who believes this or thinks that its not dangerous for society


charles cure

i found this on someone's blog. honestly, to me it sounds nothing less than totally insane. this person has committed the ultimate act of destructive self-abdication by giving up their entire decision making process to someone no more real than the tooth fairy. what would make you do something like that? do you really think that a world full of mindless automatons like this would be a good thing? christians? anyone?:

For those of you who dont know, I went to a Bible school for 3 years where the faith message was preached to us everyday...and I thank God for it...Ever since God told me to come back home to NY (after graduating), my faith in God is the only thing that has kept me here. Praise God that even when my faith in His Word is all that I have...it is all that I need...

I have been trying to keep a journal where I write down prayers/praises to God or stuff that I get out of scripture that could be preached someday...and I was reading thru it recently when I had been having a hard day...week...month...whichever : P And some of the stuff that I had written about like 9 months ago really got me re-focused on God's will instead of my own...so I just figured I'd share some of those thoughts with you...I hope they will inspire and encourage you to keep on just as they did for me:) Feel free to get a cup of hot tea or coffee cuz this is a long one:):)

Heb 11:6-"But without faith it is impossible to please and be satisfactory to Him. For whoever would come near to God must necessarily believe that God exists and that He is the rewarder of those who earnestly and diligently seek Him out."

-Without faith in God, we become ineffective as Christians. We would be simply walking around on this earth living for nothing but ourselves b/c we wouldn't have the faith that God has a better plan for us than we do! When we dare to belive that God will back us up every step of the way (His way), God's power and grace begins to flow w/out limits or bounds. Trust God's way! Hebrews 11 is full of people who decided to believe what God said and then acted on it. I want a life that counts...I want to live the life where God is able to move and work...freely and unhindered!
Another thing I got out of this Scripture is that it is always our prerogative to step forward and draw near to God...we are the ones who decide how closely and imtimately we want to know Him. He will come as close as we allow Him to (James 4:8). Also, in order to be rewarded w/ more of His presence, sacrifice must be present...in the old testament this is how the Israelites approached God; and today, it is no different. And seeking God will require earnest-ness:) and diligence. Diligence will most definitely require sacrifice at some point down the road, whether it be a sacrifice of our time, energy, praise, ego, etc. But one thing that I've come to learn is that more of Him is always better than more of me. In all the time i've spent with God, I have never walked away disappointed...He is always worth our time...and when you think about it, we are the ones who always come away with the better part of the bargain...just think, whenever we spend time with God, He takes all of our junk: our sadness, our anger, our burdens...and we trade them for His Joy, His peace, His Love! God is truly all that we need when we take the time to spend it with Him...I've been learning that on a deeper level these past 9 months. I love God so much...He has never failed me or left me hanging when I needed Him...what a wonderful Daddy we have!
If he actually waited for specific verbal directions from God, I bet he would literally do nothing. Shouldn't this be your viewpoint as well, since you are an atheist?

Assuming that this is not what he does, he probably makes decisions himself and gives God credit for the good ones. The only harm that can come of that is if he gives God credit for a very bad decision, like murdering someone over matters of faith. And if a heavenly voice commands him to kill, he has deeper issues than simply being a mindless automaton.
If he actually waited for specific verbal directions from God, I bet he would literally do nothing. Shouldn't this be your viewpoint as well, since you are an atheist?

what are you talking about? apparently this person believes that the instructions are already there - in the bible, and believes that god's chosen repreentatives, be they priests, ministers, etc. will furnish instruction on the path one's life should follow.

Assuming that this is not what he does, he probably makes decisions himself and gives God credit for the good ones. The only harm that can come of that is if he gives God credit for a very bad decision, like murdering someone over matters of faith. And if a heavenly voice commands him to kill, he has deeper issues than simply being a mindless automaton.

i don't think that's what this person is getting across. they start out by saying that they went to bible school and had the faith message preached to them, etc. that to me means that they already think have been shown the way that god wants them to live their life, and are doing so with guidance along the way from fellow believers. this person probably does give god all the credit for their good decisions and when something goes wrong, either believes it went wrong because they didn't obey or understand god correctly, or because their faith isnt strong enough. either way, they don't seem to have a super firm grip on reality.