who else is fed up..............

lucifers angel

same shit, differant day!!
Registered Senior Member
who else is fed up.............. with the wave of young teenagers killing, assaulting, raping, people, and filming it with they're phones? Only to put the crime on the internet?

it seems to be getting a regular thing now, we have recently had a spate of these type of crimes happening in the UK.

But my question is how can it be stopped, the police and courts are to leniant with these low life thugs, who have nothing better to do than cause all sorts of hassle, and they often only get 3yrs in prison,

i was just reading about a young guy (22) who was with two young lads, 15 and 16, and they humiliated him, they kicked him in the head they made him unconscious, they out sticks up him nose, and then they threw him in a river near they're home, he died of horiffic injuries. His mum and dad have lost they're youngest child, but the kids got just 3yrs in borstal (holiday camp for naughty kids basically) because they came from broken homes, and when they are released they will be given new names, new identities, like that will help the family of the dead man.

so what can people do about this, because we have got to look at society and ask ourselves why kids are getting more and more agressive, and the lack of work, and lack of oppertunites will not cut it with me sorry, becase many many kids dont have the oppertunites that many of us have and theya re not killing, assaulting people?
I am not fed up, because it is a wrong feeling to experience in this case...

What I am really trying to say is that we are approaching these killings wrong, we condemn the killers, moarn the dead, and decide to lock everyone up and limit freedom so that we can see everything better. Well this is wrong, this will not stop the killings but promote them even further. The correct approach to this issue is to help the killers' families...to change the setting to a MORE LIBERAL AND SOCIALLY oriented one for students. An example to this? An example would be with people who think differently than Americans...and thus approach the problems differently, the case of Amish killing


once you read it...notice how Amish community reacts...

now this case


notice...how Americans react...


Tell me what you learned.
Children are the products of the world their elders have created for them to live in. As I've stated on other threads, today's children are under incredible pressures that my generation could not have imagined fifty years ago. For starters, even as teenagers we got to have a childhood. We did not have adult responsibilities thrust on us: 3 AP classes, 2 musical instruments, 2 sports, 5 other extracurricular activities. We weren't being prepped for the SAT in the second grade. College in the 1960s wasn't as hard as high school is today, especially since most of us were pretty carefree in college and didn't have jobs, spouses and children of our own like today's college students.

For the kids who weren't destined for college, life was even easier. They knew they'd grow up and join a union.
Children are the products of the world their elders have created for them to live in. As I've stated on other threads, today's children are under incredible pressures

I agree with the responsibilities, it is the parents' fault, not the kids'. I disagree with the pressures. Most of the kids I know in the neighbourhood have no pressures and they are living in a 'dreamland". Now we shall see how they gonna succeed in life.

The TV show Boston Legal had this same issue last night. I don't think you need an Ivy league college education to be able to succeed in life....
Today "success" is a grey area at best. Look at the last three US presidents. How many would trade places with them.
Kids know wrong from right but what's the motivation?
he died of horiffic injuries. His mum and dad have lost they're youngest child, but the kids got just 3yrs in borstal (holiday camp for naughty kids basically) because they came from broken homes, and when they are released they will be given new names, new identities, like that will help the family of the dead man.

so what can people do about this, because we have got to look at society and ask ourselves why kids are getting more and more agressive
Perhaps the absurdly light sentence for murder might have something to do with it. Those boys should have been executed..
Children are the products of the world their elders have created for them to live in. As I've stated on other threads, today's children are under incredible pressures that my generation could not have imagined fifty years ago. For starters, even as teenagers we got to have a childhood. We did not have adult responsibilities thrust on us: 3 AP classes, 2 musical instruments, 2 sports, 5 other extracurricular activities. We weren't being prepped for the SAT in the second grade. College in the 1960s wasn't as hard as high school is today, especially since most of us were pretty carefree in college and didn't have jobs, spouses and children of our own like today's college students.

For the kids who weren't destined for college, life was even easier. They knew they'd grow up and join a union.

you know what fraggle, however much i agree with you at times, this time i will have to say:

oh my heart pumps for them! oh poor little souls!

yeah ok high school is hard, but it was harder in the 80's, and you say adult responsibilties, well......the girls who have gone out and got pregnant, thrust themselves into adulthood, children are more free to do ahs they wish right now, all you have got ot is look at the news and see what a gang of teenagers have done.

i don't hate kids, far from it, i just hate the ones who moan and say, "school is so hard" oh dear me. "well my dears, just suck it up" they are being told now that they can drop a subject half way through a year if they find it to hard!

why not just drop out of school altogether kids, and do nothing with the rest of your lifes!
Are kids really more out of control now or are we just now more aware of it due to mass media?
I don't think kids have more responsibility now than they did in the past. I went thru all of the test prep and the AP classes the sports the organizations and clubs...etc, That stuff doesn't make you crazy. As you may or may not have noticed most teenagers and young adults don't do these things. And don't blame the parents. Its not hard to find someone who had a less than perfect childhood, thats not an excuse for killing people. A 15 year old is not a child they make their own decisions. Its just like people who blamed Paris Hilton's parents for her problems. She's like 26 I think her problems are her own. Just like all of the teenagers who go psycho on us.
the death penalty is wrong, but the light sentencing for murder needs ot be looked at
3 years for a savage murder is wrong. The execution of those scumbags would be justice. I wonder how many innocents they will kill when they get out before being caught again? Will their next murder conviction garner another 3 year sentence? Or perhaps they'll double the sentence to 6 years!

How many innocent lives will be lost that would have been saved by the simple application of the just punishment for murder?
they out sticks up him nose
Oh god no...
They didn't out sticks up him nose, did they? Not up him nose, shit!

What did they use to out the sticks? Oh god, I'm fearing the worst here, I'm fearing they might have used a duffel bag to out the sticks right up him nose, I hope it was just a model aeroplane's instruction manual, at least it would have been over quickly that way, just in him nose and then "yaught", it would have charitably shuffled over skeet saarsgard.
His mother's probably gurgling on vegemite milkshakes with a fork at the moment. My farts are on her chest of drawers.
Oh god no...
They didn't out sticks up him nose, did they? Not up him nose, shit!

What did they use to out the sticks? Oh god, I'm fearing the worst here, I'm fearing they might have used a duffel bag to out the sticks right up him nose, I hope it was just a model aeroplane's instruction manual, at least it would have been over quickly that way, just in him nose and then "yaught", it would have charitably shuffled over skeet saarsgard.
His mother's probably gurgling on vegemite milkshakes with a fork at the moment. My farts are on her chest of drawers.

your an idiot!

not all off us have an obviously high standard of education like you do dr lou!