As you all know, George Bush has just nominated Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court. This is White Affirmative Action. But you'll never see White People "OUTRAGED" about someone less qualified being appointed to a position, aslong as they're White.
Here's what Republican Pat Buchannon has to say Harriet Miers.
Q u o t e:
But her qualifications for the Supreme Court are non-existent. She is not a brilliant jurist, indeed, has never been a judge. She is not a scholar of the law. Researchers are hard-pressed to dig up an opinion
You can't argue with the Facts. Alberto Gonzales is more Qualified, being that he served on the Texas Supreme Court. So how come Whites aren't hooting and hollaring about someone more qaulified loosing their jobs to someone who's less qaulified?
This show's the hypocrisy of your people. Cronyism=White Affirmative Action. It's happens everday, but let a Black get a Job that he wasn't over qualifed for. The Whites will come out breathing fire, and preaching how Affirmative Action is Racism. I see no Whites protested former FEMA director Michael Brown. Who was a head of the Arabian Horse association before being promoted to the head of FEMA. This is white Affirmative Action. Under Qualifed Whites get Jobs everyday they didn't earn. Only because Whites are doing the Hiring. So before you look in the Minorities backyards screaming INJUSTICE. Clean up your on F+cking yards first.
Here's what Republican Pat Buchannon has to say Harriet Miers.
Q u o t e:
But her qualifications for the Supreme Court are non-existent. She is not a brilliant jurist, indeed, has never been a judge. She is not a scholar of the law. Researchers are hard-pressed to dig up an opinion
You can't argue with the Facts. Alberto Gonzales is more Qualified, being that he served on the Texas Supreme Court. So how come Whites aren't hooting and hollaring about someone more qaulified loosing their jobs to someone who's less qaulified?
This show's the hypocrisy of your people. Cronyism=White Affirmative Action. It's happens everday, but let a Black get a Job that he wasn't over qualifed for. The Whites will come out breathing fire, and preaching how Affirmative Action is Racism. I see no Whites protested former FEMA director Michael Brown. Who was a head of the Arabian Horse association before being promoted to the head of FEMA. This is white Affirmative Action. Under Qualifed Whites get Jobs everyday they didn't earn. Only because Whites are doing the Hiring. So before you look in the Minorities backyards screaming INJUSTICE. Clean up your on F+cking yards first.