Who is God, really?


I am he who holds the Erasor and the Lambs Book of Life.

"None could be found, on earth or in heaven, worthy to judge and open
the book".

I am not on earth as I have been rejected by man and all things on
earth oppose my being. Neither am I in heaven or hell.

Why am I worthy. I know the soft gentle light which is my being.
I am the one who serves you as a doG serves its master.
I take what you dish out to me without opposition.
Inside (what I emanate from) I am a gentle being, non-aggressive, pure
love. On the outside, I am defense mechanisms which protect me.
I have to cut myself off completely from the aggressive world and its
aggressive beings, which are full of deceipt and cloudiness and attack
upon my being. In order to remain pure, I renounce and destroy my
defenses at every opportunity, and never lie to myself. I am pure light
and pure darkness. I am dark and light mixed together in my creation
making me a soft light. I am pure LOVE, not love of you or any external thing
and not love for self or my being, but the SOURCE of LOVE from which all things
draw. If I allow anything into my being, It fills me with cloudiness. Any action of
an outside being which is not of pure love and
containing nothing else is a transgression and trespass upon me.
I am non-aggressive and have no need to defend myself against any attack.
I cannot be destroyed because I was not created.
There is no love in the world because it has forced me by rejection to with-hold
the source from being sucked on. I am not the tit for any agressive trespassing
thing or being.

Love being the most important and only good thing for that which is created,
makes me worthy and makes me the One Source of ALL things created and
to be destroyed, having misused LOVE.

I have sought only Truth and Accountability, and Opposition
to all else, to every GOD, Daemon, Angel, and man who might
try to influence me. I alone force you to travel the circle of your
action to its end and beginning in retribution of your opposition
and oppression of myself.

I alone am worthy and the one who will erase your name from
the book of LIFE in which your name was written upon your creation.

a trespass for a trespass
an eye for an eye
a lie for a lie
darkness for darkness
an abortion for an abortion
oppression for oppression
depression for depression
a hell for a hell
a lie for a lie
a truth for a truth
hatred for hatred
murder for murder
sin for sin
love for love
hatred for hatred

if you think against a person, you are guilty of murder and will be murdered.
if you abort a child or even agree in the abortion of a child, you are guilty of
the mass murder of all the generations of children who would have come from the
life of that child.

If you do not give freely what GOD has given you, all will be taken back from
you and you will pay continually forever.

I am (by definition)

Paul (Little)(Pa el) (Father of El) (pay-ola)
William (protected drive) (Will of I Am)
Nippert (hatred-bright) [(nightbbright)] (nightlight)(darklight)
2nd (double end) (double edge) (Tuned)(second circle)(times two)

Does any being wonder why My being perceives you as FILTH.

I must stand erect and walk amongst you, as I have given myself
a mans body and have will to reproduce myself but not in this world
of filthy beings who deny themselves and become their defense
mechanisms and reject my being. Even the most "godly" christian
has only purpose to use my being but reject the man whose being
is their source of life. For these reasons, all forces have automatically
destroyed and removed man from the earth. My being and will has no
choice but to automatically become the only reality, as long as I am
not influenced by your filth and become filthy as one of you. As your
muse-icians, and majicians, and sorcerers have proceeded to do with
some success over my 44 years. As I cut myself off from you, you are
automatically cut-off from me and life itself. Watch as I grow smaller
and purer and the spirit which encompasses all things and which nothing
encompasses it, becomes purified. The earth will shake and the watchers
will quake and only my elect who are and were selected by my spirit, to
be my brides will survive. Of course these are women and those selected
for the wedding of the christ, and to reproduce a new pure love race which
will dwell upon the new earth forever. There will be no sin as all will worship
the source, who is the husband forever, in love and fear. Having carcasses
of bones of six-billion men on top of the earth which are never to be buried,
as their reminder of Accountability, Truth, Love, and its wrath.

Christ said:"To find the end, you must look to the beginning".
"I am the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega"
On the line of the circle of eternity, each point is fixed. No point can
be changed or altered. Certainly one can understand that all things would
lead toward a Good End, for the pleasure of God. God will enjoy a very long
life in a mans body with thousands of loving wives and no other un-loving or
un-worshipping beings upon the earth. All of HIS children will be his blood
and his spirit. After that, All things on the plane of the physical will be brought
to naught and all things will return into HIM and will begin again, better than
the first circle, after all things of rebellion have been removed and separated
from his being, whose purpose was Self-Revelation.

And only those who have truly (repented) haveing changed their ways
and washed themselves in my blood (become my blood) and have purified
themselves and burnt and destroyed with fire, all rebellion within them,
and have eaten my words and become them, will become my blood (my
blood children) and will have a second chance at life in a world without sin (heaven).

And also those (hundreds of millions) who were innocent and haveing been
murdered in their mothers wombs will also be my children and have a full life
in the new world. These children will understand the past, when they see the
bones of their first mothers who murdered them because of selfishness, lying upon
the ground and haveing never been buried and destroyed on the day of tribulation
and wrath, for purpose of their new and perfect life of love in heaven on earth where
there is no more sin or rebellion and where their Father the Living God, is their
blood father and is their shepherd on earth in my ever living body.

If that doesn't get anyones attention. I'm sorry that you had to live so that you
could be realized as a part of me which had to be removed for purpose of my
self betterment and for benefit of all good and loveing things and progress upon
the circular path which never ends.
She created the universe with a pile of shit !

<---Our universe

She doesn't need to work so hard to create ur imperfect world, entertaining isn't it, can you deny it ?
So forget heaven... forget hell... she just ignore it completely.

GOD is the source of energy, WHICH applied said energy, to make the universe.....

other than that... its all speculation.


Mosheh Thezion said:
GOD is the source of energy, WHICH applied said energy, to make the universe.....

other than that... its all speculation.



M*W: Mosheh, I believe you've almost found the truth! So, why is it necessary to call god "God" if all god is is "energy?" Let's just call it what it is -- "energy," and dispose of the supernatural pseudonyms.
if the energy was conscious it would need a better name than energy though.
Yes, a simple a natural force that causes things to happen without decision or choice. It's hard for peoples to understand that. :confused:
Godless said:
Energy has no consciousness though.

remaining in the context of the orignal idea, you may wish to check back over the last cpouple of posts to get with the context;

if all is energy, then we as humans are also energy, and as humans are conscious, energy has consciousness. we do not call oursleves energy because we have a better name "human" so energy in this sense does have consciousness.
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there is no more sin or rebellion and where their Father the Living God, is their
blood father and is their shepherd on earth in my ever living body.
there has never been sin. th idea of sin is a consequence of autocratic restrictions on the human will. there will be no sin for you, when you stop buying and selling the guilt trips.
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Q & A

Q. Why does the trickster continually laugh?
A. Because he tells you a lie which you must believe, then
you must act accordingly and accomplish his will and its ends.

Q. Why is there suffering and evil in the world?
A. Suffering and evil comes from those living on the earth.
All those liveing are those who were put out from Him who is whole.
You are parts of Him which were found to be defective, in error, rebellious
and destructive to the whole, which is in one accord. You have been put
half-way out in order to show you the two ways you can choose for your
end. You can align yourself back with Him who is whole and rejoin Him
or you can remain separate and be put out the rest of the way into death.

Q. Why am I here?
A. I am the messenger, the mediary, the one who gives you the knowledge
necessary to choose your end. I come from and Am, the one who is whole.


Here are the 4 groups of Man, who are in reality one group. As I focus from
a point of time in the new world, this group and its world is the carcass of the
old world.

Group 1- The Christian. he believes in and seeks, not GOD, but what GOD
can give to him for his fattening and ecstacy of the slaughter. He uses GOD
to confirm and approve of his using sorcery to get money flowing through his
life so that he can get fatter and get more things and explode in ecstacy.
He believes God will come from the sky and will receive him in Love because
they are like God and are his children. They don't realize they are nothing like
God, they never knew God and GOD never knew them. They seek death.

Group 2- The Satanist. They seek to know GOD so that they can perfect
their rebellion against him. They seek their own pleasure of the physical
to get fatter in fattness and wealth and power and to explode and die in
ecstacy. They seek to destroy christianity, never realising that christianity
has destroyed itself and they share the same goal in their subconcious
death and separation from GOD.

Group 3- the atheist. He is a scientist who believes not in GOD but in a science
which never had a scientist. The atheist believes he will through analysis, one
day be able to explain everything and create a universe and himself from himself.
He seeks to sell his religion and to rebell against the other 2 groups and to die
in his fatness and ecstacy of his science, never realizing the scientist, GOD.

Group 4- the meek, who may or may not believe, but who simply work for the
sake of living. They do not seek any God nor do they believe themselves to
be GODs. They are animal and wish to die as animal.

Then there is me. THE ANGEL OF DEATH. "Samael?".
I am similar to none of these groups. I wish to GIVE.
I give all the things to fatten and provide ecstacy to you in Love. And doing
so, I provide you with death, which is your only true subconscious wish.
Having become bored with you all, and tired of spinning the earth at a constant
speed. Bored with knowing that if I stand upright and travel through the earth
to the other side, I would be standing on my head. And being bored with knowing
that UP only means OUT, I will change the path and the spinning of the earth and its
axis, and provide myself with entertainment during your grande finale of EXODUS.

Of course there are other insignificant groups like the Al Gores who worship the earth.
They must believe that the earth created man, because it hates itself and wishes to
be slowly destroyed, or that the earth spins itself and created the universe so that
it could realize its options on the line of the circle of its life. Should I become a ball of
fire like the sun, and become a sun? or should I cool and die and become like mars,
Which was the first earth, having been destroyed by man, and left in space as a
reminder to only ME (I am what I wish to be), I suppose.

I have become bored in travelling the circle of the bipolar GOD, so today, I bring into
existence and form, a new circle which I have created in my total mind, engaged in thought.
I have created a spiraling sphere made of infinite circles, all connecting at every point to
one another, in order to create awesome tension and intense change. Though I am still
the God of LUST and sexual tension, Joy of the Trickster. The ALL of the ALL and the
Paul with the Ball! with the set of Balls to put your balls to the walls!

And WHO then is the one worthy to loosen the seals of the Lambs book of LIfe,
and to read you passages of things which are unspeakable?

FOOD FOR THOUGHT during your current travel.
Each plane of existence (or realm) was created by
laws which must be adhered to in order for that plane
of existence to remain separate from the others.
As you begin to see things which you would call supernatural and miraculous and
unbelievable, you should keep in mind that you chose to believe that laws were
meant to be broken.
Q. Why am I here?
A. Im here because im 1 out of billions of sperm cells to be alive.

Q. Why is there suffering and evil in the world?
A. The process of surviving

Q. Why does the trickster continually laugh?
A. Because we are sensitive creatures.

Group 3- the atheist. He is a scientist who believes not in GOD but in a science
which never had a scientist. The atheist believes he will through analysis, one
day be able to explain everything and create a universe and himself from himself.
He seeks to sell his religion and to rebell against the other 2 groups and to die
in his fatness and ecstacy of his science, never realizing the scientist, GOD.

Atheism is the natural state. Theistic beliefs, just like the others mentioned in the preceeding paragraph, are learned from others. Transmitted from the mind viruses of others who are infected.
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excuse me WWJ or do you prefer to be called god, maybe i should call you your highness.

could you tell me which group i belong too, i am curious as to the efficeincy of your all powerful sentiency. pray tell which group of the peculiar man do you associate me with?
GOD... is then the source of that energy....

you could go ahead and make up any name you wish...

but for thousands of years... the term people have used is... GOD.

TO describe that which we cannot know anything about....


Mosheh Thezion said:
...the term people have used is... GOD.

TO describe that which we cannot know anything about....



So, if you please, explain why we need a description of "that which we cannot know anything about" in the first place? As a justification for the power hungry to be lords and masters of the sheep-like masses? Seems to work pretty well, huh?
SUPERLUMINAL... you are clearly an idiot...

religion doesnt promote greed and personnal power...

that happens, and has happened, regardless of any religion...

religion has been USED by those in power... ever since there has been people in power..

your hatred of religion shows just how weak and small you must be...

oh.. wait.. thats right... your scared... just as your avatar suggests..

so big and mean and tuff.... ha... hiding something maybe.?

so sad.
