white pills by the handfull, healthy living?


just a question/observation here,

i notice people scoff down plenty of pills, and they dont even know what they are taking. i personally dont take any western medicine, and havent for years, the closest thing i use near to medicine, is herbs, and tiger balm, maybe some green tea,

do you guys think all the side effects from pills are thing to be taken into consideration, im not speaking of terminal illness or serious shit, just painkillers, antibiotics, etc etc, should people be taking this much medicine? it cant be good for the immune system, it weakens it making it become relient on outside help from tablets,

have you guys read the side effects and ingrediants for simple pills? it kinda outrages me that the NHS give peopel this shit to be frank,


Every decision you make in life is a compromise. Some of us have respiratory problems, old injuries, arthritis, and other conditions that do not respond to herbs, acupuncture, and other traditional or New Age medicine. The primary effect of not taking a prescription drug is pain or inability to breathe or move and occurs in 100 percent of cases. The side effects only occur in a small number of cases. I'd rather breathe and take my chances on the side effects. It's just rational risk management.

If people don't know what they're taking, then that's irrational risk management. I suppose they trust their doctors but that's their decision.
If you are going to take ANY western medicine...take Nyquil...the common man's suppressant :D. Works well against headaches.
I think eventually that people are taking so many different medications for so many different things, they forget what ailment they are taking some of them for.