than human mutilations. I dare say that the <b>"talking heads" (news anchors) </b>would SCREAM about human mutilations in remote areas long before they would even raise an eyebrow to a few old cow carcasses in Montana!

As far as why here on Earth vs the 13th planet of the 23rd Solar System in Alpha Centauri, I can only respond in saying, "Why Not Here"?????? For instance "wk", what would be so <i>uninteresting</i> about life on Earth that would cause a Space Faring Scientist to ignore the obviously colorful and life bearing Planet Earth. Methinks that a great many of us underestimate our originality among so many lifeless Planetoids strewn about the Universe!

I am <b>NOT</b> a NASA Scientist, and cannot speak for any of these wonderful seekers of truth. But I would imagine that if a crew of NASA Scientists were to cruise about the Galaxy looking for life, they would damn sure stop at the first Planet which seemed to have <b>animated lifeforms (especially intelligent)</b>rather than exploring some dead rock of a Planet.

<B>Reminds me of something that I heard Larry King say once,</B> <I>" Why do the aliens keep abducting Backwoods Fred instead of landing in Central park, NY????"</I>

<B>Ans:</B><I> Possibly because they are searching for a semblance of intelligent life ! ! ! ! </I>
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one theory

One theory is that these cattle mutilations are done by the gov't. Which is ATHIESTHATER stated earlier.

Black helicoptors have beeen spotted around, near, and even hovering over the dead cattle, some farmers have even witnessed the cattles being dropped from the helicopters. There may be footage of these helicopters, i am unsure. Anyway.... the farmers typically see, feel and hear the rotation of the helicoptors blades turning but dont hear the choppers engine. Why is this? A study was looked in to this by skeptics and it revealed that the gov't was one of the very orginazation that had access to a type of silencer too put on the engine. Making the engine extremely quite.

These sightings of helicopters have been seen in various northwest and southwestern states. There has been an unually high number of helicopters and cattles mutilations in the nevada, new mexico and arizona regions. The theory is that the gov't is doing this too see what the effect of nuclear bomb and missle testing from the late 1950's has one our cattle (if exisiting, may lead to problems w/ humans) and maybe poisening our nations meat supply.

The explanation for the cattle mutilations outside of these regions? They say is simply for a comparison too the "infected" animals that were in the regions of nevada, new mexico, and arizona. The states outside of the nuclear testing areas that had reported cattle mutilations included Northern California (lassen area, close to where i live), Idaho, Montana, and Orgeon.

When studied, the cattle themselves had their reproductive organs missing, heart, lungs, intestines and all major other organs. When looked at even closer they discovered that the cattle, on more than one ocassion, looked as if it had been dropped from a high altitude. UFO? .... or another one of big brother's projects?
Re: one theory

Originally posted by Lynx
One theory is that these cattle mutilations are done by the gov't. Which is ATHIESTHATER stated earlier.

Black helicoptors have beeen spotted around, near, and even hovering over the dead cattle, some farmers have even witnessed the cattles being dropped from the helicopters. There may be footage of these helicopters, i am unsure. Anyway.... the farmers typically see, feel and hear the rotation of the helicoptors blades turning but dont hear the choppers engine. Why is this? A study was looked in to this by skeptics and it revealed that the gov't was one of the very orginazation that had access to a type of silencer too put on the engine. Making the engine extremely quite.

These sightings of helicopters have been seen in various northwest and southwestern states. There has been an unually high number of helicopters and cattles mutilations in the nevada, new mexico and arizona regions. The theory is that the gov't is doing this too see what the effect of nuclear bomb and missle testing from the late 1950's has one our cattle (if exisiting, may lead to problems w/ humans) and maybe poisening our nations meat supply.

The explanation for the cattle mutilations outside of these regions? They say is simply for a comparison too the "infected" animals that were in the regions of nevada, new mexico, and arizona. The states outside of the nuclear testing areas that had reported cattle mutilations included Northern California (lassen area, close to where i live), Idaho, Montana, and Orgeon.

When studied, the cattle themselves had their reproductive organs missing, heart, lungs, intestines and all major other organs. When looked at even closer they discovered that the cattle, on more than one ocassion, looked as if it had been dropped from a high altitude. UFO? .... or another one of big brother's projects?

<i> Sound wave inversion technology has been around at least 20 years. Briefly, it's not unlike hooking up your stereo speakers out of phase. For example one would input one speaker +-. The other speaker would be switched -+. Simply stated the two would be 180 deg. out of phase (the idea being that one sound cancels out precisely the other). I'm pretty sure that most military choppers do just that today. Old hat!

Experiments and observations regarding nuclear residuals on the land & in the food we eat?
I'd bet the Farm on that explanation!!!!!!!
Yeah Yeah!!! tell me something I don't know!!!

It's good that we all understand the few pieces of this puzzle. But I would like to know something new.

Night vision videotape of these copters in the act!!! Or perhaps the individuals caught in the act of performing these operations! It seems to me that there ought to be a few adventurers out there that have video tape to support our suspicions!!!

Now that we've all established a working thesis...just a joke, you guys! I really didn't expect you all to get all serious about it. As you could probably see from the poll above, if you weren't believing my thoughts really ambled in that direction, it was just a vague musing. I most certainly do believe that aliens would attempt contact with a human being before going to work on a cow. I also appreciate the unique situation that we as inhabitants of the earth find ourselves in. And, if you've read other posts of mine, you know that I'm as taken with the idea that the whole thing's the gov't's doing as anything. But I would like you to have more faith in me than to believe that I would go and talk that much about something I have little knowledge of...besides, I like the thought that aliens wouldn't contact us directly because they're more intelligent than that! :OP~~~
to add my two-cents to this "HEATED" topic.......

yes it's true that sound-inversion technology is used by military helos (hell, I've seen it!) and they might be to blame for the mutilations.

One theory I've also read is that the soft-tissue being surgically removed from these cows (lip membranes, rectums, etc.) are being tested for radiation levels and their possible cellular-mutations. Since cows always have their lips and mouths to the ground and shit alot, why not?

And keep it a secret? Hell yes, beef is too sacred in the godddamn country to be touched by any scandal.......look what happened to Oprah in the early '90's!
Sound inversion tech.....

Junior Member

to add my two-cents to this "HEATED" topic.......
yes it's true that sound-inversion technology is used by military helos (hell, I've seen it!) and they might be to blame for the mutilations. </i>

<b>Sound inversion is <b>not</b> limited to sound waves alone!

Electromagnetic waves ought to also be applicable. It would seem that reflected light for instance, ought to abide by similar rules of inversion. Imagine what the military could make of that (or perhaps already has)!</b>

<i>"The Klingons Can't Fire While Cloaked"(Sulu???)</i>
speaking my little mind...

I simply MUST agree with what you've just said, Howard my boy...However, I dare say that you've just intimidated all that may have posted here, except for those bold few that would speak their minds anyway (y'know the ones that walk around with their noses in the air all the time and therefore feel that it is their God given right to say whatever the hell they please whenever they feel like it?), not that it's a bad thing...
Anyway, I rather liked your lecture, winding as it was, and I find you quite passionate about your idea(l?)s. Keep it up!
Perhaps you'll share the rest of that thought you had later?
CHECK THIS OUT ! ! ! ! ! !





<b>I found this site while surfing a little while ago.</b>

<i> Haven't had the nerve to actually go to some of the more ????????...... ones ! ! ! !</i>

<font size="4">If one is into the AREA 51 stuff, then this has to be the best site that I've seen so far! ! ! !</font size>

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shut up...:)

Orinally Posted by HOWARDSTERN
Sound wave inversion technology has been around at least 20 years. Briefly, it's not unlike hooking up your stereo speakers out of phase. For example one would input one speaker +-. The other speaker would be switched -+. Simply stated the two would be 180 deg. out of phase (the idea being that one sound cancels out precisely the other). I'm pretty sure that most military choppers do just that today. Old ha</i>

Yes, it has been around for the past 20 year, yet just now has it begun to be popular and more frequently used, espiecially with the gov't. Also in and around the New Mexico and Arizona bases, the only "organization" with this technology available is the government.
Re: speaking my little mind...

Originally posted by willakitty
I simply MUST agree with what you've just said, Howard my boy...However, I dare say that you've just intimidated all that may have posted here, except for those bold few that would speak their minds anyway (y'know the ones that walk around with their noses in the air all the time and therefore feel that it is their God given right to say whatever the hell they please whenever they feel like it?), not that it's a bad thing...
Anyway, I rather liked your lecture, winding as it was, and I find you quite passionate about your idea(l?)s. Keep it up!
Perhaps you'll share the rest of that thought you had later?

<b> YEAH I KNOW WILL. But I gottsa be me!</b>

Besides I enjoy being a loud mouth here at Exo-symbolically!

ps. You've got to check out psycic spy.com
Wow, I'm getting famous or something

Howard, I won't even argue any vital points of your thread. I did want to make one specific note, though, which may simply be a typo, but I didn't want it to come up down the line.
a) that redshift of a faraway planet, which has a blue to ultraviolet appearance (red's are low frequency & violet(purples) are high frequency)), often mean that the planet is approaching us (Earth)
I'm not sure it affects the general assertions of your theory, but a redshift occurs when a celestial body is moving away from the point of observation. I quote Michael Zeilik, from the glossary of Astronomy: the Evolving Universe, 6th ed. (Wiley, 1991):
redshift An increase in the wavelength of the radiation received from a receding celestial body as a consequence of the Doppler effect; a shift toward the long-wavelength (red) end of the spectrum. (p. 549)

Incidentally, thanx for the plug:
Especially if a new member happens to stray into the most twisted aspect of EXO-Symbolically>RELIGIOUS DEBATE>TIASSA ! ! ! !
Y'ought not to worry about me in here, though. I'd hate to think you were wasting unnecessary thought on me in a post irrelevant to our exchanges in the religious forum.

Tiassa :cool:




<i>I'm not sure it affects the general assertions of your theory, but a redshift occurs when a celestial body is moving away from the point of observation. I quote Michael Zeilik, from the glossary of Astronomy: the Evolving Universe, 6th ed. (Wiley, 1991): </i>

Right! Damn awesome Tia! And I thought you were only interested in insulting the religious zealots (a poor confused little lot)!

Yeah but it also has to do with <b>all </b>objects or otherwise moving away from the observer.

Appologies sir! No idea, had I!

<font size="3"> COOL! O' COOLIFICA!</FONT SIZE>
Re: re: speaking my little mind

Sorry, I got mad at you Howard. You're cool with me. I'm a libra so I'm always down to help out the underdog (anyone who may be unfairly picked on). You're right. You gots ta be you! So keep up bein' you, Howard! Run free!

hi cow mutilations simplified nott

useing your imagination"
one might suspect cowmutilations are some scientific
means f studying human food source's but things could be as far fetched as genetic contrivances , to modify cows
as to inpute genetic altering qualitys the the cow food chain .? in outher words the cows would end up produceing
substances when ingested by humans as to effect ther
physiology...or developement"?..
lately ive been wondering about the colesterol in cows
is it stopping up my circulatory system ? maybe so,
i had been living on a lot of ground beef for 15 years
because it gives you strength but also at like age 48 i
have noticed my memory has lost a portion of its acuity
i have read that people are monitoring prilates in animals because they cause a for of jacobons desease( mad cow) .. supossedly (unconfirmed)some deers here in the usa have it .
lately im thinking more that certain groups do not
want people to be intelligent its like maybe they wish
we as a populouse were more like the cows.
point one here if the rich are rich who are they rich for?
you ? your uncle ? yo mama"? i .... doubt it
a cow might b worth more to them then your lifes product"
i wondering if life as existance really wasnt about 9-5
or factory retirement or ssi sense were all liveing this
way maybe well never know what we mite have if?
we were all independantly intelligence andocupational wise
It's more likely to be decades of clandestine testing on cattle over Monsanto's Milk enhancing Steriod's with the results being kept pretty much classified. Obviously their clandestine testing can't go as far as to start carving up people (especially people that suffer obesity as a disease and can't help but eat lots of fast foods made from cow produce like milk and steaks, burgers etc. Their entire disease might have been born from this steroid effecting the genetics of the protein they are ingesting.

Admittedly it's a wild theory, but more credible than beings from another world probing cattle.