Who is the Pope??

Who is the Pope?

  • A Holly Man

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A good man

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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he is a human who thinks he is divine and makes others of his belief...believe that he is divine.
he is a human who thinks he is divine and makes others of his belief...believe that he is divine.

M*W: I don't think the pope believes he is divine nor do any of his followers. He's just a man in a high religious office. The pope's infallibility does not cover everything he says and does, the infallibility part of his job occurs when he 'speaks from the chair' or represents the RCC officially. However, before the pope 'speaks from the chair', his words are carefully constructed by the college of cardinals, so whatever the pope states in 'the chair' is representative of the whole RCC.

I am no way implying here that the pope is truly infallible. All that means is his being politically/religiously 'correct,' if that's even possible. The official word always comes from 'the chair.'
M*W: I don't think the pope believes he is divine nor do any of his followers. He's just a man in a high religious office. The pope's infallibility does not cover everything he says and does, the infallibility part of his job occurs when he 'speaks from the chair' or represents the RCC officially. However, before the pope 'speaks from the chair', his words are carefully constructed by the college of cardinals, so whatever the pope states in 'the chair' is representative of the whole RCC.

I am no way implying here that the pope is truly infallible. All that means is his being politically/religiously 'correct,' if that's even possible. The official word always comes from 'the chair.'

And this even applies to G.W. Bush as well... :D
Nonono I want to know if he shits in the woods...(Actually I want to know where that goofy saying came from)
I think the nature of this sort of poll is that it is a non-sequitur. It doesn't follow that because you provided 5 choices that he must be any or a combination of them. You left off many other possibilities that are more descriptive, not the least of which is a deluded patriarch that is also an opportunist who, when presented with the head of state and cult status that he's attained, wields it as though he is a divine entity. His deception goes much further than "convenient liar" and into, perhaps, sociopathic delusion and opportunism.

I see no reason to choose any of the selections since they aren't sufficient to describe or criticize the medieval and obsolete position of this cult figure. Vatican city should be stripped of its status as a nation; the pope stripped of his status of head of state; and the entire thing turned into a museum of the quaint and superstitious past of humanity -a place where people can go and learn of potentials for both good and evil displayed by this "holy see" over the centuries.

But in no way should this cult compound continue to have power over the world.

Such a time may one day come, when reason overcomes superstition. But for now, we're stuck with Ratzinger pretending to be a god on Earth (I doubt he's a liar since he probably believes it like all good dictators do), issuing edicts and policy to cult followers the world over.
You left off many other possibilities that are more descriptive, not the least of which is a deluded patriarch that is also an opportunist who, when presented with the head of state and cult status that he's attained, wields it as though he is a divine entity. His deception goes much further than "convenient liar" and into, perhaps, sociopathic delusion and opportunism.

He also forgot this:



Do you know of any other organisation which has done more for the poor and down trodden?

If there is one i would like to know about it so list it here. I know Bill Gates has given an awfull lot...

But go ahead and show everyone your list, or just contribute by name calling and personal opinion.
He was an ex anti-aircraft gunner for the Germans in WWII. Probably killed a few Allied airmen with ack-ack but today he can cause the death of many with the uttering of simple religious bullshit.