who is wrong?


Registered Member
do you realize they all of you think they your religion is the correct one and everyone else's is wrong?
if you are a christian then you believe catholics are wrong, vice versa, etc etc.
granted, some of you are pretty open, but you really religious people belive your religion is right.
so tell me, who is right because it can only be one of you?
i believe you are all wrong because there is no god, but thats my opinion.

Hey, if drinking the blood of the innocent is wrong, than I don't want to be right.
That's not true.

As a matter of fact, a great number of religions praise things like tolerance and do not throw the book at non-believers. Although there are many exceptions when you have clergy men with too much power...in almost any religion.

Take for example Buddhism. That example alone completely defaces your argument. Shintoism?

If we're talking about monotheistic religions...well, Judaism for one preaches tolerance. Although you can't be a Jew and a pagan by Judaic law. Non-believers are not consider infidels or anything. There's nothing in it that says others are inherintly wrong, evil or what have you. I would know - I'm Jewish. We believe that our purpose is to lead the nations by example and nothing else. We don't decry anyone else.

Islam is a lot similar in that it preaches tolerances and sanctity for anyone. Although in some countries, the extremists (and) overpowered clergy change all of that. I don't think they reflect the classical definition of Islam.

point is, Islam is also another religion, that - by the book, accepts other religions, and other people. Even though a lot less than something like Buddhism. Realistically, it doesn't work out this work this way...

Now Christianity is kind of different. THere are hundreds of little sects, and each has their own opinion. If you're a Christian that believes in heaven and hell, than the concensus seems to be that not having the proper beliefs can land you an eternity of damned nation. So perhaps you're right on the point of X-stians. They never really agree. But tolerance does exist, and they are very similiar to the other two monotheistic religions. I know for a fact that many christians do not feel you need to be Christian in order to be right. Apparantly, you can be athiest, or anything else you like and still carry out 'God's work' by being kind of professional.

And then there are all the other religions...

Native spirituality...kind of like Buddhism...
The African, -what was it? I can't remember the name.

What it comes down to is that most of these religions are just a set of values that one has. The common thread (even in extreme cases,) is that there are only shades of grey, and we can't be perfect...so we have to accept others as they come. Not as being right or wrong, but just as who they are.
yourcatisdrunk (haha, good one)

Theists often ask "If my religion isn't true, then why do so many people believe in it?" First of all it should be pointed out that arguing whether or not something is true based on how many people believe it to be true is a logical fallacy. That being said, there is a phenomenon that should be explained: why do so many people believe in a religion that is not true?

People are indoctrinated into religion at a young age. When they have children, the children are indoctrinated into the same religion. So like genes, religion replicates itself. Also like genes, the replication is not perfect: the children don't necessarily believe exactly what their parents believe. So if a selection mechanism is available, religion will evolve. Religions with good psychological appeal or religions that inspire zealots to murder the followers of other religions will be preferentially selected. Richard Dawkins (an expert on evolutionary biology) refers to this mental analogue of a gene as a "meme". Dawkins says this about religion memes:

"The survival value of the god meme in the meme pool results from its great psychological appeal. It provides a superficially plausible answer to deep and troubling questions about existence. It suggests that injustices in this world may be rectified in the next. The ‘everlasting arms’ hold out a cushion against our own inadequacies which, like a doctor's placebo, is none the less effective for being imaginary. These are some of the reasons why the idea of God is copied so readily by successive generations of individual brains. God exists, if only in the form of a meme with high survival value, or infective power, in the environment provided by human culture."

The selfish gene is what got Dawkins in the limelight. Currently reading The Blind Watchmaker and its also a quality read. Have you read the Selfish gene or any of his books?

By the way I really love your avatar.

I've read both the selfish gene and The Blind Watchmaker.
I agree, they both are quality reads. Have you read The
Extened Phenotype
? That and Climbing Mount Improbable
are next on my list. :)

It's been quite awhile since I have read Origin of Species.
I think some of the earlier theories of evolution are also
intereresting. You know, it occurs to me that philosophy is
a lot like a tree in that it has many branches. The concept
of god is just one of those branches. ;)