White, blue-eyed devil



The U.S. declares war on terrorism and the terrorist declare a jihad against the U.S, yet, Does anybody here understand Islam? I know were suppose to worship the same God/ Allah but who can tell? It is also said that Christanity is the White man's religion, one which has been interpret for many centuries to control and kill color folks. Can't dispute that, however it also seems this war has become racial. So which side is Satan on anyways............
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Just one meme against another. If it wouldn't drag us all into it, I'd say let them fight it out.
As Jaxom said.

Until we can raise the general level of intelligence of the human race then cultural viruses like these will continue to plague us for some time to come.
Islam is little better and little worse than Christianity. They all represent a side of the same threat to our freedom and development as humans.

I doubt there is a god, or are gods. But even if there are such things, religions are made up by humans. So what difference does it make?
Religion, Nationality, Creed, Color, Age, Sex and many more things all contribute to humans labelling themselves as belonging to a group or tribe. Animal instincts cause us to want to belong to a particular tribe, and these tribes fight, as like in the animal kingdom. We are not so civilised at all, are we?
Just to put it in a Childishly simple way:
Now if there was a Satan and a God. And there was a Satan vs. God thing going on.

God would be on the side of those who do not want to have war atall.
** One thing I have observed from muslim is that they know our religion better than we do. Afterall, Christanitys roots did start in the Middle East.
Originally posted by Lady
The U.S. declares war on terrorism and the terrorist declare a jihad against the U.S,

You have the order backwards, al-Rahman & Osama declared jihad first & perpetrated it against us on the WTC in 1993 & 2001, and we are finishing the war that was brought to our shores by radical islam

yet, Does anybody here understand Islam?

I understand it & declare that it is a false religion, brought by an angel of light named satan, that is why muslims hate the idea of the ‘satanic verses’, because it shows to the world that Mohammad could not tell the difference between the verses given to him by the so-called angel jibril or by satan. I have read many parts of the Koran & many books on islam & have spoken to many muslims, which either shared with me their religion or tried to convert me

I know were suppose to worship the same God/ Allah but who can tell?

Christians & Jews worship God, Allah started out his life as the ancient moon god of the arabs, which was then reformed by Mohammad for islam. That’s why they use a crescent moon symbol on mosques. Check that out for yourself. I do not recognize allah as god, only as a false moon god

It is also said that Christianity is the White man's religion, one which has been interpret for many centuries to control and kill color folks. Can't dispute that,

Then you do not know Christianity or that over 2/3rds of its adherents are people of color; check under religion for Africa, Asia, N. & S. America. If you mean the religion of the Middle Ages & Colonial Period, then yes, the Europeans were no better or worst than anyone else concerned. Name any nation builder or world conqueror that did it just with words? BTW, why did arabs feel the need to conquer half of their known world from 630 to 714 AD?, if muslims were so peaceful too?

however it also seems this war has become racial.

You mean cultural, it’s a war about the West vs. Islam, whether the ideas, ideals & worldview of one will dominate the future or not. It is Islam’s last chance to be an important part of the future, not relegated to second class status & poverty of peoples & material culture. Many want the “Golden Ages” of early islam to return

So which side is Satan on anyways............

That is hard to say, because as a creature of the West, I feel that the West also has let down muslims & other indigenous peoples, so as to profit from their land, resources & manpower. We have not upheld our so-called values of freedom & democracy in any part of the world, except for helping Europe & Japan after WWII (which may be the US’s one shining moment of being the land of liberty). If we had stayed in Afghanistan after the defeat of the Soviet Union in 1989, we could have helped them rebuild that country then, not have to wait until after the Taliban & Osama to go back in. War is not the answer to correct those wrongs, but in ‘realpolitic’, nations only know war, too bad for the ordinary people
Originally posted by Lady
** One thing I have observed from muslim is that they know our religion better than we do.

You mean islam’s version of christianity, were they explain what the gospels say about what happened to Jesus & Mary? They also say that Mohammad is the ‘seal of the prophets’, that he was the last & only prophet that had the uncorrupted religion of god given to us in the Koran. That I do not believe, I feel that he corrupted what he understood of both Christianity & Judaism, when he made up islam.

Afterall, Christanitys roots did start in the Middle East.

So is Judaism, they all started in the Middle East, your point is? Is it that only Middle Easterners can understand christianity? Well there’s still Armenian, Assyrian, Coptic, Orthodox & Maronite Christians there, so what does that mean to you?
Originally posted by Xev
Islam is little better and little worse than Christianity.

Thank you Xev, for your hearty endorsement!!! I’ll wear it as a badge of honor!!!

They all represent a side of the same threat to our freedom and development as humans.

And you represent what? Ultimate freedom? The ultimate development of the human animal? Hmmmm? :confused: :bugeye: :D
Originally posted by Cris
As Jaxom said.

Until we can raise the general level of intelligence of the human race then cultural viruses like these will continue to plague us for some time to come.

If you mean that all religions are viruses, then I suppose you have the cure? Or that all you super-intelligent people know better than us 'religious fanatics', then

"oh please save me from myself, ‘dear moderator’, my knight in shiny armor, oh thou paragon of our elite intelligentsia you!"

*swoons in awe of greatness*

:D ;) :rolleyes:
Re: Re: Re: White, blue-eyed devil

Originally posted by Grey Seal
lol...i used to be a catholic/christian too (whichever you are) and i had my bout of "im a crusader of god/irrational" rants, but you take the cake. that is *insanely* sad. i do respect people's opinions (having been there) but it's hard to respect irrational closed minded-ness. just try thinking about things for yourself and developing your "own" opinions instead of looking to the same old book that has brainwashed and closed minds for centuries.

also, think about mormon,catholocism,islam, sikhism, janism,lakota, aborigine,taoism all of those hundreds and thousands of different religions. they must all be "false religions brought on by an angel of light named satan" right? yours is the only right religion. everybody else is wrong ~~ gawd is with you right? :D ;) :p :rolleyes:
Oh, thanks for your oh so logical insight, I bow to your giant intellect, your precise clear-cut words of wisdom, how could I fail to see that I was so blind? Thank you for that anti-brainwashing soap of yours called ‘New Modern Thinking’, so sweet, so sublime, so true!

We can have opinions of our own? What a concept!!! Unknown to us backwards folk out here in the boondocks of history. Thank you, I am indebted to you forever!

BTW, what kind of cake, chocolate cocoanut I hope?
Re: Re: White, blue-eyed devil

I understand it & declare that it is a false religion, brought by an angel of light named satan, that is why muslims hate the idea of the ‘satanic verses’, because it shows to the world that Mohammad could not tell the difference between the verses given to him by the so-called angel jibril or by satan. I have read many parts of the Koran & many books on islam & have spoken to many muslims, which either shared with me their religion or tried to convert me

Erm... Proof please? Evidence, at least? It would be nice if you could show me a signed confession from Satan that he did indeed bring Islam to humanity. If he exists.

And religions aren't "false". No religion is any more false than yours ~~ylcsombfaldh~~

Christians & Jews worship God, Allah started out his life as the ancient moon god of the arabs,

It is simply the name. Just as in Latvia, Christians call your God "Dievs", also the name of the Latvian pagan diety that can be equated essentially with the Greek Zeus (although Dievs does not have the same job description as our dear friend Zeus, they are similar and the words come from the same root). This is often done, the name of a local pagan god is used by missionaries as the name of the Christian god since there isn't already one. The Spanish "dios", French "deus", both are from the name of the ancient Indo-European god of the heavens, Deiwos. (who became in Latvian mythology Dievs, in Greek mythology Zeus, in Anatolian mythology Sius, in Celtic mythology Aesus, etc) Now, every time you say "dios" in Spanish, you are referring to a pagan god? No. You are referring to the Christian God, a single deity that is supposed to exist as the only deity. Same goes for "allah" referring to God instead of a moon god.

which was then reformed by Mohammad for islam.


That’s why they use a crescent moon symbol on mosques.

Really? Do you really know where that comes from?

Actually, it comes from Muhammad's teaching that "one should be guided by Islam, as a traveller is guided by the moon and stars"

Check that out for yourself. I do not recognize allah as god, only as a false moon god

How is he any more false than your own Christian god? If you check the etymology of the word "god", it probably has pagan origins (not sure), for how does one come up with terminology for a monotheistic religion in a language that is formed by a polytheistic society?

Not sure, but I think j-w-h was an old Semitic pagan god...

BTW, why did arabs feel the need to conquer half of their known world from 630 to 714 AD?, if muslims were so peaceful too?

To save those people from hell...
Thank you Xev, for your hearty endorsement!!! I’ll wear it as a badge of honor!!!

I don't think you got what she meant.
Re: subject

Originally posted by Electric Jaguar
Of course. There are consequences, however.

You also stated, "that is why muslims hate the idea of the ‘satanic verses’..." Stereotypical opinions like this are bound to incite repugnance in those that do not agree. Do *all* muslims "hate the idea of the 'satanic verses'" - do you have proof?

Without any evidence, I don't see how your opinions are different from those of a racist, or a Nazi. They do not have evidence for their opinions. I have yet to see evidence for yours. Obviously nonevident opinions are abundant in this world, but ones such as yours have far-reaching and hurtful consequences.

Actually, if you want to know how muslims & others feel about it, you can do research on this very easily; using 'islam' & 'satanic verses' as keywords, here are a few examples:
http://www.message-of-god.com/English 2 Fals Verses.htm

As for my ideas &/or comments being racist or nazi-like (either because they are unsubstantiated or because they were uttered), I am definitely not PC, I am a little bit sarcastic, I don't believe anyone is better or worst than me, I believe everyone is entitled to an opinion & should express them, I'm not afraid of an argument ( though I don't feel every question needs an answer from me, even if I'm personally asked for one, (could be I feel that some things are too obvious to need an explanation, or that this is an open forum, so go ahead and jump in everyone else, or that the person asking is disingenuous, asking only to start an argument, is not willing to see they are wrong, etc.)), and 'yes', I know I could be wrong on many things (& that hasn't stopped 6 billion people yet!), but just because I don't agree with you (or anybody else for that matter), doesn't mean that I'm stupid, an idiot or a racist, just that I don't agree with you. I'm sure that you don't expect everyone to agree with you or that you agree with everybody else in what people would call 'obvious truths', here's an obvious truth by muslims about Jesus, should I believe it?

Originally posted by GB-GIL Trans-global
Thank you Xev, for your hearty endorsement!!! I’ll wear it as a badge of honor!!!

I don't think you got what she meant.
GB, I was being sarcastic. :D :rolleyes: :p
Brief Anyalsis

** Amongst all the blah I have observed one thing most religions have in common. In some form " A angel of light" odd I don't remeber the light?Anyways myth or reality the effects is present.
Christianity is a Semitic (in this case, Judaic) religion which has infected the west, probably through the needs of an agricultural society.
Re: Re: Re: White, blue-eyed devil

Originally posted by Grey Seal
lol...i used to be a catholic/christian too (whichever you are)
I to grew up Catholic, but I seem to have learned several things that they did not mean to teach in H.S & catechism:
1) that there was a hierarchy of heaven (God the Father, then Jesus, the Holy Ghost, Virgin Mary, saints, angels, the Pope, bishops, priests, then us),
2) that the Mexican expression of Catholicism was too pagan (with statues, charms & amulets and superstitions),
3) that you could do any evil as long as you went to confession, and
4) that not all priests really care about their parishioners.

Also, being born into a particular faith does not mean that you will grow up in it or stay in it.

and i had my bout of "im a crusader of god/irrational" rants,
So you are now a crusader for, truth, open-mindedness, what??? Just wondering though, can atheists, agnostics & pagans be called ‘crusaders’? Wouldn’t you be an anti-crusader?

Just wondering, what motivates you?

but you take the cake. that is *insanely* sad. i do respect people's opinions (having been there) but it's hard to respect irrational closed minded-ness. just try thinking about things for yourself and developing your "own" opinions instead of looking to the same old book that has brainwashed and closed minds for centuries.
Thanks for setting us 'bubbas' on the right track! Do you go "tsk, tsk" when you see or hear us neanderthals? How is it looking down on us closed-minded people?
Anyway, how do you know you are right? What makes you absolutely sure that you are right, & how do you prove it? Or do you try or even care?

also, think about mormon,catholocism,islam, sikhism, janism,lakota, aborigine,taoism all of those hundreds and thousands of different religions. they must all be "false religions brought on by an angel of light named satan" right? yours is the only right religion. everybody else is wrong ~~ gawd is with you right? :D ;) :p :rolleyes:

What? Do you want the obvious answer or can’t you read between the lines? Of course not, they are not saving faiths, Jesus said he was the only way in John 14:6.
By the way, while just saying that Jesus is your savior is enough to be a Christian, it is not enough to save you if it’s all talk & no action, you can not be a Christian if it does not change you on the inside (what’s called being ‘born again’).