Who is your favorite god:Whose the best?


ascetic, sage, diogenes, bum?
Valued Senior Member
This is a debate thread on whose the best god and why. I say it is Apollo. The second dtrongest god of his set, and the god of cultivated arts of music, medicine, archery, muses, poetry, prophecy,light, and the sun. He was also good with the girls, but Cupid(Eros) did him dirty.

The only God brave enough to stick his hand into Fenrir's mouth for which he lost his hand. This sacrifice would even spur on real-life Berserkers to mimic his actions when they would perform the "Tyr's fountain", which entailed them cutting off their hand and spraying the blood in the face of their enemies to blind them.
OLD MAN COYOTE( Native American god)

OLD MAN COYOTE: The wily, tricky, sneaky, pesky, cheaty God of the Wild West. He's the omnipresent Trickster God and Cultural Hero of Native American mythology, the original Marx Brother and thorn in the RAVEN gods side.
OLD MAN COYOTE( Native American god)

OLD MAN COYOTE: The wily, tricky, sneaky, pesky, cheaty God of the Wild West. He's the omnipresent Trickster God and Cultural Hero of Native American mythology, the original Marx Brother and thorn in the RAVEN gods side.

M*W: Although I totally agree with the Old Coyote Man being the reigning god, I'd like to add the the Sun, the center of our solar system, is the only god there ever was and the only sun of god there could possibly be -- even though I don't believe such fantasy, humankind has created the Sun to be the creator god, and I'm in agreement with that. Except, there is no god. There is no creator god but the sun, and there is no savior. It's all fantasy.
I have no favorite God, for there is no God to favor, for no God exists, as no proof exists of God.
I have no favorite God, for there is no God to favor, for no God exists, as no proof exists of God.

M*W: You're right, of course, draqon. There is no true god. Yet, there are many gods who exist in the various and sundry religions. Native American gods are believeable. They serve a purpose. They may not serve reality, but they serve manking. As Medicine*Woman, I know this. By far, Native American gods outweigh any dying demigod savior that may ever be. It's a sad case, indeed, that Native Americans generally worship the Jesus-Freak specimen. It has harmed their belief in their indiginous gods. I'd believe in Wakantaka anyday before I believed in Jesus fucking Christ.
Why should I respect your belief of Gods when you do not respect others' beliefs of Gods?

M*W: I don't expect you to respect my belief in gods. I don't believe in any gods at all. I'm familial with Native American gods, but that doesn't mean I worship them.
M*W: I don't expect you to respect my belief in gods. I don't believe in any gods at all. I'm familial with Native American gods, but that doesn't mean I worship them.

...so what do you expect from me than? As a soul given body on this Earth...what message do you carry for me?
Medicine Woman:

What is your take on Indo-European polytheistic beliefs? Do you find them as credible and well conceived as American Indian ones?
Medicine Woman:

What is your take on Indo-European polytheistic beliefs? Do you find them as credible and well conceived as American Indian ones?

M*W: I don't find Indo-European polytheistic gods to be adequate in the greater scheme of things.

I appreciate and respect Native American gods, even though I do not believe in them per se.

I do not believe in the christian dying demigod savior at all. That's a phony replica of life as it were. There is no reality of christianity. It's all false, and it's all phony. Christianity is just a figment of one's imagination.
Medicine Woman:

What do you find as the main difference in your respect for the American Indian over Indo-European Gods?

Not that you believe in either, as you have addressed, but simply what makes you differ in your evauation?
This is a debate thread on whose the best god and why. I say it is Apollo. The second dtrongest god of his set, and the god of cultivated arts of music, medicine, archery, muses, poetry, prophecy,light, and the sun. He was also good with the girls, but Cupid(Eros) did him dirty.

By far I would say the Egyptian Goddess Aset ( later known as Isis by the Greeks and Romans...although Isis had different qualities than Aset did).
Sister and also consort to the God Asar,daughter of Geb and Nut, mother of Heru. Mainly a funerary deity, she protected the deceased and also played an important role in the 'Hall of Judgement' where the dead received a review and judgement of their life.
A fierce protector of her people, compasionate but also known to be impartial or indifferent at times to human affairs.
Aset is also known as the Goddess of Wisdom , mainly due to her ability to learn the "secret name of Ra" or basically the name/ true nature of the supreme being.