Which religion has contributed the most good to Humanity?

Which religion has contributed the most good to Humanity?

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Ultra Electro Agnostic
Registered Senior Member
Which religion do you think has contributed the most good to Humanity?

I believe it is Christianity for the following reasons:

  • • The Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" (yeah I know it aint original to Christianity. But still)

    • Separation of Church & State

    • Proverbs encouraging the seeking of knowledge. Wise sayings encouraging good relations between people.

    • Promotion of love as the greatest of human virtues.

    • Multiculturalism & Religious liberty. The hundreds of christian sects taught opposing Christians how to live together in harmony.

    • Encourages harmonious family relationships that almost borders on gender equality.
Yes there are a couple bigoted & intolerant teachings in Christianity as well but the good things I mentioned above overcomes those limitations by a long shot.

I think those are the reasons why Christian dominated nations were the first people to achieve complete liberty, racial & gender equality, and technological & economic superiority. The Jews have also contributed many things. And so did other religions. ;)
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DoctorNO said:
Which religion do you think has contributed the most good to Humanity?
I believe it is Christianity for the following reasons:

  • • The Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" (yeah I know it aint original to Christianity. But still)

  • do you seriously think they all follow/live by this?I certainly know they dont!
    • Separation of Church & State
    good one now tell that to prez Bush.
    • Proverbs encouraging the seeking of knowledge. Wise sayings encouraging good relations between people.
    except for Xian enemies,those you can kill,rape,enslave rob and so on
    see bible quotes at www.thewaronfaith.com.
    • Encourages harmonious family relationships that almost borders on gender equality.
    oh really?see the above site again
Christianity has caused more crap then any other religion (IMO)

buhhdism has done alot of good

paganism isnt a religion, but many different pagan religions have done lots of good
Q25 said:
do you seriously think they all follow/live by this?I certainly know they dont!
Of course not. Which religion or law has been followed 100%? NONE. My only point is that those items are what I see as the standards by which many Christians strive to live up to.
Q25 said:
good one now tell that to prez Bush.
Obviously you don’t understand the implications & limitations of “separation of church & state”.
Q25 said:
except for Xian enemies,those you can kill,rape,enslave rob and so on
see bible quotes at www.thewaronfaith.com.
Those are not proverbs and are not even practiced in christianity. I am talking about the practices of Christianity here.

Q25 said:
oh really?see the above site again
What are in the bible aren’t necessarily Christian practices. Reality speaks for itself. The Family is the most basic unit of societies. Good families produces good societies. Now look at the great societies of America, Europe & Australia. All Christian dominated nations. :)
alain said:
Christianity has caused more crap then any other religion (IMO)
Still the craps it cause are outweighed by the good it caused. IMO.

alain said:
buhhdism has done alot of good
VERY TRUE! It might have done more good than any other religion. The reason I didnt vote for it is because it didnt have much influence on the rest of the world.

alain said:
paganism isnt a religion, but many different pagan religions have done lots of good
It is a religion but not an "organized religion".
Yeah I have to agree with monkey. None of the above. All they have helped contribute to society and to the world in general is a divided society where each group thinks that they are better than the other. They are all corrupt, they are all male dominated in their leadership, they are all based on systems of beliefs that are outdated. Many have contributed to horrible acts such as killings, wars and slavery. Therefore, none of the above.
Still each of those religions were instrumental in giving hope, (false) answers & raising morale. Man needs religion. Only a very few of us are enlightened enough to be above the need for religion.
(Insert Title Here)

Dr. No

I agree that the false (non-Biblical) Christianity you've described is a wonderful vision.

However, I would ask you to think twice about attributing what happens at a certain time to the people who were around by default of convenience.

The Golden Rule

The Golden Rule is problematic, even when it's followed. Do unto others licenses invasive behavior. There's a great "Adam and Eve" moment in At Play in the Fields of the Lord, when a missionary starts putting brassieres on tribal girls in South America. The missionaries introduced original sin because--do unto others--they would hate to live without it themselves.

More practical? Hey, I know substance abuse is a problem, but the interventionist period of the 1980s led to shock-therapy and other barbarism given in the name of love. Yeah, it can help you quit smoking to be electrocuted over and over again, but it's not the best way of going about it. And people who didn't have any real problem ... hell, you couldn't stop at the bar after a hard day at work without being accused of alcoholism. And once you were accused, there was no defense.

What was the motivation? Compassion. People did unto others, because, not knowing what substance addiction actually feels like, they decided that they wouldn't want their friends and family to allow them any authority of their own when dealing with the problems of their own lives.

Of Golden Rules, I prefer Hillel's version: Do not do unto others as you would not have done unto yourself.

It puts a bit of stake on one's actions.

Separation of Church & State

The wall of separation came about despite the best efforts of many Christians. As an American, I know that my Christian neighbors have a hard time with the separation of church and state. It is only in the last few decades that "freedom of religion" and "separation of church and state" have come to mean anything other than, "The government shall not f@ck with Christians."


Poor Richard's Almanac is worth more, practically, than the Bible's proverbial advice.

Promotion of love as the greatest of human virtues

If only it was as simple as that; otherwise, I do agree.

Multiculturalism & Religious Liberty

I find it odd that you would proclaim as positive in one religion that which you would denounce in another.

And more than anything, it was economy, and not Christian values, that brought those diverse Christians together.

Encourages harmonious family relationships that almost border on gender equality

You're kidding, right?

Leave your family for Christ? Women shut up and cover your heads?

And remember - "Honor thy mother and thy father" says nothing about actually liking them.

What you're celebrating, over the long run, is the decline of Christianity.

How interesting.

As to the question itself

It's hard to say. Christianity is an easy case to make if we restrict ourselves to empirical definitions. But in any objective sense, I would say Buddhism, by its habit of trying to stay the hell out of people's way.
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I'm an atheist, but I said Buddhism. It hasn't caused massive wars, international hatred and doesn't breed intolerance in it's members.
Out of those buddhism, as far as im aware they havnt done anything bad, they just seach for enlightenment.
For reference paganism isnt a religion, a pagan is someone who does not acknowledge the god of christianity, judaism or islam, that definition includes 2 options in your pole as paganism.
Wow - They should put a link to this thread in dictionary.com next to the word subjective
DoctorNO said:
Which religion do you think has contributed the most good to Humanity?

• Encourages harmonious family relationships that almost borders on gender equality.

Look all religions talk about peace and equality etc etc. so Christinaty is no different, but as for Christinaty practiscing these - thats a complete joke!!!

Feminism is a non Christian movement that got women rights only really after the 1960's. this is nothing to do with Christinaty as countires are now secular and Christinaty didnt relally have any relations with Feminsim anyway.

centuries back, is when people were actually more religion and people followed religion ALOT more strictly and also the Bible was more original and taken more literally so using examples of womens lives centureies back at the time of CHRISTIAN rule is more apprriate.

Christian West grants women the right to own property in 1800's onwards
Islamic Era grants this right to women 1400 years ago

Christian West grants women the right to inheritance 1800 onwards
Islam grants it 1400 years ago

Christians Women are allowed the vote after 1800's
Islamic era, women have a strong say in politics, many women challanged and won arguemenyts against Caliphs

Christian West, The first woman doctors, teachers and other high paid and respectable jobs rarerly from 1800 onwards (they still werent equal pay though!)
Islamic era sees this as women working in jobs such as doctors and teachers as an essential part of Islamic society so it has female workers all over the empire.

Christian West, Womens education is not important
Islamic Era, It is an OBLIGATION of every woman to get an education to the highest degree

i got to go now, ill finish the list tommorow but remember this...
Islamic Era - womans rights given out freely.

Christian west - women protest, chain themselves to ralings,use propaganda, go on hungerstrikes, purposely get arrested, one woman in Britain even threw herslef under the kings horse, and also if it wasn't for the two world wars women would not have rights now.
Preacher_X said:
Look all religions talk about peace and equality etc etc. so Christinaty is no different, but as for Christinaty practiscing these - thats a complete joke!!!

'Mother Theresa'.

Of course there are christians that are just beautiful people. And of course there are christians that practice 'christianity'. Hence the joke is on you. You just earned the disrespect of many people.

Now go and bitch about how tolerant and beautiful islam is.
DoctorNO, after having read through your list of why you think Christianity is good, I have a few pointers to add.

The Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" (yeah I know it aint original to Christianity. But still)
Shame what you classify as the 'Golden Rule' is rarely applied on a day to day basis. I think it's more a social wish today, rather one based in religious doctrine.

Separation of Church & State
You're kidding right? There is no separation of Church and State DoctorNO. It doesn't exist. It's a mythical creature that is there to comfort us. How can you state that Christianity is good because of the separation of church and state? They fought like hell to lose their political clout in the past. But unfortunately some aspects of the Church remains, hence why there never was a true separation of Church and State. Here are a few examples:

  • A prayer recited before each new sitting of the US Supreme Court

  • The lords Prayer recited before each new sitting of Parliament in Australia

  • Having to swear on the bible and made to repeat an oath including the words 'so help me God' when giving evidence in Court.

  • When the Australian Prime Minister is sworn in, they do so on a Bible. The same goes for the US President and it also applies in the majority of States around the world.

  • The US Pledge of Allegiance contains the words 'one nation under God'.

I mean sheesh, the US Declaration of Independence mentions a 'creator'. How can you even deem that a separation of Church and State exists? And those were just a few examples off the top of my head.

Proverbs encouraging the seeking of knowledge. Wise sayings encouraging good relations between people.
What proverbs? What wise sayings encouraging good relations between people? You mean like the wise sayings that priests say when they refuse to give communion to a gay parishioner? Or the words the priests says when he 'kindly' asks a gay parishioner to leave the church after daring to stand in line for the holy communion?

Promotion of love as the greatest of human virtues.
LOL! Refer to above. And yes, I too heard the promotion of love the last few times I ever went to church. They were spoken as the collection plate was carried around. Yes, I'm sure that all those Christian soldiers in Iraq are promoting love as a human virtue. I'm sure that in all the wars of the past and present, those religious pious people were promoting love as they were killing each other. Hell, a lot of Germans were Christians in WWII, I'm sure they were really spreading the words of love there.

Multiculturalism & Religious liberty. The hundreds of christian sects taught opposing Christians how to live together in harmony.
Shame such teachings did not extend to letting those of other religions live together amongst them in harmony.

Encourages harmonious family relationships that almost borders on gender equality.
Hmm yes. Encouraging harmonious family relationships? Would this be included in the Catholic Church's stance on divorce? And the gender equality? Would this also apply to all the women who are refused to enter the priesthood because of the fact that they are women?

I think those are the reasons why Christian dominated nations were the first people to achieve complete liberty, racial & gender equality, and technological & economic superiority.
Yes. Liberty and gender and racial equality while dominating nations. Hmm lets see now, I guess you mean all this after the emancipation of slaves in the West? You remember learning about that don't you? How the religious elite owned slaves shipped over from Africa, to build their nations so that they became the Christian dominated nations that you are boasting so much about. Now there was a case of liberty and racial equality. :rolleyes:

All religions are guilty for what I've said above. But for you DoctorNO to boast so much about Christianity when it is so full of flaws astounds me. What you're so proud of in Christianity is still keeping many of the people down, so to speak. There is no equality in Christianity. You go on about how unequal Islam is, but you fail to look at Christianity as a comparison. They too deem women to be second (ie, look at the women priest issues facing Christianity), they wont even acknowledge the equality of homosexuals. Christianity has nothing to be proud of. Actually, I can't really think of one religion who should be boasting about being better than any other, because all are guilty of the same things under different banners.
"It is a religion but not an "organized religion"."

paganism is not a religion, it is a term used by medievil Christians, Jews and Muslims to invoke anger against anyone not of one of those three faiths. It just means anyone who isnt a Christian, Muslim or Jew


Hindus are pagans
Buhhdists are pagans
witches and wiccans are pagans