Who here believes that Free Energy Machines will emerge next year or in 2??

Well, they promised them last year, the year before, and the year before that... maybe next year will be the one.
This all goes into politics. They will hold out as long as possible give as many promises as possible before they actually release them (if there are any). I've never heard of such things but if the government does pocess these machines and are planning to release them it won't be for a while. The money they get from electricity, gas, oil and such, they will want to squeeze the money out of us as much as possible and use up the resources before they begin handing out these energy free machines.
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Exactly what oil crisis are you talking about, and with whom? It obviously can't be with us since we basically have all the oil with need.

P.S The Iraq incident was BS. We don't need Iraq's oil since we have a huge foundation of it in Alaska. Enviromentalists may have played a part in the Iraq war but they don't have enough influence over the government to keep us from drilling in Alaska in times of need. We do not have an oil crisis and there is none coming up. If anything as I said before they will raise gas prices as much as possible before they begin drilling in Alaska.

Understand that the U.S government is very greedy.
Every attempt to make a free energy machine has failed.

All of physics and mathematics predicts the failure of such machines.

The only way one can substantiate the existence of free energy machines... infinitely renewable... free energy machines, is to deny the falsifiability of science and renounce hundreds of known principles and characteristics of matter.

In short, as you all know, the problem is friction.
There is a difference between "free energy" devices and "perpetual motion" devices. We all know perpetual motion devices are impossible, as ellimist said, friction and conservation of energy laws.
My understanding of a free energy device however, would be a device that converts energy from its environment into a usable form. A windmilll is a free energy device, so is a solar panel and hydroelectric because none require any energy or fuel input by the operator. I believe "zero point energy" devices, if they are possible, would fall into this catagory as well.
The problem is, so far, no-one in the mainstream scientific community has been able to detect or prove the existance of the latent energy from the fabric of space-time that these devices are supposed to harness. There are many who claim to have working devices, some more credible than others, but none have come up with a stand alone independently testable device to prove their case. So in closing, maybe, maybe not, time will tell.
So true scramble. The fact is we have "Free" Energy. We use Solar Energy, Hydro and Wind power. These are all renewable resources. But the question isn't, can we make free energy machines, but rather what are the pros and cons of using such machines? Solar Energy is a great way of achieving power, but when it's evening or a cloudy day what happens then? Allow a whole state to lose power? Wind power is also good and would solve a problem like this. But what happens when the wind suddenly stops? I believe that best form of "Free" Energy is the use of hydroelectricity. But, Unfortunetly i don't see how this form of free energy would help play a part in making a "Free" Energy Machine which would be avaible to the public.
ScRaMbLe, I think that the most of the mainstream scientific community acknowledges that the existence of 'zero point energy' is proven by the Casimir Effect. This effect is a mutual attraction between two closely spaced smooth plates. The small distance between the plates causes some virtual particles to be excluded from between, while persisting outside of the plates. The imbalance causes a 'push' which occurs even in a vacuum.
A good description is given here:
The Casimir Effect doesn't seem to have much practical application beyond the microscopic scale though, and it certainly won't provide the means to make use of zero point energy for power production (if indeed ANY means exists).
Free energy machines won't work because of the reasons you have all previously said, friction and the basic principles of matter & energy.

What people need to do is start looking into how to farm energy existing sources like Solar power, wave energy, radio energy, geothermal energy. If we built geothermal energy stations all over we wouldn't need to worry at all except that it would cool the planet faster but that'd be something to deal with in the next few thousand/million years.
I doubt the existence of free energy but more efficient energy applications are certainly possible.
I believe we are right on the edge of any number of scientific breakthroughs. There have been several interesting developments in the particle and material science fields lately. The problems lie mostly in large-scale real world practical application of these developments. The breakthroughs will most likely be due to a combination of input from different fields of science, and may well originate from a direction that none of us would suspect.