Who is going to reward us of our deeds in the afterlife?


Registered Senior Member
Do you believe that there is a god out there who is going to reckon and reward us of our deeds?

Or, is there a universal System and Order that operates constantly and that we are subjected to, in which "as you sow, so you reap" automatically?
Gal. 6
7 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. 8 For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. 9 And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.

Eventually, everyone reaps.

Do you believe that there is a god out there who is going to reckon and reward us of our deeds?

Or, is there a universal System and Order that operates constantly and that we are subjected to, in which "as you sow, so you reap" automatically?
Yes. It is known as the laws of physics.

as we will be dead, and not know anything anymore, we will be just be rotting flesh, and food the worm's.
Sufi said:
Do you believe that there is a god out there who is going to reckon and reward us of our deeds?
your life is what you make it ;)
Or, is there a universal System and Order that operates constantly and that we are subjected to, in which "as you sow, so you reap" automatically?
Order my @ss!
life is a chance,imo, you can be good and nice to everyone or worship your god and live according to his rules and still can sudenly get hit by lightning or drunk driver and whammo,youre dead, :eek:
if there is god he dont realy gives a fuck for any humans imho.
Q25 said:
your life is what you make it ;)

Actually, life has a moral component even for those who have renounced morality. We can see this in the reports of Near Death Experiences. Nasty amoral people also have Near Death Experiences, and if Spirituality was Morally neutral, as you seem to say, then these people would be fine with emotional results of having their 'life flash before their eyes', but usually they are not. The Near Death Experience operates like a kind of Mini-Judgement and they see themselves as found lacking and guilty. Near Death Experiences often initiate a moral transformation in people who go through them.

The Near Death Experience operates like a kind of Mini-Judgement and they see themselves as found lacking and guilty. Near Death Experiences often initiate a moral transformation in people who go through them.
This is BS.

NDEs are the result of severe brain trauma and any recollections by the patient under such conditions have no credibility. The same symptoms have been recreated in the laboratory by using drugs.

There is nothing mystical about severe brain trauma.

Katazia said:

The same symptoms have been recreated in the laboratory by using drugs.


"The Same" only in the categorical scientific sense that there is light and sound perceived. But the Scientific Controls through out the moral, emotional and even religious content as irrelevent. But it isn't irrelevent, is it?

You need to admit to us and yourself that your Scientists are just bean counters and that they understand and regard nothing that isn't strictly quantifiable -- making most of their conclusions irrelevent to the points being discussed, which go way beyond category and quantity. If you look at the Universe through a microscope you'll never see anything bigger then a bug. Not exactly the Big Picture, is it?
Leo Volont said:
"The Same" only in the categorical scientific sense that there is light and sound perceived. But the Scientific Controls through out the moral, emotional and even religious content as irrelevent. But it isn't irrelevent, is it?

When these things are experienced because of severe brain trauma, how do you speculate that we, in fact, know that they have some religios content. It may be the brain shutting down, and that is why these things are experienced, not that we are on our way 'back to God' before we are taken to life again. Dont you think that an all-powerful God would know if we are, in fact, going to die or not? Why would he be so preemptive in his taking us away, when he knows that we will regain life?

Leo Volont said:
You need to admit to us and yourself that your Scientists are just bean counters and that they understand and regard nothing that isn't strictly quantifiable -- making most of their conclusions irrelevent to the points being discussed, which go way beyond category and quantity. If you look at the Universe through a microscope you'll never see anything bigger then a bug. Not exactly the Big Picture, is it?

How are most of the conclusions irrelevent to the topic at hand. You were trying, as others have, to say the NDE's show us the gateway to heaven or whatever. Medical professionals produced those same things through other means, thus saying, they have nothing to do with heaven, its only the way our brain dies. Im not sure who supposedly looked at the universe through a moicroscope, but I'm pretty sure that you can see things a whole hell of a lot smaller than a bug. Telescopes are used for viewing the universe, not microscopes.

I would also like to point out that understanding the things that compose and make the universe act the way it does are very valid ways to further prod into how everything works. Unlike the religious fanatics out there, the science community wants an explination for why things happen, other that, 'God did it'.

"The Same" only in the categorical scientific sense that there is light and sound perceived.
When the brain is suffering from lack of oxygen and nutrients it will operate abnormally. The most critical areas are the synapses that connect neurons together since these are chemical based transmitters. When these are affected they will cause neurons to fire at irregular intervals or not all at all. We experience the effects as delusions that can manifest themselves through all areas of the brain, including the visual and auditory components as well as the emotional and reasoning areas. Nearly all brain altering drugs including recreational drugs and nicotine alter the way the synapses behave. Many drug users have reported intense spiritual and emotional sensations when they are high.

Since an NDE is specifically about a period when the body and the brain are near to death and are hence under severe abnormal conditions then it is not reasonable to conclude that anything occurring in the brain could ever be considered normal. Any perceived memories and recollections of the period that are recalled after recovery are entirely unreliable, they are hallucinations.

But the Scientific Controls through out the moral, emotional and even religious content as irrelevent. But it isn't irrelevent, is it?
Sorry – I couldn’t decipher that sentence.

You need to admit to us and yourself that your Scientists are just bean counters and that they understand and regard nothing that isn't strictly quantifiable –
Science is about the discovery of knowledge using disciplines proven to yield reliable and truthful results. No one has yet presented any superior methods. If you make claims to knowledge without using science then you would need to establish that your method is reliably capable of establishing a truth, otherwise all you will have will be baseless speculations.

If you believe you can prove a truth without using science then prove it.

Sufi said:
Do you believe that there is a god out there who is going to reckon and reward us of our deeds?

Or, is there a universal System and Order that operates constantly and that we are subjected to, in which "as you sow, so you reap" automatically?


Organized religion is an invention of ancient rulers in an effort to govern the masses and control their actions so as not to disrupt the lvies of the rulers and their families and friends.

Your reward for being a good person in life, is knowing you are a good person and getting to live a good life. I can't tell you what comes after life because no one knows, but I have a pretty good idea there is no one keeping score.

Katazia said:

This is BS.

NDEs are the result of severe brain trauma and any recollections by the patient under such conditions have no credibility. The same symptoms have been recreated in the laboratory by using drugs.

There is nothing mystical about severe brain trauma.


OH COME ON!!! Tell us which drugs.. Some of want to know..just...for..educational purposes!
