Which SciForums user is the coolest? Take that profile thread!

Pollux V

Ra Bless America
Registered Senior Member
So who among us is the coolest? My vote goes to myself of course but there are others, I am beginning to show signs of gray at least on the forums, since I am really older than most of you new generationers. I think we'll have to post reasons why we think we are the coolest and why we think others are just as cool.

Tyler-Although I hardly saw any of his stuff here he seems to be really establishing himself as a slightly pompous person to laugh at (perfect sciforums material if I say so myself)

Goofyfish-That thing he said in pseudoscience, I think it was about aliens and how nameless scientists and philosophers acknowledged the possibility of a hostile invasion. Mr. G said 'where do all of these scientists hail from?' Goofy said 'you know, from all the observatories and universaties!'

Cactus and Oedipus and Lesion-They are also establishing themselves here, and of course they are all cool and friends of mine that I know outside of the internet.

I have to go now but I'll post more soon.
Thanks for the nomination!
Out of curiosity, besides the posts where I exclaimed my greatness, what made you think I'm pompus?

As for who on here is the coolness....

I think the Q is definetly up there. Though I wouldn't call Dean the pinnacle of cool. I'd give that crown to Sinatra. And only then because I can't think of someone else.

Cris is pretty cool, I think. He has the ability to display wit, yet rarely uses it. And he is definetly calm and collected.
Tiassa often does interesting posts, even if I don't always agree with him.

Xev is cool.

JamesR, Q, Crisp, C'est Moi, Thed, and all that bunch in the Physics forum post very interesting stuff, and all seem to be studying things I would like to study.

Sir Loone is damn funny.

Truthseeker has a good idea: people should be groovy to each other, and party on dudes (as in Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure). But he needs to mellow out and let experience shape his views a little.

Wet1, Cris, Goofyfish, and Noktvs are generally quite cool.

Strgrl and Banshee are fun.

BEBELINA! Now there's groovy!

I don't see how people can find James Dean so cool. The guy was a midget. And silly. Sinatra was a prick. Dean Martin, there's a cool chap.

EDIT: Added Q to the physics bunch. And Goofyfish.
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Cool Sciforums people....

Well theres Porfiry for making the whole thng possible.

Cris, Kmguru and Wet1 for stopping the kiddies getting out of control.

(Only placed in that order guys because of the alphabet, if you don't like it, then you'll have to get that ACME timemachine pack and ask the Romans to move their alphabet about a bit)

Well Ana, Banshee, Bebelina and and all the other female users, who if it wasn't for you none of the guys would hang round drooling over their keyboards.
(had to mention "all" because I know it's upsetting to be left out, Esp. you Xev had to mention you before you start getting Cthulhu on me.)

And well the list goes on.. your All cool guys.. keep it up.

Stay cool :cool:
You notice how I never get mentioned in relation to coolness? Even the people who know me never connect me with coolness or style or anything like that. I wear Hawaiian shirts and floral printf shorts. Defintely uncool.
I wear hawaiineriffic shirts too, adam. (sighs) I'm so cool everyone around me has to wear a light jacket (in the summertime anyway).

So I guess that since no one has mentioned me yet that I'm just automatically featured as the coolest person ever on my own thread, right:D?
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Don't feel bad guys....

Adam mentioned everyone but me :)

Ah well. It doesn't matter how cool I am. All that matters is that I am the single greatest being ever.
I think everyone here is cool, but if I had to pick:




Without a doubt. What I'm wondering is why more people haven't posted me? Just kidding, I'll throttle that underutilized ego once I get offline. Damn am I stupid (smacking head).
As you've pointed out many times lately, you're the ultimate being. I didn't think there was anything more I could add to that.

I'm rather restricted at the moment as to how much praise I can dump on groovy chicks, but rest assured that without such restrictions I'd probably think of more groovy compliments.

As Xev said, you'd get the vote in the nice people thread. You and TI are groovy I suppose, but more in the nice people sort of way.
I think Q is the coolest! He's Wkd! and not egotistical or bigheaded.
Love Ink xx
Ps: Also like Stryderunknown
PPS: And Tristan and the new guy that started the Simpsons thread and ... lots of people.....but can't remember/spell their names
Awww shucks...a popularity contest

Okay....I like Stryder-Baby....he's WAY cool....too cool to drool in my humble opinion....wish I could stick my head up against the screen and pick up his wisdom through osmosis or some sort of crazy telepathy "a la vulcan-style" but we haven't mastered that yet so I'll just keep dreaming I guess.

I also want to give three cheers for Counterbalance....this person is witty and has great ideas and starts pretty good threads that take on a life of their own....of course, I could be just kissin' up...nahhhhhh, me? Never! :p Plus, you gotta give this person credit for keeping people guessing what his/her gender is.

And last but not least, I'd like to mention Scilosopher...your name implies COOLNES....like totally rad dude....it's like um, yeah, AWSOME, maa-aaan.

The rest of you are cool as well....maybe not RADICALLY COOL...but the degree of coolness is not what really counts.....'cuz I bet some of you are really hotties...hehehehe. doh!
I wonder how I can live up to expectations like that, One day I'll come into the forums and post something that borders on intellectual prowess, and the next... well, I'll say something that totally belittles me shearly out of bordem.

Thats the way it goes I suppose. As for sharing info through some form of telepathy, well I haven't the equipment up for that (nor think I could make it safe enough to be used, without going into some serious problems with insurance companies.)

Anyway I'll try and answer to what I can on the boards, and anything I don't.... well you can tell I've probably caught the "wouldn't touch that with a barge pole" syndrome.

I think Avatar is pretty cool too, I know I let him down by not mentioning him, but I was saving it to later post to catch him off guard ;)

Oh and Reign_of_Error when hes on, he's just so cool he can't get to the board as much.
in response----although also a little bit late----
Stryderunknown is the best (ultimate) cyberpunk I have met.... he is more in it than you might know.