White Criminals Only


Recently, my wife and I started to watch a DVD we had rented, when, before the film even played, I learned something of great interest.

Apparently, in the world of creative entertainment, not only can white men not jump, but we represent most, if not all, of the criminal element.

Political correctness and the fear of offending, or worse yet, getting sued or picketed, is such, that you will no longer see blacks, Hispanics, most minorities, or even women for that matter, commit a fictional crime. No. Hollywood and the ad agencies have decided that criminal activity on film is now the sole domain of the too successful for his own good white male.

J.B said:
Apparently, in the world of creative entertainment, not only can white men not jump, but we represent most, if not all, of the criminal element.

Hmm, that's interesting. And you'll also notice that any time a show has a black man/men as the bad guys, there's ALWAYS a black guy who is one of the GOOD guys?! That's to stave off any accusations of racism, racial stereotype, etc.

Baron Max
J.B said:
Recently, my wife and I started to watch a DVD we had rented, when, before the film even played, I learned something of great interest.

Apparently, in the world of creative entertainment, not only can white men not jump, but we represent most, if not all, of the criminal element.

Political correctness and the fear of offending, or worse yet, getting sued or picketed, is such, that you will no longer see blacks, Hispanics, most minorities, or even women for that matter, commit a fictional crime. No. Hollywood and the ad agencies have decided that criminal activity on film is now the sole domain of the too successful for his own good white male.


So what? Everyone commits crime, especially white males. Just because white males make all the laws does not mean white males don't also break all the laws.

But this is typical, more racialized consciousness defending gender and skin instead of fighting crime.
JB are you black?
do you have any idea what being a slave can do to your race?

it has been said, and there is evidence for, that blacks cannot pass a standard IQ test. why is that JB? do you really believe that blacks are inferior?

this whole stigma of race is nothing more than a ploy to divide our people and you are taking part in it for starting threads like this.
Baron Max said:
Hmm, that's interesting. And you'll also notice that any time a show has a black man/men as the bad guys, there's ALWAYS a black guy who is one of the GOOD guys?! That's to stave off any accusations of racism, racial stereotype, etc.

Baron Max

Who cares?

It seems white males care more about race and gender than anyone else. Seriously, crime is crime. Al Capone was white, accept it.
Apparently, in the world of creative entertainment, not only can white men not jump, but we represent most, if not all, of the criminal element.

Or maybe black people find it harder to get acting roles.
When people worried about the negative portrayal of blacks, weren't they told to stuff it?

Besides, DVD and music piracy does focus on white consumers, as they make up the majority market. Why not give them faces that "look a little more like them" to empathize with: "Am I a criminal?"

As to television shows ... depends, I guess, on what you watch. Saw an episode of a CBS crime drama that dealt with child porn and internet-based crime; the bad guy was white. Saw an episode of Numbers about inner-city gang crime; the killer was black. Or Numbers again, about archaeology; the murderer was indigenous American. What is it, Missing Persons or something? Dealt with gangs. The bad guy was black. Numbers again, about illegal immigrants; the killer was hispanic. Jewish criminals on Law & Order ...? I would think it depends on what you're watching, and what the story demands. Sorry, but a poor Honduran just isn't believable as, say, an IRA organizer working in the U.S.

Things could be worse for race and television; imagine if the networks were full of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, or The Cosby Show. Nothing like a hearty dose of badly-written Uncle Tom to further alienate the blacks. ("Look, not only are they acting like white people, they're acting like snotty white people!")
tiassa said:
When people worried about the negative portrayal of blacks, weren't they told to stuff it?

Besides, DVD and music piracy does focus on white consumers, as they make up the majority market. Why not give them faces that "look a little more like them" to empathize with: "Am I a criminal?"

As to television shows ... depends, I guess, on what you watch. Saw an episode of a CBS crime drama that dealt with child porn and internet-based crime; the bad guy was white. Saw an episode of Numbers about inner-city gang crime; the killer was black. Or Numbers again, about archaeology; the murderer was indigenous American. What is it, Missing Persons or something? Dealt with gangs. The bad guy was black. Numbers again, about illegal immigrants; the killer was hispanic. Jewish criminals on Law & Order ...? I would think it depends on what you're watching, and what the story demands. Sorry, but a poor Honduran just isn't believable as, say, an IRA organizer working in the U.S.

Things could be worse for race and television; imagine if the networks were full of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, or The Cosby Show. Nothing like a hearty dose of badly-written Uncle Tom to further alienate the blacks. ("Look, not only are they acting like white people, they're acting like snotty white people!")

Actually, we need more Cosby Shows and Fresh Princes, so you can have real black people on TV instead of just criminals. Imagine, if the only time white males were in a TV show, they were being arrested for some white collar crime, or some type of fraud, or tax evasion, or whatever.

These stereotypes hurt white males too, are all white males corrupt? are all white males pedophiles, serial killers, rapists? I don't think these stereotypes help anyone at this point. And women have it the worst, women are treated like crap by the media.

I think the wire is actually good if you want to see inner city life, I think the sopranos is good also if you want to see suburban life. Brotherhood is also good.

Plenty of good shows on cable which show what life is really like for the average middle class family, white or black.

Cosby Show and Fresh Prince are good simply because you have very few shows which actually show successful non-whites on television. The whole uncle tom thing and acting white thing, thats "nigga" talk. In reality, it's the same kinda talk you'd hear from white trash "crackas" who will say that college is a waste of time, and that owning a trailer is better than owning a house, and professional wrestling is real, and bigfoot is in the backyard and all that crazy stuff you hear about UFO's and fairys.

You have delusional people of all races who don't live in the real world. You have people of all races who are anarchists and who are jealous of success. In general, as according to rules, if you want to be successful in this country you need to act "white", asians do it, whites do it, everyone does it, and blacks do it too. Why? Because 80% of the country is white, thats why. America is a white country, the culture is white, and this means no matter what country you come from or what neighborhood, you'll have to wear a suit and tie to work, speak proper english, and have an education. If a person think's that is acting white, is it better to act ignorant and go to jail? And what about asians?

I always thought the whole acting white stuff or acting black stuff was weird because it doesnt really make any sense, how can anyone act a skin color?

The key to success is to act successful, and this does not mean acting white, if you are black, act like Bill Cosby, or Sean Combs, or Michael Jordan, or Oprah. If you are white, act like Donald Trump or Bill Gates, or Martha Stewert.
TimeTraveler said:
Actually, we need more Cosby Shows and Fresh Princes, so you can have real black people on TV instead of just criminals.
The Wayans family has been really successful, with movies and on tv(even though that new movie sucks), and they don't act what this thread has labeled "white."
Oniw17 said:
The Wayans family has been really successful, with movies and on tv(even though that new movie sucks), and they don't act what this thread has labeled "white."

People who think skin color is related to behavior are racist. There is no acting white, or acting black, or acting asian. People are going to act however they are, and then be put into boxes. It's not like people go around trying to be something they arent, except in extremely rare cases like Michael Jackson. In general, there are different races of black, different races of white, you have those who don't value education, who like going to prison and being a criminal, and all that comes with it and this is a seperate race or tribe in itself. It's only when you try to lump all sorts of races together that you get the "acting white" or "acting black" stuff.

To be simple, if you look at Asians, not all Asians are acting white, you have Korean gangs, you have the Yakuza, and the Triads. Then you have the typical Japanese or Chinese person working in a sweatshop who can't read, and finally you have the small percentage that comes to America, the most elite.

Before any racists try to shove some statistics up here, Asians do best on statistics because theres less of them here, not because they are smarter. Blacks make up 12% of the population and 60% of the prison population, so even a racist has to admit that it's deliberate, as most black criminals aren't violent and are drug dealers. These people get life for selling marijuana, and their kids grow up without a father and repeat the same mistake. Then you have white serial killers and pedophiles who get released from prison after 2 years.

This is a result of the war on drugs. The black people who were elite never go to prison, and go to college and get degrees, sometimes masters degrees and Phds. Around 50% of black males go to prison, this may be due to the war on drugs, this may be due to the havoc of the 60s and 70s, and all of the history, but in general it's in the millions. 40 million black people give or take, 12% of the population, about 1.5-2 million of this 40 million have Phds, and maybe 10% are college educated.

When compared to the population itself only 20% of Americans are college educated. 50% give or take of Americans drop out of highschool, and the worst teachers are often in the poorest neighborhoods.

In order to be black in America and successful, you have to have your shit together. It's really that simple, and some people manage to do it, and these are the people who should be given a great deal of respect, because most white people can't get a college degree, to be black and get a college degree, or a Phd, thats a far greater accomplishment considering less than 40 years ago blacks could not even go to college.

Asians aren't really in the picture because most of them are in Asia and were barred from coming here. If you look at Australia Asians are hated too, but once again the main problem with the USA is we let in the worst among the black and hispanic races, with no filtering. If you just leave your door wide open to illegal immigration, you might get some criminals. The solution is simply,

If you don't want to bring in a new crmiinal class, exert some quality control at your borders. Invite people who have skills, talents, a college education, or who can pass some sorta backround check. Don't just invite anyone who can cross the border and then be surprised by the gangs and the crime.

Among every group, you have those who get degrees and who work legit, and those who drop out and choose a life of crime. When selecting who gets into this country, if the consensus is that we have too many hispanic criminals coming into this country, you don't solve the problem by putting them all in jail, that makes the problem much much worse. The only solution to the problem is to control the borders.

When you invite minorities into this country from China, they aren't breaking into this country from Mexico, they go through backround checks and security checks, and usually come here with a work visa, or as a student. However when you have people come from Mexico, or from countries like this it's just random people with no backround check to see what tribe, or what gang they come from, or what their family is involved in, or what their skills and talents are, nothing.

This is deliberate, and I think anyone here who is complaining about minorities commiting crime, but then being the first one to invite those most likely to commit crimes in, are responsible for it. There are plenty of college students all around the world, from south america, to south africa, to asia, invite them if they want to go to school, are willing to learn english, and can pass a backround check. If we keep inviting random people in here, it's no surprise that criminals get in.
TimeTraveler said:

Actually, we need more Cosby Shows and Fresh Princes, so you can have real black people on TV instead of just criminals. Imagine, if the only time white males were in a TV show, they were being arrested for some white collar crime, or some type of fraud, or tax evasion, or whatever.

I just don't find the Huxtable family or the Fresh Prince's family to be realistic. Having blacks act like rich, snooty, stupid white people was an amusing concept for a while. Think of Diff'rent Strokes, or Gimme a Break: two black children raised by a white millionaire; a white middle-class family with an obese black woman thrown in for comic relief?

Analogously, there is a debate going on in literary circles right now about a few publishing houses successfully reaching young black males; the stories are essentially melodramatic tales of the gangsta life. Imagine if the flip-side was that the only other blacks in literature were in Harlequin romances, valued for their lack of inhibitions or long phalli. What would be needed, then, are authors like Alice Walker and Randall Kenan, who write tales that are more human in which the only reason to remember that the characters are black is to frame the cultural values in a way that somehow makes sense to any reader. If, for instance, there was no The Color Purple or Meridian, if there was no Let the Dead Bury the Dead, and the only fair treatment of blacks was, say, Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird, how would blacks be viewed in a literary context?

The idea that we need more "real" black people on television is not one I would disagree with. There's a Family Guy joke in some episode or another about a television show called Mmm-Hmm, or some such, in which three black women sit around the kitchen table saying nothing but, "Mmm-hmm", and "Mmm-mmm!" and then we hear the canned laugh-track. Given how simplistic so many manifestations of racism are, it seems a difficult proposition to ask an artist to capitalize on the continued reinforcement of stereotypes. It is surprising to me to consider how much influence Eddie Murphy has had in white people's minds about how blacks live and function. Sure, the dick-in-the-sink bit was funny, but it's not the whole of black history.

What about shows like Close to Home? In that, most of the criminals are white, the prosecutors are mostly white, and the prominent black face is an assistant to the white assistant whose cases the audience follows. Do we complain, then, that most of the criminals are white? What of the valiant white woman seeking justice with her valiant black assistant?

Does anyone have a complaint with, say, the episiode of CSI: Las Vegas in which the victim was Laotian, the killer was Laotian, and the laundry-facility boss who exploited them all was white? Is that multicultural enough?

My larger point, though, is that it really does depend on what you watch: the topic article seems to be viewing a narrow spectrum through polarized lenses.

As a general disclaimer, Missing Persons ... that one's Without a Trace. My bad.
Baron Max said:
Hmm, that's interesting. And you'll also notice that any time a show has a black man/men as the bad guys, there's ALWAYS a black guy who is one of the GOOD guys?! That's to stave off any accusations of racism, racial stereotype, etc.

Baron Max
Media and company's are selling this way of thinking to many of the people like the ones who post on here.
tiassa said:
I just don't find the Huxtable family or the Fresh Prince's family to be realistic. Having blacks act like rich, snooty, stupid white people was an amusing concept for a while.

It's realistic, as there are millions who live just like that even if the majority don't. It's like that for all races though, so why focus on failure? What good is it to focus on those who have fallen? Focus on success, as that is what everyone does.

Think of Diff'rent Strokes, or Gimme a Break: two black children raised by a white millionaire; a white middle-class family with an obese black woman thrown in for comic relief?

Analogously, there is a debate going on in literary circles right now about a few publishing houses successfully reaching young black males; the stories are essentially melodramatic tales of the gangsta life.

Only half of black males are gangsters, and that half usually ends up in prison, drops out of school, and can't go to college due to the criminal record. I have compassion just as you do, but there is nothing we as a society of successful winners can do to help those who lose. Society is very unforgiving, so why focus on the losers when you can focus on helping the winners? Republican's have it right, if you focus on helping the winners, it creates a culture of success, if you focus on helping the losers you perpetuate a culture of failure. Kids who are in gangs, can be helped until they go to prison, and then it's too late. In general the best way to help keep kids out of gangs is to offer an alternative culture to the broken culture, and thats your job. The fresh prince, and the cosby show, these shows can show people how it's done. Tupac himself looked at these shows if you watched his documentary, and this is what motivated him to get into acting. It was the successful people who he saw on TV that made him want to be an entertainer.

Imagine if the flip-side was that the only other blacks in literature were in Harlequin romances, valued for their lack of inhibitions or long phalli. What would be needed, then, are authors like Alice Walker and Randall Kenan, who write tales that are more human in which the only reason to remember that the characters are black is to frame the cultural values in a way that somehow makes sense to any reader.
You are attempting to appeal to compassion, I can understand compassion, but compassion is not going to win you success. If you want to aim for success, highlight success, and emulate success. Why on earth do you want to highlight the ghetto, and slavery, this is not success. Highlight the people who got out of the ghetto either by working their way out (Cosby's biography), or focus on people who have through talent survived it (Tupac, Will Smith), why not focus on those who are strong? Why focus on those who are sinking?

If, for instance, there was no The Color Purple or Meridian, if there was no Let the Dead Bury the Dead, and the only fair treatment of blacks was, say, Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird, how would blacks be viewed in a literary context?
I understand, but once again you are appealing to compassion. There is no compassion for black people in this country, you should have learned this from Katrina, so try to appeal to rationality. It's rational that successful people shall like successful people, compassionate or not, everyone respects Oprah, Bill Cosby, Barack Obama, Will Smith, Sean Combs, because these people have displayed rational success. Why not highlight the most successful and then encourage people of all races to look up to these people as heroes? Why focus all your energy helping people who are unable to help themselves or others? Once a person goes to prison, they don't get a second chance, it goes on their record, they can no longer get financial aid, or a legit job, the best they can do for work is security. If you want to help people of this sort, of this class/tribe, focus on guys like Suge Knight, or Tupac, and while most people are afraid of this sort, it's possible for soldiers to join the military, or start legit businesses, or be artists. Promote success.

The idea that we need more "real" black people on television is not one I would disagree with. There's a Family Guy joke in some episode or another about a television show called Mmm-Hmm, or some such, in which three black women sit around the kitchen table saying nothing but, "Mmm-hmm", and "Mmm-mmm!" and then we hear the canned laugh-track. Given how simplistic so many manifestations of racism are, it seems a difficult proposition to ask an artist to capitalize on the continued reinforcement of stereotypes. It is surprising to me to consider how much influence Eddie Murphy has had in white people's minds about how blacks live and function. Sure, the dick-in-the-sink bit was funny, but it's not the whole of black history.
Bill Cosby unlike Eddie Murphy, was what all men, of all races would want to be. He has no criminal record, he married and stayed married, he has a PHD, he's funny, and he is rich, basically he is a genius. Then you have guys like Tupac who came from nothing but managed to make movies, music, and poetry of the sort that would be considered genius. What I'm saying is, that there are geniuses, talented people, great people who are black who get ignored so that gangsta rap culture and people like 50 cent can raid the TV screen. 50 cent in my opinion has no talent, he can't act, his rapping is not as good as Tupac, he does not really seem to have any depth to his thoughts, even his name is ridiculous, 50 cent? His name makes him seem like half a man. This is an example of slave culture.

What about shows like Close to Home? In that, most of the criminals are white, the prosecutors are mostly white, and the prominent black face is an assistant to the white assistant whose cases the audience follows.

I like the wire, I like to watch realistic shows about the ghetto. The biggest mistake people seem to make is, people actually seem to think that black people in the ghetto want it to be a ghetto, or have no emotions. The truth is, black people want to get out of the ghetto just as much as a white person would, and black people fear the crime in the ghetto even more than a white person would, and no, black people don't like to live next door to criminals anymore than a white person would. Once people can see the full diversity of the personalities in the community, people can begin to grasp what really happens from a human point of view. Why does any human deserve to live in a ghetto? If a white person can see what the ghetto is like from say, Bill Cosbys eyes, Will Smiths eyes, 50 cents eyes, Tupacs eyes, and many other perspectives then finally people can begin to understand exactly the perspective. I think the wire is a good show because it shows this. I think gangsta rap, especially the rappers on TV all the time like 50 cent, make it seem like being shot all these times is a normal event, and something to brag about. People who get shot, usually get shot for a reason, and if a person is going to brag about getting shot it reveals their bad character. The average black person would not brag about being shot, the average black person would leave town and never come back after being shot, and likely would never discuss it.

Do we complain, then, that most of the criminals are white? What of the valiant white woman seeking justice with her valiant black assistant?
I don't care about the race of the criminals, all I'm saying is, race does not matter. Crime is a human problem, and in order to understand it, we have to be able to put ourselves in the shoes of people living in ghettos and among criminals. Some people live in fear, and the police work with the criminals in some cases to bully anyone who stands up. Fear is a human emotion, how many people would stand up to organized crime, white, black, doesnt matter.If a white person fears the black gang member, the black person fears the black gang member even more, because they get to live next to the person.

Does anyone have a complaint with, say, the episiode of CSI: Las Vegas in which the victim was Laotian, the killer was Laotian, and the laundry-facility boss who exploited them all was white? Is that multicultural enough?

My larger point, though, is that it really does depend on what you watch: the topic article seems to be viewing a narrow spectrum through polarized lenses.

As a general disclaimer, Missing Persons ... that one's Without a Trace. My bad.

I understand your point of view on this, you are endorsing compassion, but the only way you can help people feel compassion for people living in ghettos is to show a variety of different types of people. The worst kinda person to show is the person who lives in the ghetto and is loving it up, like 50 cent, or some of these gangster rappers who seem like they don't ever want to leave the ghetto.

Crime is crime, and people who have to live around criminals, usually think and feel the same sort of way you would feel if you lived in that situation. People need Bill Cosbys, Will Smiths, Sean Combs etc, just as you'd need positive role models. I think people over-estimate the gang lifestyle, it was never that the majority of any race was a gangster or a soldier, it's more that a percentage of every race has these types.

If you look at Italians on TV you see a lot of mafia this and mafia that, but if you talk to Italians in person, most Italians arent in the mafia, and are of the Cosby class, complete with college degrees and legit jobs. The same goes for the average hispanic, yeah you have drug lords and scarface, but the average hispanic works an ordinary job and lives nothing like this. The connection is between the middle class, not the soldier class, because the soldiers almost never get along with soldiers of different races. If you look in prison, you can see what happens, in a prison the soldiers from each class, tribe and race, divides itself up into "gangs", and the white surpemists go and take control of one part of the prison, and the hispanics another, and the blacks another, and the asians another, and so on. In the middle class however, it's not the same, as the middle class workers meet up in college, and at some point learn to respect authority. So there will be situations where your boss is black, or asian, and not the typical white male, or your boss might be a female, or gay. The uniting feature of the middle class is the culture, everyone in the middle class has basically the same secular culture.

We all speak english.
We all went to college or university.
We all wear work clothes.
We all work full time jobs.
We all pay taxes.
We all... X...Y...Z, but you get the point, there is a united culture, as Bill Cosby has the same culture as Robin Williams, along with the same sorta talents and abilities, these two individuals therefore can respect each other, and work together.

Class is what I'm talking about, race matters most in prison, the more successful you become the less race begins to matter, so the main goal of any minority should be to avoid prison, and escape the ghetto through success in school, and through hard work.

Thats my opinion, perhaps you disagree with it, but it's your choice and I can respect your opninions because I understand where your opinions come from.