Which of these statements sums you up the best?


Believer in God
Registered Senior Member
Just for fun...

Which of these statements sums you up the best?

01. I do not want to believe in God, therefore I am an atheist.
02. Though I'd rather be a Christian, I am an atheist.
03. Faced with the evidence that there is no God, I am an atheist.
04. The question of human origins made me doubt that God exists.
05. I am an atheist because I do not like organized religion.
06. All my friends are atheists, and I just want to fit in.
07. All my friends are Christians and I don't want to be a follower.
08. God is so mean and unfair, I became an atheist.
09. I simply choose to believe there is no God.
10. I found out the Bible was wrong so I became an atheist.
11. I am an atheist due to a trauma in my life.
12. Belief in God is illogical, so I am an atheist.

Please choose one of the provided statements that most closely describes you. Thanks for playing along...

13: All the hot dudes are athiest, so I am an athiest.

11: True. I will never forget the day my pet goldfish Binky died. He was my friend. I buried him in the sea (well, dad flushed him) and then I ran outside and yelled


The lightning flashed as I yelled "YOU'RE A BIG DOODYHEAD!!" to the sky, and I threw myself face down in the mud, weeping.

The next day I sold my NIV study Bible for pre-teens and bought a copy of Theodesius Dobrehenzky's Evolution text with the money.

The answer is that I've never believed in God. 12 I suppose works best, but it's only a justification.
Somehow I just knew this would be abt religion, before I even looked at the forum) :p

Well, contrary to mosty others, a lot of these apply to me.

Originally posted by Ekimklaw
02. Though I'd rather be a Christian, I am an atheist.
Weak willed as it might be, I would like to believe in an afterlife, but ... I don't, honestly.
03. Faced with the evidence that there is no God, I am an atheist.
There are certain loopholes to do with God, therefore I do not believe in his/hers/it's existence, therefore I am an athiest.

10. I found out the Bible was wrong so I became an atheist.
Thought I've not personally read the Bible :p I know there are flaws in it.

And some of the others are also reasons I don't believe, but I think they're included in the previous statements (i.e. I don't understand how a benevolent God would let bad stuff happen, but he does - the "God is mean" bit, and so on)
13. I believe in buddhist teachings and think that a belief in god as you define it is not only irrelvalent but ethically and morally crippling.

From my point of view the premise from which your numbered alternatives arise is irrelavent and non-sensical.
Originally posted by Ekimklaw
Just for fun...

Which of these statements sums you up the best?

01. I do not want to believe in God, therefore I am an atheist.
02. Though I'd rather be a Christian, I am an atheist.
03. Faced with the evidence that there is no God, I am an atheist.
04. The question of human origins made me doubt that God exists.
05. I am an atheist because I do not like organized religion.
06. All my friends are atheists, and I just want to fit in.
07. All my friends are Christians and I don't want to be a follower.
08. God is so mean and unfair, I became an atheist.
09. I simply choose to believe there is no God.
10. I found out the Bible was wrong so I became an atheist.
11. I am an atheist due to a trauma in my life.
12. Belief in God is illogical, so I am an atheist.

Please choose one of the provided statements that most closely describes you. Thanks for playing along...


Uh...., what if you do believe in God?:eek:

There's no option for that...
#2 and 3 apply to me. I would say #11, but thats not the case. I need some kind of proof.
Right, most of them apply here

Nos 1, 3, 5, 9, 10, 12 and 15

15= I have never believed in god
16. There is no evidence to suggest god exists. Or, any situation where god may fit into an equation, god is an unnecessary part of the equation.
Re: Re: Which of these statements sums you up the best?

Originally posted by static76

Uh...., what if you do believe in God?:eek:

There's no option for that...

Sorry static, this is for atheists only :(. Just trying to get a feel for where they are coming from. again... Sorry...

Morlock wrote:
13. I believe in buddhist teachings...

So you believe in reincarnation?

... think that a belief in god as you define it is not only irrelvalent but ethically and morally crippling.

Just curious, how have I defined "a belief in God"?

Morlock wrote:
From my point of view the premise from which your numbered alternatives arise is irrelavent and non-sensical.

...and what is that premise?

Boy, you sure make a lot of assumptions.

So you believe in reincarnation?

Im not sure if I beleive in reincarnation or in what sense. Im not sure its pertinent to the problem of living a human and humane life.

Just curious, how have I defined "a belief in God"?

Look at the text under your avatar. Even by themselves these questions display a belief in the christian god as opposed to nothing. Typical christian arrogance. Also ive read some of your other posts, they are transparent attempts on your part to provide you a platform for prostelyzation (sp?), they are just disingenuous bullshit.

...and what is that premise?

See above.
Originally posted by Firefly
Why not, BSR? :confused:

Awww...thanks for your concern :)

Well, I don't think they are applicable to me, because I'm not sure. #7 sounds almost there...but I don't want to say I don't want to be a Christian, because it's very appealing to me. I'm not a great decision maker...and I don't feel my opinions very strongly...you know what I mean? I'm more like a "go-with-the-flow" person; I'd probably be a hippie if I weren't born at the wrong time. :D I'd much prefer to make everyone somewhat happy and cooperative, so I've subconsciously turned myself into an easy-go-er.

#2 doesn't appeal to me, because I do sort of want to believe in God. But I'm not really a "relationship" person...can you believe I've had over 15 best friends in my life, and only 2 of them I keep in touch with, solely because we go to the same school? I'm terrible! I use and abuse. It's not like I leave with a bad impression, where they'd remember me 10 years from now as a bad person. They will only remember me as the person who they thought was a great friend, someone funny and weird, but just lost the contact and drifted apart.

I suppose that's why I'm reluctant to believe in God, because of my "unfaithfulness". But my shame in being an atheist at my wonderful church community keeps me in the grey area.

13. I seek real solutions to survival, religions do not offer anything that cannot be distinguished from fantasies.
<table><tr><td bgcolor="#ccccff">03. Faced with the evidence that there is no God, I am an atheist.</td></tr></table>

how about:

03. Faced with no evidence that there is a God, I am an atheist.

And like most of the options there is an essence of imprecision and incomprehension that reflect the ideas and perceptions of someone or a group who do not quite understand what it means to disbelieve in gods.