Who are THEY? This is THEM!


Registered Member
Where do Aliens come from?



1. I began this by first verifying that the most common
description of aliens (GREYS) has a high probability of being
accurate. I collected data from all over the world going
back for several years and then ran some cross checks on
those that did the reporting. I discarded any eyewitnesses
that had any previous recorded sightings or were connected to
any organization that supported or studied UFOs. Of the 961
left, I ran a monte carlo analysis on the statistical chances
that they had contact with or communicated with other UFO
people or with each other. I then did a regression analysis
on their descriptions and the circumstances of their
sightings. The result was a 93% correlation of data
(coefficient of correlation) that what they describe was the
same or similar "person" and that they were reporting the
truth. Truth, in this case, being so consistent so as to
have a collective 91% reliability factor. That is very high
- just ask any lawyer.

2. I also believe in evolution and that it's basic concepts
are common throughout the universe.

Now back to the most common description of aliens (GREYS):
whitish grey skin; large eyes; small nose, ears and mouth;
small in stature (3-4 ft), large pear-shaped head, small thin
and fragile body and hands; bi-pedal (two legs). Less reliable
(74%) is that they make noises that don't sound like speech
or words and sometimes don't talk at all.

From only this data, I deduced that:

Their planet is smaller than Earth, heavy atmosphere and
further from their sun or circling a dimmer sun than ours.
They evolved from life on a planet at least 5 million years
older than ours.

And I know why they are here.

OK Sherlock, WHY?

The eyes are big because the light is weak, i.e., dim or far
away sun. The need big eyes to see in the dim light. That's
a normal evolutionary response. This might also account for
the pale skin color.

The nose is small because the atmosphere is heavy. A small
intake of their air is enough to get the air they need to
breath. This also accounts for the small chest. How big
would your lungs be if we had 60% oxygen in our air instead
of 21%. This can also account for how a large brain can
survive in a small body. The head is 10% of the body weight
and volume but it uses 40% of the blood oxygen. A very small
creature cannot have a very large head unless the blood
carries a very high content of oxygen.

I say oxygen is what they breath because witnesses seem to
agree that they have been seen without helmets or breathing
apparatus. This would also imply that they are carbon based
creatures like us.

The mouth can be small for three reasons. The body is small
and they may not have to eat much. The air is thick and they
can make noises with little effort so they don't need a big
voice passage. If they have evolved direct mental telepathy,
the mouth is not needed to communicate.

The large head obviously relates to a large brain. The large
brain in that small a body equates to a long evolution. It
might take a long evolution and large brain to figure out how
to travel long distances in space. The triangle or
pear-shaped head is simply a match of large brain to a small
mouth and the most likely method of support for the weight.

If they have evolved to the point of a large brain and
extended space travel, they probably have a very different
social order than we do. We tend to compare them to how we
would act if we were them and that just doesn't work. They
are not going to view us the way we would if we were in
their place. The stupid idea that all they want to do is
conquer us and dominate the Earth is our projection of our
own ideas onto them. If you had the technology to travel the
universe, what possible gain would there be to dominating a
primitive society?

These aliens are also very non-aggressive. Psychologists
have long since discovered that learning plays a role in the
development of aggressive behavior. As IQ goes up, all 13
different kinds of aggressive behavior goes down. If they
have hurt people in their explorations it is inadvertent or
unintentional. The same way we don't set out to harm the
primitive tribes that we study in social and medical
experiments, yet we have destroyed whole societies by giving
them an axe or the awareness that they are not alone.

They may have very different physical requirements also. If
our health food fad were to really take hold, we might get to
a point of being able to separate the pleasure of eating from
the need to. If the pleasure of eating were satisfied in
some other way, such as a pill or some sort of external
stimulus, then only the nutritional need would be left as an
excuse to eat. Even today we can substitute pills and
artificial supplements for real food. It might even be
possible to evolve food and people so that you take in food
that entirely metabolizes and in just the right quantity that
there is no waste. The end result would be that we would eat
very little and we would have no human waste product at all.
The digestive system would change and the elimination parts
(bladder, intestines and kidneys) would shrink. The effect
would be to reduce the size of the pelvis and lower body -
much as we see in the typical description of a GREY.


They probably also have evolved different requirements for
mental existence and thought. For instance, if you extend
Maslow's Hierarchy of Prepotency above "Self-Actualization",
what's next? Altruism? Spontaneous and Total Empathy?
Adaptive Radiation? If you have satisfied the motives for
power and security and can do anything with technology,
what's next? Perhaps it is to study another planet, the same
way we are fascinated by a primitive culture in the Brazilian

We have recently gained insight into how much damage we do
when we inject modern society's thinking and technology into
primitive cultures. If we evolve for another 500 years and
can go explore space and come across a primitive culture that
is still warlike and cannot go out into space, wouldn't we
just observe. If we are trying to do that now, in 500 years
we would not only be committed to that concept but our
technology would be good enough to allow us to observe
without being obtrusive. Imagine what we would think and
would be able to do in 25,000 years.

It all seems very logical to me.
I totally agree with you, but i myself wish that they would make contact maybe not with the government but with ordinery person,as i personally think that the reaction from the gov will be that they shoot first and ask questions later, surely if life does exist out there and i do think so myself,then we may be able to learn from them,as they might have made the same mistakes as we have and are still doing.
I shall tell you something I once realised, It's something that is talked about in high speed travel, The effects of Gravity on a biological system.

Since a biological system doesn't always have an ectoskeletal structure it's easy to deduce that at High speeds some of their limbs and physical structures could be distrorted.

Take for instance if you wre standing in a lift and it shot at incredibly high speed up, you would possibly end up short and stumpy, If of course the Lift fell back down, you might be enlongated of course if there was some jerk in the acceleration you could be pressed against the lift's ceiling.

Another thing with acceleration on the biological anatomy is something that Bungee jumpers occasionally suffer from, Hemeragic bleeds. Namely the beginning of blood clots, Like for instance blood filling into the eye balls, making them blind and also deeply red, infact so deep and if left a while almost black.

Perhaps you can add this understanding to your findings.
Just a few quick thoughts:

Eyes: CAT. OWL and other night creatures do not have super size eyes. The greys must be a freak of nature.

Cranial capacity: It is not the size that matters here. It is the efficiency and program. Where nature leaves off, it creates a specis that can create artificial brains on a million to one ratio.

Size: A higher gravity will produce smaller and denser body meaning the planet could be larger that accounts for denser air.

Why they are here: Sight seeing? Sex with earthlings?

Older civilization: Quite possible. If we get through our present crisis, we can (society) live 25,000 years too.

What we will do in year 26,001? Hop on an inter-dimensional ship in search of aliens?

With all due respect, some of your examples are misguided.

Brain size very definately relates to head size. Look at the brain cavity of earlier homo sapiens as compared with "modern man". There is a marked difference. the brain needed more room to grow to add new sections and to epand existing ones - like speech, reasoning, tool use, etc.

Eyes - you are sorta right. There are different size eyes but for the most part, eyes on this planet are about the same but there is a reason for that. We have only one sun. Evolution has adapted all creatures to the one sun we have. to the degree of light we get. If we got much less light over eons, we would have bigger eyes. As for cats and owls, they would not develop bigger eyes since they still have to live in daylight half of each day - they just got more effieicent constructions but if they evoleved on a planet with less light, they would have bigger eyes.

The older civilization is the most important. We tend to think in terms that everything runs on our timescale. The reality is that we are but a wink in time as compared to the universe.

Imagine where we will be in 25,000 years. It is nearly impossible to even speculate what might be discovered. That is longer by 20,000 years than recorded history! Advance today's technology by as much as we have advanced from caveman!

Now consider this....

We know that our evolution was interrupted by a series of mass extinctions - 5 so far have been counted. Each time, evolution was set back millions of years and often redirected into a new direction of evolution such as the switch from dinosaurs to mammals.

It is NOT true but let us assume for a moment that all the planets in the universe formed about the same time and a few of them formed life. It is perfctly logical to assume that some had these massive extinctions and some did not or some had none and some had 20. We had 5. If we had had only 2, but had continued to follow our present evolution line, we would be 10's of 1000's of years more advanced now than we are simply because we would have gotten started earlier. Our industrial age might have occured 20,000 years ago. Our primitive space age might have been 19,000 years ago.

So where would be be now?

Now consider that there are other planets out there that have done exactly that. They got started before us - by 10's of 1000's of years, perhaps millions of years. It is hard to relate to that but it is a fact that planets formed over millions of years and as rare as life, as we know it, is likely to be, when it started here, it certainly started elsewhere also but at a very much different time.

Whatever we cannot conceive of in the way of technology, gene control, cloning, biomechanics, travel, energy, they have solved.

One quick example. Power Density. We can make a battery that contains about 15,000 watts of power and it weighs 50 lbs and is the size of a car battery. Scientist believe that in about 100 years, we will have the power of the Hoover Dam or the power of an Aircraft Carrier in the size of a D-Cell battery. We can imagine that NOW. We can invision how it might be made NOW. What incredible Power density would be possible in 25,000 years? Could be put the power of a nuclear blast into a match box? Could be perfect cold fusion? I think yes.

In that context, what visitors from other planets might be able to do is virtually limitless.

With all due respect, some of your examples are misguided.

Brain size very definately relates to head size. Look at the brain cavity of earlier homo sapiens as compared with "modern man". There is a marked difference. the brain needed more room to grow to add new sections and to epand existing ones - like speech, reasoning, tool use, etc.

Eyes - you are sorta right. There are different size eyes but for the most part, eyes on this planet are about the same but there is a reason for that. We have only one sun. Evolution has adapted all creatures to the one sun we have. to the degree of light we get. If we got much less light over eons, we would have bigger eyes. As for cats and owls, they would not develop bigger eyes since they still have to live in daylight half of each day - they just got more effieicent constructions but if they evoleved on a planet with less light, they would have bigger eyes.

The older civilization is the most important. We tend to think in terms that everything runs on our timescale. The reality is that we are but a wink in time as compared to the universe.

Imagine where we will be in 25,000 years. It is nearly impossible to even speculate what might be discovered. That is longer by 20,000 years than recorded history! Advance today's technology by as much as we have advanced from caveman!

Now consider this....

We know that our evolution was interrupted by a series of mass extinctions - 5 so far have been counted. Each time, evolution was set back millions of years and often redirected into a new direction of evolution such as the switch from dinosaurs to mammals.

It is NOT true but let us assume for a moment that all the planets in the universe formed about the same time and a few of them formed life. It is perfctly logical to assume that some had these massive extinctions and some did not or some had none and some had 20. We had 5. If we had had only 2, but had continued to follow our present evolution line, we would be 10's of 1000's of years more advanced now than we are simply because we would have gotten started earlier. Our industrial age might have occured 20,000 years ago. Our primitive space age might have been 19,000 years ago.

So where would we be now?

Now consider that there are other planets out there that have done exactly that. They got started before us - by 10's of 1000's of years, perhaps millions of years. It is hard to relate to that but it is a fact that planets formed over millions of years and as rare as life, as we know it, is likely to be, when it started here, it certainly started elsewhere also but at a very much different time.

Whatever we cannot conceive of in the way of technology, gene control, cloning, biomechanics, travel, energy, they have solved.

One quick example. Power Density. We can make a battery that contains about 15,000 watts of power and it weighs 50 lbs and is the size of a car battery. Scientist believe that in about 100 years, we will have the power of the Hoover Dam or the power of an Aircraft Carrier in the size of a D-Cell battery. We can imagine that NOW. We can invision how it might be made NOW. What incredible Power density would be possible in 25,000 years? Could we put the power of a nuclear blast into a match box? Could we perfect cold fusion? I think yes.

In that context, what visitors from other planets might be able to do is virtually limitless.
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The "Greys".

From what I´ve heard they are long gone already...might come back though. They are not very reliable.:D

They are actually future versions of humans who have travelled back in time to collect fresh genes because their species and whole world are dying out. They made a deal with the USA government that said that they" the greys" could collect genes from humans, animals and plants specially selected by the government, from special areas and so, and in return they would provide USA with new technology.
But the Greys broke the deal and started to abduct wrecklessly. :eek:
Anal probes became a common nuisance. :D

What was the government to do? :confused:
Nothing, they couldn´t go out and tell the people that they had to go to war with aliens, and really had no chance of winning against their superior war- technology either, so they let the Greys have their fun so to speak. :rolleyes:

Then I can´t quite remember the rest of the story..why they´re not here anymore and so. But it had something to do with a buried spaceship, and one womans wish come true. :p

Well, that´s what I`ve HEARD anyway...:D

My point is, pure biological evolution will hit a wall with how much capability a body can have. That is why there is intelligence to develop another paradigm.

This paradigm shift is part of the natural process - the complexity dynamics. Trying to go back to the old process just does not work.

That type of thinking put the dot coms out of business.
Here's a version of what "they" could be Bebelina that I constructed, bit it no less has truth than any other version.

In recent years, Mankind has diversified his attention to cater for Genetics, But in the study of Genetics mankind has found that many people frown upon the creation of a Human being from a scientists pipet pallot goes against their very beliefs and scares them through understanding.

(This is where the fiction is sculptured)
So Geneticists decide that to be able to create life from what was once human DNA, they would have to create something "Generic", and remove such genes that create hair etc.
The reason is if their clone is not human, then it's created a loophole in laws that allows them to continue where they would not have been allowed to tred previously.

The grow the miscreation in a vat, and during it's infancy they begin uploading to it information retreived from the sicentists brains. They concoct a creature that is while in its current predicament far more advanced than normal man, and exists with the coelsces of 6+ identities.

The creature is used in a number of experiments, but is planned for one that no human would undertake without forethought and that is time travel. Afterall a test pilot in their right mind, if they understood all the dynamics and calculations that would be necessary for a safe journey through time would percieve that the risk would outway the very need for such a test.

So these "golems" are sent forth as the pilot's in this test vessel, since their brains are partially cybernetic through the external use of computers and frequency modulation, it allows them to have full control of the craft, and the ability to communicate telepathically. (Of course many versions were created previous to these, that suffered diabolical madness at the confliction of characters.)

If their mission is successful they could embark on something further, doing "Inhuman tests" because the identies of the real doctors are safely trapped within the confines of what would be seen as alien. Stories are created to doctor information so, and experiments are done because they can not be bound by human laws anymore.

Everytime they jump back they do an abduction, so one craft with three of these creatures in, pops up in history as they wormhole their way backwards. So what some might percieve as an armada of craft and creatures, is just the same lot travelling down the ancestry lines.
(fiction finishes)

(Said but not at Bebelina, just in general)
Stories are something that get our minds to figure things out for ourselves, if of course we can't tell the truth from fiction, then we might speculate. Just don't let fiction take full control of your life.
Here is a topic that is more scientific.

We breed specialized rats for experientation. When we experiment drugs for the brain, we breed rats for those purpose too. Now consider these mutant rats that get genetic drugs to improve brain power. In a few generation if they start cognitive thinking, at first scientists will get excited and let the rat interface with a computer that is connected to the internet. Now let your imagination run wild....

Yes, Stryder ...that was just as truthful as any other theory. ;)

I liked the idea of them being the same lot going back and forth in time. :D

Hmm, but kmguru, do you mean that the rats are the Greys or do you insinuate that some of us might actually be an evolved rat? Or is it all the same thing in the end? We, the Greys, Spiced Up Rats? :D

Artificial Intelligence combined with rat DNA???

What do you think yourself what will happen??
They can go help the terrorists right away.
What a dumb reasoning.
Rats with Artificial Intelligence???

Let your imagination run wild??
Brrrr, no, thank you!!!
To scary to even begin imagining.
What a rotten subject you chose here.

You know how many rats there are??
Then without the human rats, them I will forget for a second.
I stop.
I am babbling.
You see what you do with these crazy idea's?
I start babbling....
Yeah Bebelina. You are referring to the book "Nothing in this book is true, it is just the way things are" written by... can´t remember!!! Someone loaned my copy and I haven´t got it back :(

I can´t remember the end of the greys either, I think the woman wished them away...

(darn it. I wanna read it again!)

By the way. I think the analprobing bit was just added to the proceeding just to discourage ppl from talking about their humiliating experience :D
Where do they come from?

Ask Betty Hill, she'll tell you that those "greys" are from Zeta Reticuli...

Some people think they've inhabited the subterranean realm of Earth for a number of years. Who knows?

One thing is for sure, those little bastards can manipulate the astral realm to abduct many upon many people...
What is that with you all and the 'greys'?
Don't you see that there are more Aliens than only greys, which are mean bastards, as Beelzebub mentions.
I do not see why they are such bastards.

Why you all have bad experiences with these so called greys.
You all read "Dreamcatcher" by Stephen King or so??
So did I.
Afraid of the 'byrus' as it was translated in Dutch.
Good book.

Don't stare only at the greys.
There are more Aliens, why don't you see if you are all so sure of that greys.
Do you see them???
Can you please tell me??
Or is this just for fun??
Tell me, I try to understand.
Than I can tell you more about what I know.
Is this serious or not?
Thank you.
Yes, there are more aliens than the grays...

How 'bout those giant praying mantis aliens? The Ancients- the ones with the huge wrap-around eyes. Of course, The Reptoids- who consider humans quite the delicacy...

Anyone ever heard of Mothman, or the Yeti? Are they even considered aliens?
Yeti is no Alien.
You really put him on the alien row or do you mean this as a joke.
Then it is ok.
Yeti an alien.

I don't think Aliens will contact humans so easily.
Only if necessary and only the ones they know are ok.
Humans who can be trusted.