who believes in a god

do you believe in a god

  • yes

    Votes: 12 34.3%
  • no

    Votes: 23 65.7%

  • Total voters
I believe in billions of "gods".
But my 3 favorites are earth, the sun and the universe.
They are the ones that made me:)
not to be an annoying agnostic, but i'm looking for the "i don't know" option and i don't see it. If this is a forced choice thing i'll go with no. but i don't feel there is proof either way.
I believe in god because

1) Too many things have happened to me that couldn't happen just by chance.

2) I am scared not to believe in him...laugh if you will but many people are like that.....i guess i fear that as sson as i give up he/she will be there ready to save evryone but me...and i hate pain so that further intensifies my paltry fear.

3) There is no proof that there isn't a god.

4) This Universe, this everything had to start somehow...or be started by someone...call me crazy but the theory of Universe as being in a infinite cycle of birth death and reborn seems hard to accept...(i mean it had to start at some point.....)

So yes i believe in god and hopefully he believes in me too cause if the latter wasn't true that would suck somewhat for me;)
Originally posted by sargentlard
Too many things have happened to me that couldn't happen just by chance.

Satisfy my curiosity, please...
Like what?

Originally posted by sargentlard
I am scared not to believe in him...laugh if you will but many people are like that.....i guess i fear that as sson as i give up he/she will be there ready to save evryone but me...and i hate pain so that further intensifies my paltry fear.

I wouldn't laugh at that, but I do feel bad for you to live in fear like that.
Do you not believe that the God you believe in is a good and just and forgiving one?

If so, then "He" would understand and forgive you for losing a baseless faith.
If not, then why would you place you faith and revernce in something that you fear and can't trust?

Originally posted by sargentlard
3) There is no proof that there isn't a god.
Turn that one around...
There is no proof that the Big Bang is not true either.
However ther IS evidence suggesting that the Big Bang (or some variation thereof) is true while there is no evidence for God at all.
Why do you choose God over the Big Bang?

Originally posted by sargentlard
4) This Universe, this everything had to start somehow...or be started by someone...call me crazy but the theory of Universe as being in a infinite cycle of birth death and reborn seems hard to accept...(i mean it had to start at some point.....)
Turn that one around too...
You say the Universe can't be infinite, it HAD to have a beginning, therefore a creator.
Why is that so?
If it IS so, why does that not apply to God as well?
If the Universe HAD to have a beginning then God, also, CAN'T be infinite and had to have a beginning, therefore a creator, and HIS creator HAD to have a beginning and therefore a creator and so on and so on.
Conversely, if God CAN be infinite, why then CAN'T the Universe be infinite?

This is where I get lost with Creation Theists.
They say that the idea that the Universe can be infinite is impossible because they simply can't comprehend the notion of an infinite Universe.
That is completely understandable. I have the same difficulty, and I can't imagine that any critical intelligent person WOULDN'T have that problem.
However, the notion of an infinite God is entirely acceptable, understandable and even unquestionable?
Why IS that?
Hm........it first was a yes (as a child) , and then came nihilism . God died , so did aesthetics , ethics , epistemology and finally ontology even......bringing me back to whatever was left : God , but not the same one , not the astral concept created by lies combined with emotions , in purpose of SUBMISSION to not God but a bunch of religious leaders and their agenda's of Satan .

All that was left was me existing & me knowing . I always thought I cant prove my own existence , but what I can do is create and destroy my own existence . I always thought I cant prove my own knowledge , but why I can do is create and destroy my own knowledge .

Who other than me is creating time and space to my own understanding ? Who other than me is creating those emotions of whitch come ethics and aesthetics , who is the judger on what is Good and what is Evil , Ugly or Beautifull ? Who other than me is creating logics and mathematics , in whitch concepts are understood by myself ?

The kingdom of God is within you , is that not what Yshua has said ?

Allah is there where external and internal become 1 .

They say that the idea that the Universe can be infinite is impossible because they simply can't comprehend the notion of an infinite Universe.
That is completely understandable. I have the same difficulty, and I can't imagine that any critical intelligent person WOULDN'T have that problem.
However, the notion of an infinite God is entirely acceptable, understandable and even unquestionable?
Why IS that?

I would say both are equally acceptable . Just because person A cant coprehend X doenst mean X doent exist , it doesnt exist perhaps to person A .

Why do you choose God over the Big Bang?

Because the Church of the Big Bang hasnt been bringing in toomuch culture/tradition/brainwashing lately .
But the Bing Bang theory is silly too , Big Bangs happen daily .

However ther IS evidence suggesting that the Big Bang (or some variation thereof) is true

And that is ?
true while there is no evidence for God at all.

Huh???? yes that's true but reread my post....there is also no proof that there isn't a god...and why would i choose god over big bang:bugeye: ...what??? how did you use god and big bang as a same example. God is a concept and so is big bang, i choose both or none but picking one over the other is stupid because they are completely different things.

There is no proof for both of the things...or atleast concrete proof for atleast one of them..but that doesn't mean anything.

oh and as for me elaborating on things that have happened that place my faith on god...well too long of a story...but someday maybe;)
I study first, believe later. Educated non-biased people will find that firm belief is unfounded. So far: I believe in NOTHING.
Originally posted by DarkEyedBeauty
I study first, believe later. Educated non-biased people will find that firm belief is unfounded. So far: I believe in NOTHING.

You are a genius. You have the potential for being one of the smartest people ever alive. I admire you, and respect you, and can identify with you.


I dont believe there is/are a god(s) that made the universe.
i simply see no profe.
yet i see none to the contrary either.

Whover i can belive in myslef.
for all i know the rest of this world is in my imagination and i am god.
but once again. there is no proof.their is nothing to belive exept myself.
once i relised this i was ok.
no more searching for answers that one cant find. no more paging through books tiring my eyes.
one day i knew that i couldnt know.
if there is a god(s) than i am sure, that if they/he/she/it are/is kind, they/he/she/it will forgive me for not believing.
i mean if he/she/it/they wants me to worshipsaid god(s) then he/she/it/they would tell me so.
and forthormore if he/she/it/they wants me to belive in he/she/it/them then said god(s) would reviele themselves unto me so that i can belive.

if a god(s) made all this and us and gave us logic then wouldnt they think they would need to provide us with explanations as to 'all this'?
hello. i see no explanations.

"*ah-ha*! science! the xplanation is there!" you may say.
but it takes generations and hunderds of years to , if it can be done, reveal such trueths.
and what about all the damned generations b4 we found the 'key to it all' out?
surly no kind god would do that.

And here is when all you actual cthulhu (i know. i know. its rlly spellt kthuno. ive looked into it and u r right!) worshipers jump in.
"kind god? who said god had to be kind?"
im not sure... but i dont think hes cruel. or he would have made this world far worse for us.

and right about here all you othe rmulti theist jump up.
"god. god. god! what makes you think theres one? i feel that this universe is too big for one god.".
ok. i agree. but i also a gree with the diests that the odds of manny gods are ven smaller than the odds of one.
im sry. but the idea of any god is hard to swallow. u want me to belive there are manny? is one not enugh? i mean, i cant even handle that many!

"oh! you said 'you want me to believe'! are yous aying were all evangilists here? some people dont care what others belive."
those of you who were about to say that are right to. we arent all evangelists. the thing is, that a mjority is. when some1 thinks they have the key to the meaning of life then im sure the urge to sare it must be huge.

then the cthulhu and varius other netherworld worshipers scream again
"sharing? whats with all this good godness agian? why not evil?"
there you go. why not? actualy i cant see the line. we humans are just 'clusters of molecules'~HPL. i dont believe we have souls. therefour i cant belive that what i do to another really matters.

now some1 normaly says
"even if we dont have souls then we still need to be kind to one another. for if there is no god then what do we have other than oursellves and onather?!"
alright! alright! calm down! i didnt mean to sound sadistic. but
as i said earlier 'all i can believe in is myslef'. how do i even know your reall? ca you provide proof of it?
how do i prove that im reall. i cant. but i nkow it. thats good enugh for me.

i think you get the point. i have my own beliefs. there are manny beliefs out there. each is right it manny aspects. and all are wrong in many as well.

i dont mean to insult any1 by this post. i simply mean to cover a few difrent sides of vewing it.

ps. sry if this post is a lil long but its 1 am and im simply trying to delay the inevitiablity of sleep.

good night. and remmber

! 4m 31337 4nd y0u 4r3 4 14m3r
Originally posted by Allahs_Mathematics
But the Bing Bang theory is silly too , Big Bangs happen daily .
Big Bang theory is not silly. God theory is silly because there is no evidence and it is incredibly anthropocentric. Um, and Big Bangs don't happen daily, at least not in our universe if there even is anything "outside" our universe to speak of.

However ther IS evidence suggesting that the Big Bang (or some variation thereof) is true


And that is ?
1. the cosmic background radiation
2. the expansion of the universe
3. the relative amounts of hydrogen and helium in the universe

I believe in god because

3) There is no proof that there isn't a god.
There is no proof that Santa Claus does not exist either. Do you therefore believe in Santa?
Originally posted by spacemanspiff
not to be an annoying agnostic, but i'm looking for the "i don't know" option and i don't see it. If this is a forced choice thing i'll go with no. but i don't feel there is proof either way.
There is no "proof either way" for an inordinant number of things, my personal favorite being the Daoine Sidhe (or Faerie Kingdom).
yes yes true. perhaps i hold my opinion on whether or not there is a god as more important than if there is a magical forrest yettie. with the yettie i am willing to make more of a leap in conjecture and just say that it doesn't exist with out any absolute proof.

there is evidence both ways in the god issue sure. but i'm not going to rule out either option absolutly without what i think it an airtight case. which neither side has. I'm not saying i have no opinion on the matter. If i had to lay down 100bucks i would put it on the "no God" option. I would expect to get that money back, but wouldn't be absolutly shoocked if i didn't.