Which is worse - believing an being wrong or not believing and being wrong?

Yes. Jesus thought children were very close to the Kingdom of God, and children are masters at having fun. Of course, if you mean dirty fun - for that you'll need to be forgiven.
So how many men would I have to have anal sex with before Jesus says: "Look, I've warned you abut the bumsex too many times before and you've used up all my patience. Down you go - and I don't mean on me, you dirty ape"?
You can have as much anal sex as you want, so long as you later repent and mean it.
Ah yes. I have a problem with that too.

The same applies if I kill and eat them afterwards, right?
Believing what? There are many theistic religions, not all of them accepting that any path can be correct.
Well, take your choice of theistic religions that end with an after life or some sort of promise of a better life beyond. The question still works.
you never even specified what we are believing in or not beliveing in, how about you learn how to craft a decent question.
Take the test atheists.
You will be attacked by vampires unless you pay me $1. Which is worse, believing me and being wrong or not believing me and being wrong? If you believe me and are wrong, you are only out $1. If you don't believe me and are wrong, you will face a vampire attack! So, will you pay me the dollar?

Hopefully now you understand how stupid this thread is. If not, let me spell it out for you: Although the consequences of not believing me and being wrong (vampire attack) are much worse than the consequences of believing and being wrong (loss of $1), you know based on your reason and experience that vampires almost certainly don't exist. You need some credible reason to believe that vampires exist and that they are likely to attack you if you don't pay me $1 before you would seriously consider my claim, even though the consequences of not believing me and being wrong are much worse than the consequences of believing and being wrong. Similarly, atheists don't consider the bible to be credible evidence that god exists, or that he will punish people in the afterlife if he does exist. So before this "argument" can be of any use, you first need to present convincing evidence that you god does, in fact, exist.