White Supremacists Gain Ground in Fortress Amerikkka

James R.:

Politically speaking, that is what those rights are for: The defense of "unpopular" speech.

Freedom to speak what is liked and love is not freedom to speak at all.

We have plenty of arguments and what's more they are right.

Did you see what I did? I took Prince_James's silly comments and reversed them, in order to highlight their silliness. And you gave me exactly the hypocritical reaction I expected he would give. You saved him the effort.

Did you see what I did? I took Prince_James's silly comments and reversed them, in order to highlight their silliness. And you gave me exactly the hypocritical reaction I expected he would give. You saved him the effort.

Maybe it's because I just woke up and want to go back to sleep but I don't know what the hell you are tallking about.