Which religions have Exorcists?


Valued Senior Member
I got to thinking about exorcisms while watching an anime - which made me wonder: Which religions actually do exorcisms? I know Catholics have Priests that can act as Exorcists (or I think they do - please tell me Hollywood hasn't led me astray on this one!). Other Christian denominations perform exorcisms - I know for a fact that Pentecostals do it because I had one try to do it to me! True story.

I asked a Japanese and she said no they don't do it. They do have demons but don't do exorcisms (according to her anyway). I'd like to find out more.

What about the other religions? Do Jews do exorcisms? What about Mormons?

Anyway, just something I thought might be interesting that crossed my mind :)
I got to thinking about exorcisms while watching an anime - which made me wonder: Which religions actually do exorcisms? I know Catholics have Priests that can act as Exorcists (or I think they do - please tell me Hollywood hasn't led me astray on this one!). Other Christian denominations perform exorcisms - I know for a fact that Pentecostals do it because I had one try to do it to me! True story.

I asked a Japanese and she said no they don't do it. They do have demons but don't do exorcisms (according to her anyway). I'd like to find out more.

What about the other religions? Do Jews do exorcisms? What about Mormons?

Anyway, just something I thought might be interesting that crossed my mind :)
M*W: Catholics have the Jesuits who, unless they've changed their policy, are the only catholic priests who are allowed to perform the holy right of exorcism. The Jesuits were supposed to be a higher order, one closest to God (G caps intended). I could never figure that one out when I was a catholic. I believed, even as a catholic, that anyone could get close to god, with or without a priest. But that was just me. However, I was dominated under the smashing thumb of my ex-husband (devout catholic)(no caps intended), who was involved in the catholic charismatic movement of the late early '70s. My point being... I was also in the presence of holy rollers (er... pentecostals) a lot of times, too, so I got to learn about what they believe and how they acted within the confines of their beliefs.

One thing that seemed to be happening at every religious event I attended was the "laying on of hands." I tell you what. I had more hands laid on me at religious functions, by catholic priests and christian revival preachers, than I ever did by all the men I've known in my entire adult life.

I don't know the answers to your questions about the Mormons or Jews. Finding that out would be interesting.

I believe there are people out there who are severely mentally ill, and the voices in their heads take over the actions of their bodies. I'm afraid exorcisms don't work to cure these people. Sometimes these sad and unfortunate people still have the capacity to believe they are being saved from their demons, so they may sometimes, appear to be freed from their grasps. I believe the priests themselves could be the demons.
I don't know the answers to your questions about the Mormons or Jews.
There are legends of Jewish exorcisms, in ancient times and even more recently. Jews argue among themselves just as much about their religion as they do about everything else, but they generally do not believe in demons that take over living humans. Their concept of possession is limited to the dybbuk, which is the soul of a dead person who hides out inside a live person to avoid being punished by the angels for his evil deeds. Most likely a man's soul and a woman's body, perhaps because until recently men had more opportunities to commit evil deeds than women. It doesn't make the woman's head rotate 360 degrees and spout green slime, about all it does is make her speak in a male voice--sometimes.

From what I've read, I gather that the exorcism process is basically a whole lot of talking. (No surprise, these are Jews after all!) A rabbi asks the soul to tell the congregation of his sins, then promises to pray for his salvation, blows a ram's horn, and the soul goes off to face those avenging angels.

This ceremony is undoubtedly followed immediately by a catered lunch, and everyone gets to take home a souvenir yarmulke embroidered with the names of the dead man and the victim and the date of the exorcism. ;)
There are legends of Jewish exorcisms, in ancient times and even more recently. Jews argue among themselves just as much about their religion as they do about everything else, but they generally do not believe in demons that take over living humans. Their concept of possession is limited to the dybbuk, which is the soul of a dead person who hides out inside a live person to avoid being punished by the angels for his evil deeds. Most likely a man's soul and a woman's body, perhaps because until recently men had more opportunities to commit evil deeds than women. It doesn't make the woman's head rotate 360 degrees and spout green slime, about all it does is make her speak in a male voice--sometimes.

From what I've read, I gather that the exorcism process is basically a whole lot of talking. (No surprise, these are Jews after all!) A rabbi asks the soul to tell the congregation of his sins, then promises to pray for his salvation, blows a ram's horn, and the soul goes off to face those avenging angels.

This ceremony is undoubtedly followed immediately by a catered lunch, and everyone gets to take home a souvenir yarmulke embroidered with the names of the dead man and the victim and the date of the exorcism. ;)
M*W: I've also read about exorcism in ancient Jewish culture, but there is limited info about it on the bookshelves.
Catholic exorcists don't have to be Jesuits.
M*W: Maybe this was my misunderstanding, but when I was a RC, seems I recall being taught that only a RC Jesuit priest can conduct an exorcism. However, it makes sense than any christian should be able able to tell Satan to "get back, Jack." But to get the full meal deal, ideally, it might require a Jesuit priest???
I am not allowed to post URLs until I've reached 20 posts, but look up EXORCISM and especially EXORCIST in the Catholic Enclyclopedia:

ht tp: // www . newadvent.org/ cathen/ 05711a. h t m

(delete the spaces)
What about the other religions?
I'd like to include psychiatry. Sure, the demons are secularly conceptualized, but they often seem to think there is something 'in there' where I am extremely skeptical. And oddly these instances lead to profits.