Who is more important?

who is more important, in your family?

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lucifers angel

same shit, differant day!!
Registered Senior Member
Who in your family is more important? and why?

for me it has got to be my kids, my husband can look after himself, my kids can't (well my 16yr old can) i love my kids more than i do my husband, and he knows that, i love my kids because they are an extension of me and my husband.
Poll is bad. Instead of separate your wife and your husband, there should have been just one your spouse choice.
LA i havent yet voted because we dont have kids:p

so i would say my parter is the most important thing in my life followed by my fish and our fur children:p
I would say me. I don't have kids and I'm not married. However I think you should take care of yourself before you take care of others. Like they tell you on airplanes put your oxygen mask on before assisting children. Your kids won't be all that happy if you're miserable all the time.
I think of who would be missed more if they died. I think the kid's deaths would have the biggest/longest effect. Kids are what make us a family anyways. Without them we are just a couple.
orelander from a purly psycological perspective that isnt compleatly correct. Both older women and men have a 50% greater risk of death in the year they lose there partner, this increases further if you dont have a large surport network around you of family and friends.

I have never herd of any related statistics relating to the loss of a child. So i would say that though the loss of a child is a devistating experiance biology expects there to be some losses. However the loss of your primary surport (your partner) is more devistating

This is just a biological and psycological perspective so please dont think im trying to be insensitive to anyone who has lost a child
orelander from a purly psycological perspective that isnt compleatly correct.....

what the hell do you know!? :bugeye:
The question as who was more important in MY family. Not according to some statistic about old people.
I swear......:rolleyes:
not really, statisically married men live longer, married women less so. HOWEVER the more telling thing for women is when she had her last child, the older she was statisically the longer she will live.
orleander im sorry if i offended you, i missread your post. I thought you were speaking generally which is why i posted the way i did. i didnt realise you were speaking specifically about yourself
not really, statisically married men live longer, married women less so. HOWEVER the more telling thing for women is when she had her last child, the older she was statisically the longer she will live.

Then why is it all stastictics show that men live 5 years less than women on average married or not??? :shrug:
err because firstly thats an adverage across all family situations and secondly because males have a higher death rate in every single age bracket