Which GOD is Better 1st or the new Version

Choose your version of GOD

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Which GOD is Better, 1st or the new Version

Version 1 : you do a sin and you will be punished in your next life or you will go to hell after your death. Here the victim suffers all her life and the evil person enjoys. So if someone cuts a womans hand, she will suffer all her life while he will be scott free with his contacts and money powers.

GOD 2.0 : you do a sin; After the sin is complete GOD interveins. You are punished for what u just did and the victims damage is restored along with the trauma (memories subsided).

Make your choice, i am an Atheist, Just checking out your views on this one. :)
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Version 1 : you do a sin and you will be punished in your next life or you will go to hell after your death. Here the victim suffers all her life and the evil person enjoys. So if someone cuts a womans hand, she will suffer all her life while he will be scott free with his contacts and money powers.

GOD 2.0 : you do a sin; After the sin is complete GOD interveins. You are punished for what u just did and the victims damage is restored along with the trauma (memories subsided).

Make your choice, i am an Atheist, Just checking out your views on this one. :)
Suppose you don't believe in a God who keeps score and punishes us for our 'sins'? I think you have 2 very narrow definitions of God here Singularity! I can't vote for either version - both are monsters.

If I thought that was what God was - I'd be a militant atheist! :puke:
Diogenes' Dog,

1st version is how your god works

2nd version is a better version where GOD cares for justice more than after lives.

Make your choice, if u think theres something monstrous then u r becoming atheist, congrats.
I am an atheist, but I voted for which god I think would be better.
dam it i voted for the first one by mistake i meant number two wouldent that be a perfect world.
There's actually an episode of Red Dwarf that touches on that. Lister ends up in a prison where any crime you commit is returned to you, (eg you punch a man you get the impact and bruise). He ends up killing a man by helping that man attack him.

Worth watching.
Diogenes' Dog,

1st version is how your god works
2nd version is a better version where GOD cares for justice more than after lives.
Make your choice, if u think theres something monstrous then u r becoming atheist, congrats.
Ah... I understand a bit better what you are asking! However, if God is not like a person who intervenes, but is the transcendent part of ourselves, the question becomes redundant e.g. someone who seeks to find their "higher Self" through yoga or meditation would not expect such intervention!

To explain further... everything that happens to us in our lives is potentially helpful in realising our transcendent nature. A terrible tragedy may leave a person embittered and wanting revenge or they may come out of it wiser, more forgiving, and/or more appreciative of life. It depends what they do with it. "God" is the power within us to transform the way we see something 'bad' happening to us, and use it for our good. The best example of this is the crucifixion (tragedy) which led to the resurrection, the start of Christianity and the global spreading of ideas like "forgive your enemy", "judge not" and "love your neighbour as yourself". Had Jesus raised an army to fight back, the message would have been lost.

In your example, the woman who's hand was cut may choose to become embittered and to seek revenge, or through 'grace', may learn forgiveness and the freeing of her mind/spirit. The choice is hers as to which 'voice' she listens to. Her pain is transitory, but what she could gain (freeing her mind by learning to forgive) is eternal.

So, God is like the 2nd version, but not quite as you put it, Te choice is up to us... Given what I've said, which option should I vote for? :shrug:
There's actually an episode of Red Dwarf that touches on that. Lister ends up in a prison where any crime you commit is returned to you, (eg you punch a man you get the impact and bruise). He ends up killing a man by helping that man attack him.

Worth watching.
I remember that episode - there were some neat ideas in those Red Dwarf plots! Unfortunately, I don't think it sold in the States....
I remember that episode - there were some neat ideas in those Red Dwarf plots! Unfortunately, I don't think it sold in the States....

Aye, completely off topic I know, but they were planning to attempt it, (with just the Kryten actor), but English humour doesn't really translate well into American.