Which of these statements sums you up the best?


Registered Senior Member
Just for fun...

Which of these statements sums you up the best?

01. I do not want to believe that God doesn't exist, therefore I am a Christian.
02. Though I'd rather be a athiest and get all the hot chicks/dudes, I am an Christian.
03. Faced with the evidence that there is a God, I am an Christian.
04. Athiests are better in bed, and this makes me jealous. Therefore, I am a Christian.
05. I am a Christian because organized religion turns me on.
06. All my friends are Christians, and I just want to fit in.
07. All my friends are athiests and I'm jealous of how utterly cool they are.
08. In spite of the meanness and unfairness and downright sadism (Is.13:16) of my God, I am a Christian.
09. I simply choose to believe there is a God.
10. I liked the perversity of the Bible so I became a Christian to fantasize about whores drinking the wine of their fornication. (Rev 18:3)
11. I am an Christian due to a trauma in my life.
12. In spite of belief being illogical, I am a Christian.

Please choose one of the provided statements that most closely describes you. Thanks for playing along...

Back at ya, Mike. :p
Interesting set of choices, Xev.

Your current description (Nietzschean Christian) doesn't seem to appear in your list.
Does that mean you're an atheist Christian, or that you're a Christian now in spite of yourself, or what?
Originally posted by Xev
Just for fun...

Which of these statements sums you up the best?

01. I do not want to believe that God doesn't exist, therefore I am a Christian.
02. Though I'd rather be a athiest and get all the hot chicks/dudes, I am an Christian.
03. Faced with the evidence that there is a God, I am an Christian.
04. Athiests are better in bed, and this makes me jealous. Therefore, I am a Christian.
05. I am a Christian because organized religion turns me on.
06. All my friends are Christians, and I just want to fit in.
07. All my friends are athiests and I'm jealous of how utterly cool they are.
08. In spite of the meanness and unfairness and downright sadism (Is.13:16) of my God, I am a Christian.
09. I simply choose to believe there is a God.
10. I liked the perversity of the Bible so I became a Christian to fantasize about whores drinking the wine of their fornication. (Rev 18:3)
11. I am an Christian due to a trauma in my life.
12. In spite of belief being illogical, I am a Christian.

Please choose one of the provided statements that most closely describes you. Thanks for playing along...

Fair enough... I'd say 3, and 9 are the closest of the options you listed!

;) ;)


Oh rats, you're not being very fun.

Tony1: Actually, I was drunk and reading "Also Spake Zarathrusra". I think I started babbling about the divinity of man and love and sacrifice and Jesus and.....

*Xev blushes and changes her title*
*Originally posted by Xev
*Xev blushes and changes her title*

Commitment certainly doesn't appear to be a problem for you.
You appear to have none.

I feel this urge to go thru your list and comment, tho.

*01. I do not want to believe that God doesn't exist, therefore I am a Christian.*

You wouldn't be a Christian in this case.

*02. Though I'd rather be a athiest and get all the hot chicks/dudes, I am an Christian.*

There aren't any "hot" atheist chicks/dudes.
Except later.
Atheists are notoriously screwed up.

*03. Faced with the evidence that there is a God, I am an Christian.*

This sounds like a reluctant Christian, but a person would have to go somewhat further.

*04. Athiests are better in bed, and this makes me jealous. Therefore, I am a Christian.*

Ha ha.
Atheists better in bed?

*05. I am a Christian because organized religion turns me on.*

Ritual junkie.

*06. All my friends are Christians, and I just want to fit in.*

A person would fit in quite well under these circumstances since ashes don't take up much space.

*07. All my friends are athiests and I'm jealous of how utterly cool they are.*

So far, I detect insecurity, confusion, etc, but coolness, no.
Perhaps after the ashes cool off.

*08. In spite of the meanness and unfairness and downright sadism (Is.13:16) of my God, I am a Christian.*

Their children also shall be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses shall be spoiled, and their wives ravished.
(Isaiah 13:16, KJV).

That's what happens after just about every war, and it is PEOPLE doing that.

*09. I simply choose to believe there is a God.*

Sure. As though you could.

*10. I liked the perversity of the Bible so I became a Christian to fantasize about whores drinking the wine of their fornication. (Rev 18:3)*

Seeing as you dug that up, I'm thinking you might be doing that. except for the Christian part.

*11. I am an Christian due to a trauma in my life.*

I stubbed my toe, therefore there is a God?

*12. In spite of belief being illogical, I am a Christian.*

Belief isn't illogical.
Belief in something which is untrue is.
Entering into the foray..

I'm just going to comment on Tony's comments :)

1. You wouldn't be a Christian in this case.

Your assumption here is just as bad as the bad assumption you so eloquently pointed out.

2. There aren't any "hot" atheist chicks/dudes.
Except later.
Atheists are notoriously screwed up.

All generalizations are wrong. Instead of puffing the electronic equivalent of hot air and saying 'Atheists are notoriously screwed up.' why not give something to back it up? If you don't, it results in pure, pointless, bickering. I won't bother arguing with you here, I'll just note that I'm somewhat of an atheist.

3. This sounds like a reluctant Christian, but a person would have to go somewhat further.

If they believe based on evidence, that makes them 'reluctant' for not just automatically believing?

4. Ha ha.
Atheists better in bed?

Probably, because they're smarter. :)

5. Ritual junkie.


6. A person would fit in quite well under these circumstances since ashes don't take up much space.

Is your last name 'Hitler' by any chance?

7. Cool?
So far, I detect insecurity, confusion, etc, but coolness, no.
Perhaps after the ashes cool off.

Organized religion's strength in numbers compared to atheism's minority - insecurity - hah! Confusion - somewhat, but more like thinking. Coolness - more likely - because atheists are usually more independant - as demonstrated by their not allowing themselves to be indoctrinated, and on and on..

8. Their children also shall be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses shall be spoiled, and their wives ravished.
(Isaiah 13:16, KJV).

Wow, you can quote things out of context. Good job.

9. Sure. As though you could.

Yep, it's surprizing that people could. Sad, but true.

10. Seeing as you dug that up, I'm thinking you might be doing that. except for the Christian part.

No! The christian part is complementary. :)

11. I stubbed my toe, therefore there is a God?

Not really, just pathetic.

12. Belief isn't illogical.
Belief in something which is untrue is.

You're simply wrong. Belief is illogical. Logic is simply accepting what can be substantiated to be true for the time being, 'belief' as it is traditionally thought of and defined, it where logic ends, and pithy ignorance begins. Belief, is the precise point where new information is rejected, and the process of logic stops - because you've already decided to believe in whatever it is you're believing in.

'Belief in something which is untrue is.'


Probably, because they're smarter.


Commitment certainly doesn't appear to be a problem for you.
You appear to have none.

Commitment to my drunken musings on Nietzsche? Not really. I do, however, have "do not read "The Antichrist" while under the influence of booze" on a post-it note on my fridge now. :p

*Grins and notes that "The Antichrist" is hardly tolerable without booze*

There aren't any "hot" atheist chicks/dudes.
Except later.


Atheists are notoriously screwed up.

Notoriously? I have some reputation I am unaware of?

Ha ha.
Atheists better in bed?

Now you are just contradicting revealed wisdom of Sciforums.

I suspect we are. Life and sensation is much more intense for us, in general, because we do not believe in afterlife.

Of course, the whole thread was simply to be a smart-arse to Mike, who really started this....

A person would fit in quite well under these circumstances since ashes don't take up much space.

Wha! I thought I was going to burn forever!


Your God could at least pick an eternal punishment for me and stick to it. Not that I can really change His mind, but not knowing is a bit annoying.
Xev, I forgot to mention...

Nice thread, sure to elicit some highly entertaining responses. Would have been more entertaining on a christian fundamentalist forum though :)
Re: Loser at large!

Originally posted by ~The_Chosen~

Probably, because they're smarter. :)


HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! What a bestial comment!!! :rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE]

If one takes the average IQ of theists and compares it to the average IQ of atheists, they'll probably find that theists are lower. Not because of superiority, but because theism is an integral part of developing countries. In Africa, many people are deeply Muslim, as well as very poor and, as a result of poverty, very dense, same with the Middeast and South Asia (I will include Hinduism here because although it is not monotheism it is theism), as well as Austronesia (Indonesians and Malaysians are Muslims, most Filipinos are Christians) and South America.

Atheism is reserved mostly for educated people and people forced not to believe. (generally the latter half is a minority of atheists, and i wouldnt consider them true atheists)
"Ha ha.
Atheists better in bed?

Forgetting even the point Xev makes - keep in mind atheists (on an average) have much, much more sex than theists and learn how to please many more women. If you wait until you marry to have sex you'll only ever learn how to please one woman. Any guy can tell you that how to please differs slightly (or sometimes largley) from woman to woman. And, who's to deny that practice makes perfect?
Originally posted by Tyler
... keep in mind atheists (on an average) have much, much more sex than theists ...
Oh, you don't know my christian ex...
If he knew her, he would know better about christian women. Or at least that one.
It seems as if this forum is largely just a rant war as opposed to something productive, or else maybe this thread has just degenerated, anyhow..

All generalizations are wrong.

Except for that one?

You apparently missed the inherent contradiction in the statement. 'All generalizations are wrong.' is a generalization. It's self-contradictory, and kind of a joke, to be taken in jest, but obviously you didn't get that.

Next time you want to pointlessly nit-pick at someone's semantics, make sure you know what you're talking about.


HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! What a bestial comment!!!

GB-Gil saved me the effort of typing it out..

'If one takes the average IQ of theists and compares it to the average IQ of atheists, they'll probably find that theists are lower. Not because of superiority, but because theism is an integral part of developing countries. In Africa, many people are deeply Muslim, as well as very poor and, as a result of poverty, very dense, same with the Middeast and South Asia (I will include Hinduism here because although it is not monotheism it is theism), as well as Austronesia (Indonesians and Malaysians are Muslims, most Filipinos are Christians) and South America.

Atheism is reserved mostly for educated people and people forced not to believe. (generally the latter half is a minority of atheists, and i wouldnt consider them true atheists)'

I'll also add to that - there have been survey's and at places where the average IQ is higher (in general), there tend to be more atheists.

Go see if you can find any christian fundamentalists at MIT or Harvard, if you'd like :)

'Oh, you don't know my christian ex...'

Not very 'christian' then, is she? :)

Originally posted by Tyler
Forgetting even the point Xev makes - keep in mind atheists (on an average) have much, much more sex than theists and learn how to please many more women. If you wait until you marry to have sex you'll only ever learn how to please one woman. Any guy can tell you that how to please differs slightly (or sometimes largley) from woman to woman. And, who's to deny that practice makes perfect?

You atheists are laughable.

Why are you only counting a fraction of the theists? :rolleyes:

Not all religions outlaw premarital sex. Also, I had a coupld of Catholic and Christian gfs...they end up breaking their "beliefs"

So shut the fuck up already. That was a stupid generalization.

Trying to place one over the other is sad, judging others in that manner is sad period. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Distortion
It seems as if this forum is largely just a rant war as opposed to something productive, or else maybe this thread has just degenerated, anyhow..

You degenerated it fool.

You apparently missed the inherent contradiction in the statement. 'All generalizations are wrong.' is a generalization. It's self-contradictory, and kind of a joke, to be taken in jest, but obviously you didn't get that.

Next time you want to pointlessly nit-pick at someone's semantics, make sure you know what you're talking about.

Is that your narrow perspective of "intelligence"

People that judge like you cause much hatred, trying to prove something that isn't worth proving.

GB-Gil saved me the effort of typing it out..

'If one takes the average IQ of theists and compares it to the average IQ of atheists, they'll probably find that theists are lower. Not because of superiority, but because theism is an integral part of developing countries. In Africa, many people are deeply Muslim, as well as very poor and, as a result of poverty, very dense, same with the Middeast and South Asia (I will include Hinduism here because although it is not monotheism it is theism), as well as Austronesia (Indonesians and Malaysians are Muslims, most Filipinos are Christians) and South America.

Atheism is reserved mostly for educated people and people forced not to believe. (generally the latter half is a minority of atheists, and i wouldnt consider them true atheists)'

I'll also add to that - there have been survey's and at places where the average IQ is higher (in general), there tend to be more atheists.

So how do you measure intelligence? :rolleyes:

Is a person's IQ all the intelligence one is capable of? What about success in life? Doing good in academics? Choosing the right choices? :rolleyes:

Bullshit I tell you, bullshit. This is pathetic.
"Why are you only counting a fraction of the theists?"

Because it's the topic at hand. Atheists in bed vrs Christians in bed.

"Not all religions outlaw premarital sex. Also, I had a coupld of Catholic and Christian gfs...they end up breaking their "beliefs" "

Here's an idea. There is a percentage of Christians rather large in the US that chooses no premarital sex. I say large because I'm only talking about ACTUAL Christians. Not the people that haven't read a Bible in their life and couldn't tell Mark from Matthew. There is a major difference.

Oh, and yes, I'm well aware of the 'breaking' policy. I don't think you were at the boards during the time but my last major girlfriend was a catholic.
Fall flat on your face then

Originally posted by Tyler
Because it's the topic at hand. Atheists in bed vrs Christians in bed.

Great, now where's your proof, or is this only your little opinion?

Here's an idea. There is a percentage of Christians rather large in the US that chooses no premarital sex. I say large because I'm only talking about ACTUAL Christians. Not the people that haven't read a Bible in their life and couldn't tell Mark from Matthew. There is a major difference.

How do you know they live up to their vow? Society has changed, I suggest you check it out.

"ACTUAL CHRISTIANS"? Show your proof then.

Oh, and yes, I'm well aware of the 'breaking' policy. I don't think you were at the boards during the time but my last major girlfriend was a catholic.

The "natural women" is stronger than the "culturally programed women"

That's only if you know how to trigger the natural one to come out.