Who is our Father


Since the tribulation has begun, I think it necessary to share some truth.

Jesus once said:"You are of your father the devil". I will give you proof.

We must go back to the beginning of the bible and the garden of Eden.
As you know your arms and legs are limbs and your torso is a trunk. Hence, you are likened to a tree. Now to the bible and the TREE of the knowledge of good and evil, (Lucifer, now known as Satan). You see Eve was seduced by the serpent to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. In other words she was seduced by Satan and he impregnated her. Then she went to Adam and seduced him with what she learned and He had sex with her and impregnated her. Now, she bore fraternal twins, Cain and Abel. Cain being Satans son and Abel being Adams son. Of course, Cain killed Abel because he was jealous that God loved him. So Cain populated the earth and through intermarriage, we all became children of our father the devil.

Fear not, Satan is gods son so God is our grandfather.
If god is my grandfather why don't I get better birthday presents?
Man, I wondered why some people looked so much like snakes!!!

Thanks for clearing that one up!

Not to mention the fact that all you just said is impossible, on several levels, but it's christianity for you, so what's the point of keeping count?
The truth is what I'm actually looking for. I've spent 44 years doing nothing but looking for the truth. There really is no devil. This I know because I've seen every evil movie ever made and none are truly evil nor do they have any intelligence even close to that of my own. If there was a devil, he would at least show his intelligence in some way in this world, his kingdom.
staples disconnected said:
Man, I wondered why some people looked so much like snakes!!!

Thanks for clearing that one up!

Not to mention the fact that all you just said is impossible, on several levels, but it's christianity for you, so what's the point of keeping count?

How is it impossible. Snakes can't talk. Apples don't give you knowledge of good and evil.

If a newly created being was sexually aroused, they would realize their nakedness. This is what the bible said happened.
I believe he went to the land of Nod and reproduced there. I'm not sure what that place is called today, but it did exist.

When does the bible state god created the land of Nod and its people - was it before or after A&E? How did those people become the exact duplication of what god did not intend in the first place but what A&E became?