Which has done more damage, Islam or Christianity?

United for Communism

Marx & Lenin Forward
Registered Senior Member
We can all agree that they are both quite awful, but historically, which would you say has done more damage to Humanity?

And I mean cumulatively, throughout their respective histories (i.e, Islam may be the one in the spotlight now, but consider the whole history).

And as to the original question, Islam - hands down. With a very large share of that done to various factions of their own basic religion.

How so? Christianity has killed more people, destroyed more cultures, hell destroyed more sects of itself than Islam. shit by the very nature of having spread to more places christianity has to have been worse by default. it has more chances.

and as for Islam attacking its own. Christianity as done that as well. after the reformation Europe had no less than 7 religiously motivated wars. Christianity has sparked, has been involved, or helped motivate wars on every inhabited continent
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Christianity--in all its history--has killed much, MUCH more than Islam.

Christianity--on the whole--in the past fifty years, has evolved way past Islam.

Christianity--in all its history--has killed much, MUCH more than Islam.

Christianity--on the whole--in the past fifty years, has evolved way past Islam.


true but factors out side of the religions contributed to it. if Islam were as rich and prosperous as the west and we were as destitute as they are I assure the situation would be reversed.
We can all agree that they are both quite awful, but historically, which would you say has done more damage to Humanity?

And I mean cumulatively, throughout their respective histories (i.e, Islam may be the one in the spotlight now, but consider the whole history).

More damage in what way? They've both done considerable amounts of damage and they are both still very much works in progress. Which means they could be playing tit for tat in the damage arena for many centuries to come. Right now Islam has people willing to blow themselves up to make a terrorist point. It's no big stretch to think they might have people willing to destroy most of the Earth if given half a chance.
My vote is for Christianity.
Native Americans? Africans? the Crusades? Witchburnings?

Christians have a big body count.
Christianity messed everything up, they imposed their religion on all of us. For example: BC (Before Christ)
We can all agree that they are both quite awful, but historically, which would you say has done more damage to Humanity?

In terms of damage done divided by time, communism is probably the biggest offender of these three.

Turning to Christianity and Islam in history, Islam spread more often by the sword. The early-Muslim Arabs formed themselves into a military class whose self-appointed purpose was to spread God's new revelation (and their own divinely appointed rule in God's name) across the world by conquest.

Christianity more often spread by co-opting the rising early-medieval 'barbarian' kings who liked the Latin or Greek culture and trade advantages that Christianity brought. The rising kings also appreciated the fact that Christianity and the church supported centralized Roman-style kingship. That fit into the kings' own agendas as they struggled to dominate traditional quasi-democratic warrior aristocracies (who often championed the old Germanic or Slavic faiths).

But both religions ended up suppressing and ultimately trying to eliminate earlier traditions, and both quickly split into sects that contended endlessly among themselves.

In terms of total damage done, I don't see any vast difference between Islam and Christianity back in medieval times.

In modern times, from my Western secular point-of-view, Islam is doing more harm. That's because it remains a much stronger religion than Christianity and much more medieval in its outlook. Traditional 'Christiandom' has been greatly weakened, first by the revival of ancient skeptical doubt during the renaissance, and then by the rise of science and its accompanying rationalism since the 17'th century. The 18'th century industrial revolution just welded that change into place and effectively created a new and unprecedented kind of civilization.

That new society is mow globalizing, being eagerly adopted by the always-astute east Asians, albeit with local variations influenced by their own Asian traditions. There's often a note of Confucianism to their versions of modernity. We see it in the Chinese Politburo/Emperor, in the Party/Mandarate with their formal ladder of advancement, and in the dominance of filial family business dynasties among the overseas Chinese.

And that globalization is meeting its strongest resistance in the Islamic world, which seems torn asunder internally by its own simultaneous attraction to and revulsion against the new civilization of global scientistic secular modernism.

It's an unfamiliar position for their proud and divinely self-assured civilization to find itself in, not unlike the situation of the Byzantines and Sassanids that were conquered and then culturally swallowed up by spreading Islam in the 7'th and succeeding centuries. It shouldn't be surprising that many of the more religious Muslims try desperately and violently to fight it, nor should it be surprising how seamlessly defense of religion and of cultural identity blur together.
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Christianity--in all its history--has killed much, MUCH more than Islam.

Christianity--on the whole--in the past fifty years, has evolved way past Islam.



Please name the war incident and the period in age
My vote is for Christianity.
Native Americans? Africans? the Crusades? Witchburnings?

Christians have a big body count.


Did we wiped out the Native Americas ? Did Native American have war among themselves and used the white man to eliminate their enemy ?

Talk to me more specific about Crusaders , why were there Crusades , Who attacked the christian pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem ?

Who sold black African to the white merchants , starting 16 century ?

You're not serious, are you? Twenty million in Russia.
There is nothing about the communist ideology that dictates that people die. If Communist leaders killed people, it was their own responsibility.

I wonder what was Josef Stalin , Pol pot , Janus Kadar, Mautze tung, and many others of those dictators religion ?