Which religion is the stinkiest?

It ensures healthy babies' have immunity against cold...it trains their body while it is young to develop immunity.
One can often observe half burned bodies floating down the Ganges...so Ive read.
it is quite rare to see such things

you can however easily come across paint factories with run offs that pour into the ganges.

can you guess which is more stinky?
I once smelled a taxi driver from the far corner of the back seat - does that count?
M*W: This is just my opinion, but I think Buddhism is the "stinkiest" religion, not for its philosophy, but for it's ritual burning of inscense. Pee-Yew!
The water of the Ganges is very oily and apparently this stops it being incredibly smelly when you consider what empties into it (I never noticed any smell when I was on a boat there almost 20 years ago). Bodies are normally wrapped in cloth and burnt before their ashes are put into the Ganges.
When I spent some time in Miami at the Fountainbleu I could smell the Orthodox Jewish men long before I saw them. The weather was warm and that coupled with the fur hats and heavy black coats and black wool pants they wore and a lack of bathing meant they were a bit 'ripe'.