It's come to my attention that we atheists need to make a distinction among the otherwise "generic" theist we talk about here.
One of my favorite scientists was a theist:ître
He was said to have gone specifically to visit the pope who kept trying to give his theory a religious spin and to tell him in essence to "fucking quit it, religion and science are not in competition".
So there are what I've called before "rational" theists who are probably not at the heart of cursades, inquisitions, terrorist bombings, antievolution movements and witch burnings. They incorporate scientific findings into their understanding of the universe as much as the rest of us.
I think we need to be clear that (at least what I see as the problem with theism) is that the masses, who make up mobs that can be controlled by the powerful few, are so indoctrinated into this mystical way of thinking that they really believe that those of other faiths are heathens or infidels and need to be saved or killed.
I think many atheists can see this, but it gets lost sometimes.
One of my favorite scientists was a theist:ître
He was said to have gone specifically to visit the pope who kept trying to give his theory a religious spin and to tell him in essence to "fucking quit it, religion and science are not in competition".
So there are what I've called before "rational" theists who are probably not at the heart of cursades, inquisitions, terrorist bombings, antievolution movements and witch burnings. They incorporate scientific findings into their understanding of the universe as much as the rest of us.
I think we need to be clear that (at least what I see as the problem with theism) is that the masses, who make up mobs that can be controlled by the powerful few, are so indoctrinated into this mystical way of thinking that they really believe that those of other faiths are heathens or infidels and need to be saved or killed.
I think many atheists can see this, but it gets lost sometimes.